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(4) 1/8” Tips on 1” Center Horn for use with Branson SLP Sonifiers, 109-116-1566
0-15 Minutes Plug-in Timer, CPN-104-005
1 Mhz Ultrasound Probe for Bistos BT-300 Fetal Monitors
1 Mhz Ultrasound Probe for Bistos BT-350E/BT-350L Fetal Monitors
1-Place Insert for Arthrex ACP or 50ml Tubes for use with LW Scientific C5 Centrifuges, C5P-INS1-6077
1.0Mhz Ultrasound Transducer for Sonicaid Team Fetal Monitors (Green), OEM Part#ACC-OBS-008
1.5Mhz Ultrasound Transducer for Sonicaid Team Fetal Monitors (Yellow), 902114 OEM Part#8400-6919
1/2" Diameter Extension with Replaceable Tip, 101-147-049
1/4" Diameter Tapered Microtip for use with 1/2" Tapped Horn, 101-148-070
1/4" Microtip for use with Branson SLP Sonifiers, 109-122-1064
1/4" Tapered Microtip for use with Branson Sonifier 150 100W Models, 101-147-060
1/8" Diameter Douple Step Microtip w/Coupler for Direct Attachment to the Converter, 101-063-212
1/8" Diameter Tapered Microtip for use with 1/2" Tapped Horn, 101-148-062
1/8" Microtip for use with Branson SLP Sonifiers, 109-122-1065
1/8" Tapered Microtip for use with Branson Sonifier 150 100W Models, 101-147-058
10 x 16 cm Felt Spacer for Soft-Rubber Applicators for Mettler ME395, ME3964
10.5"x7.5" Flat Small Mat for Benchmark Scientific 2D-3D Shakers, B3D-FLAT
10.5"x7.5" Small Dimpled Mat for Benchmark Scientific 2D-3D Shakers, B3D-DIMPLED
100 Watt Step Down and Up Power Transformer, 115V-230V 50/60Hz
100 x R DIN Achromatic Oil Objective for LW Scientific Revelation III, R3O-100X-DAOL
100 x R DIN Achromatic Oil Objective for LW Scientific Student Microscopes, EDO-100X-DADR
100 x R DIN Plan Oil Objective for M Series LabScopes, M2O-100X-DPOL
100 x R DIN Plan Oil Objective for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3O-100X-DPOL
1000ml Flask Clamp for Elma Ultrasonic Cleaners, Part No 100 7558
100x Darkfield Objective - Infinity PLAN for i4 LabScopes, I4O-100X-DFOL
100x Infinity Plan Objective for LWS M Microscopes, M2O-100X-IPOL
100x Infinity Plan Oil Objective for i4 LWS LabScopes, I4O-100X-IPOL
100x Infinity Semi-Plan Oil Objective for LWS i4 Microscope
10mm Cryocone for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers, 1006640
10mm Cutaneous Probe for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers, 1006610
10w Fluorescent Bulb for LW Scientific Black Ring Light, ILP-BLB7-FL10
10w Fluorescent Bulb for LWS 2004-2011 Variable Ring Light, ILP-BLBV-FL10
10X / 20 WF High-Point Eyepiece 30mm Tube Size for LWS M Series, M2E-1020-HPNP
10X / 20 WF HP Eyepiece w/Pointer 30mm Tube Size, M2E-1020-HPEP
10X / 22 Super WF eyepiece 30mm tube size for M Series Microscopes, M2E-1022-HPNP
10X DIN Achromat Objective for LWS Revelation III Misrocsopes, R3O-010X-DADR
10X DIN Achromatic Objective for LWS Student Microscopes, EDO-010X-DADR
10X DIN Plan Objective for LWS M Series Microscopes, M2O-010X-DPDR
10X DIN Plan Objective for LWS Revelation III Microscopes, R3O-010X-DPDR
10x Infinity Plan Objective for LW Scientific i4 LabScopes, I4O-010X-IPDR
10X Infinity Plan Objective for LWS M Microscopes, M2O-010X-IPDR
10x Infinity Semi-Plan Objective for LWS i4 LabScopes, I4O-010X-ISDR
10X WF Eyepiece (no pointer) 23mm Tube Size for LWS Revelation III, R3E-1018-WFNP
10X WF Eyepiece 23mm Tube Size for LWS i4 Infinity Microscope, I4E-1018-WFNP
10X WF Eyepiece w/ Pointer for LWS Student Microscopes, EDE-1018-WFEP
10X/20 High-point WF Eyepiece 30mm Tube Size for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2E-1020-WFNP
10X/20 High-point WF Eyepiece with Pointer 30mm Tube for Z-2 Microscopes, Z2E-1020-WFEP
10X/20mm Eyepiece 30.5mm Tube Size for Achiever & Paragon Dual Mag Stereoscopes, APE-1020-WFNP
10X/20mm Super Wide Highpoint Eyepiece 23mm Tube Size for LWS i4, I4E-1020-HPNP
10X/20mm Super Wide Highpoint Eyepiece 23mm Tube Size for Revelation III, R3E-1020-HPNP
10X/22 WF Eyepiece 30mm Tube Size for LWS Vision Dual Mag, VSE-1077-WFNP
10X/22mm Eyepiece 30.5mm Tube Size for Achiever & Paragon Dual Mag Stereoscopes, APE-1022-WFWP
110v / 220v / 12vDC Universal Power Base for Revelation III, R3B-BTR7-UNIP
110V Hospital Grade Power Cord for Mettler MTD4000, ME40003
110v/220v AC Power Cord for LW Scientific ZIPOCRIT/ZIPSPIN, ZPP-ADA7-PWR3
12 Place Combo Fixed Angle Rotor for Drucker 842VES, 7786003
12 Place Fixed Angle STAT Rotor for Drucker 842VES Centrifuge, 7786001
12 Place Horizontal Rotor for Drucker Centrifuges, 7786024
12 Place Performance Plus Horizontal Rotor for Drucker 853VES, 7786010
12 Volt Car Charger for Benchmark Scientific MyBlock Mini - Dry Baths, BSH100-A12
12" Height Extension for Bovie A812 Mobile Stand, A812-E
12" x 12" Flat Mat for Benchmark Scientific 2D-3D Shakers, BR1000-FLAT
12"x12" Large Dimpled Mat for Benchmark Scientific 2D-3D Shakers, BR1000-DIMPLED
12cm x 18cm Soft Applicator w/Flexible Cable for Mettler Diathermy, ME3963
12v Car Charger for ZipSpin / ZIPocrit / E8 Portafuge, PTA-ADCL-5ADC
12V Relay for LW Scientific E8 Centrifuge, E8R-REL12V
12v/20w G4 Halogen Bulb for LW Scientific M Series LabScopes, M2P-BLBH-1220
12v/20w Halogen Bulb for Revelation III Microscopes, R3P-BLBH-1220
12v/35w G4 Halogen Bulb for LW Scientific M Series LabScopes, M2P-BLBH-1235
13 cm Diameter Capacitive Applicator for Mettler Diathermy, ME3961
13 x 75mm Test Tube Holder for Drucker 842VES Centrifuge, 7113056
13W Replacement Bulb for Waldmann Medicool, Pack of 1, US0-061-043
14 cm Diameter Inductive Coil Applicator Mettler Diathermy, 90W Max, ME3956
14 x 20 cm Felt Spacer for Soft-Rubber Applicators for Mettler Diathermy, ME3965
14cm Dia. Drum Applicator for Mettler ME391 Diathermy, ME3980
14cm x 20cm Cloth Cover for Soft Rubber Applicators for Mettler Diathermy, ME3966
15 cm x 35 cm Inductive Coil Applicator for Mettler ME395 Diathermy, ME3958
150 Watt EKE Bulb for Alpha 1501 / 1500, ILP-BLB7-7EKE
15ml Metal Tube Shields for LW Scientific C5 Centrifuges, C5P-TBS7-15ME
15ml Tube Shield for LW Scientific Ultra 8 Centrifuges, ULP-TBS7-15PL
15X Eyepiece for LWS Achiever & Paragon Microscopes, APE-1577-WFNP
16 Gauge Spray Tip for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers, 1006516
16X /15 Eyepiece 30mm Tube Size for M Series LabScopes, M2E-1615-WFNP
16X Eyepiece 23mm Tube Size for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3E-1677-WFNP
16X Eyepiece for LW Scientific Student Microscopes, EDE-1677-WFNP
16X WF Eyepiece 30mm Tube Size for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSE-1677-WFNP
16X WF Eyepiece 30mm Tube Size for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2E-1677-WFNP
16x1.5ml Horizontal Microtube Rotor for Drucker 842HS Cetrifuges, 7786050
17 Gauge Spray Tip for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers, 1006517
18 Gauge Spray Tip for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers, 1006518
18cm x 26cm Cloth Cover for Soft Rubber Applicators for Mettler ME390 and ME395 Diathermy Units, ME3967
19 Gauge Spray Tip for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers, 1006519
1x2 Head (no eyepieces) for Achiever & Paragon Dual Mag Stereoscopes, APH-S12X-77NE
1x3 Head (no eyepieces) for Achiever & Paragon Dual Mag Stereoscopes, APH-S13X-77NE
2 Mhz Non-directional Obstetrical Probe for Summit Dopplers, SD2
2 Mhz Waterproof Non-directional Obstetrical Probe for Summit Dopplers, SDW
2 Place Microplate Rotor for Drucker Centrifuges, 7786051
2.0Mhz Ultrasound Transducer for Sonicaid Team Fetal Monitors (Blue), 902115 OEM Part#8400-6920
2.5mm Cryocone for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers, 1006625
20 Gauge Spray Tip for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers, 1006520
20 Place Fixed Angle Rotor for Drucker Centrifuges, 7786042
20-50ml Stainless Steel Sealed Atmosphere Treatment Chamber, 101-021-003
20-50ml Water Jacketed Stainless Steel Sealed Atmosphere Treatment Chamber, 101-021-006
20mm Cryocone for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers. 1006650
20mm eyepiece reticle (100 incr. / 0-10) for i4 LabScopes, R3E-RET7-20MM
20mm Eyepiece Reticle (100 incr. / 0-10) for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3E-RET7-20MM
20X DIN Achr. Objective for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3O-020X-DADR
20X DIN Plan Objective for M Series LabScopes, M2O-020X-DPDR
20X Eye Piece for use with Wallach Colposcopes, Each, 906047
20X Infinity Plan Objective for M Series LabScopes, M2O-020X-IPDR
20X WF Eyepiece 30mm Tube Size for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSE-2077-WFNP
20X WF Eyepiece 30mm Tube Size for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2E-2077-WFNP
22W Replacement Bulb for RLLE - 122 Ring Magnifier Lamp, 450-022-010
23mm Reticle (100 incr. / 0-10) w/ Mounting Ring for M Series LabScopes, R3E-RET7-23MM
23mm Reticle (100 incr. / 0-10) w/Mounting Ring for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSE-RET7-23MM
23mm Reticle (100 incr. / 0-10) w/Mounting Ring for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2E-RET7-23MM
24 Place Hematocrit Rotor for LW Scientific M24 Centrifuge, HER-RTHE-7THR
250ml Flask Clamp for Elma Ultrasonic Cleaners, Part No 100 7555
250ml Glass Beaker from Branson Ultrasonics, A250, Part No 000-140-001
25mm Cryocone for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers. 1006665
25X WF Eyepiece 30mm Tube Size for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSE-2577-WFNP
25X WF Eyepiece 30mm Tube Size for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2E-2577-WFNP
27mm Eyepiece Reticle (100 incr. / 0-10) for Achiever & Paragon Dual Mag Stereoscopes, APE-RET7-23MM
2mm Cutaneous Probe for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers, 1006602
2mm Flat Closed Tip for Wallach Ultrafreeze LN2 Sprayer, 900090
2X DIN Plan Objective for M Series LabScopes, M2O-002X-DPDR
2x4 Head (no eyepieces) for Achiever & Paragon Dual Mag Stereoscopes, APH-S24X-77NE
3 Blade Propeller Stirrer for IKA Overhead Stirrers,
3 Lead ECG Cable for Bistos BT-750 Patient Vital Signs Monitor
3 Mhz Non-directional Obstetrical Probe for Summit Dopplers, SD3
3" Flow-thru Cup Horn w/Clear Plastic Chamber for use with Sonifier 450, 101-147-048
3-10ml Stainless Steel Sealed Atmosphere Treatment Chamber, 101-021-001
3-10ml Water Jacketed Stainless Steel Sealed Atmosphere Treatment Chamber, 101-021-004
3.2cm x 100 cm Perforated Rubber Band for Mettler ME395 Diathermy Unit, ME3968
3/16" Diameter Tapered Microtip for use with 1/2" Tapped Horn, 101-148-069
3/16" Microtip for use with Branson SLP Sonifiers, 109-122-1182
3/16" Tapered Microtip for use with Branson Sonifier 150 100W Models, 101-147-059
3/32" Microtip for use with Branson SLP Sonifiers, 109-122-1066
3/32" Tapered Microtip for use with Branson Sonifier 150 100W Models, 101-147-057
3/4" Diameter Extension with Replaceable Tip, 108-009-633
30 Minute Mechanical Timer for Drucker Centrifuges, 7722009
35 Watt Fluorescent Bulb for LW Scientific Student Microscopes, M2P-BLBH-1235
3GEN Dermlite Accessories
3GEN Dermlite CARBON Pocket Dermascope, DLC
3GEN Dermlite Dermascopes
3GEN Dermlite DL1 Basic iPhone Compatible Pocket Dermascope
3GEN Dermlite DL1 Mobile Device Compatible Pocket Dermascope, DL1
3GEN Dermlite DL100 Pocket Dermascope
3GEN Dermlite DL2 Foto Pro PLUS Photo Dermascopy System, DL2
3GEN Dermlite DL200 Hybrid Mobile Device Compatible Pocket Dermascope, DL200
3GEN Dermlite DL200HR Mobile Device Compatible Pocket Dermascope, DL200HR
3GEN Dermlite DL3N Pocket Dermascope
3GEN Dermlite DL4 Pocket Dermascope w/PigmentBoost® Plus
3GEN Dermlite DL4W Mobile Device Compatible Pocket Dermascope, DL4W
3GEN Dermlite DLCam Photo Dermascopy System
3GEN Dermlite DLF2-PRO Photo Dermascopy System
3GEN Dermlite FOTO Photo Dermascopy System
3GEN Dermlite FOTO Photo Dermascopy System
3GEN Dermlite HÜD Polarized Smartphone Magnifier for Skin Cancer Detection
3GEN Dermlite LUMIO S Skin Examination Device
3GEN Dermlite LUMIO Skin Examination Device
3GEN Dermlite LUMIO UV Skin Examination Device
3mm Flat Closed Tip for Wallach Ultrafreeze LN2 Sprayer, 900091
3um Hydrophobic Filter for Scilogex Levo Pipette Filler, 17000110
4 Blade Propeller Stirrer for IKA Overhead Stirrers,
4 Joint Arm for use with Mettler ME391 Diathermy Unit, ME3982
4 Joint Arm for use with Mettler ME395 Diathermy Units, ME3972
4 Mhz Non-directional Vascular Probe for Summit Dopplers, SD4
4 Place 50ml Rotor for LW Scientific C5 Centrifuges(no shields), C5P-RT04-5077
4 Place 50ml Swingout Rotor for LW Scientific C3 Centrifuge, (no shields), C3P-RT04-5077
4 Place Metal T-Rotor for LW Scientific C5 Centrifuges(no buckets, no inserts), C5P-RT04-TBKT
4 Watt Solar Rechargeable DC Battery Pack, 9V Output, MSP-BTYS-097P
4, 5, 8 Mhz Vascular Probe for Bistos BT-200V Vascular Doppler
4.2 cm Diameter Capacitive Applicator for Mettler ME395 Diathermy Unit, 21W Max., ME3959
400ml Polypropylene Beaker from Branson Ultrasonics, A400
40W Replacement Bulb for Waldmann Medicool, Set of 4, US0-061-013
40x Infinity Plan Objective for i4LabScopes, I4O-040X-IPDR
40x Infinity Semi-Plan Objective for i4 LabScopes, I4O-040X-ISDR
40XR DIN Achr. Objective for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3O-040X-DADR
40XR DIN Achromatic Objective for LW Scientific Student Microscopes, EDO-040X-DADR
40XR DIN Plan Objective for M Series LabScopes, M2O-040X-DPDR
40XR DIN Plan Objective for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3O-040X-DPDR
40XR Infinity Plan Objective for M Series LabScopes, M2O-040X-IPDR
4C15 40KHz Converter for Branson Sonifier SLP, 101-135-126
4mm Cutaneous Probe for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers, 1006604
4X DIN Achr. Objective for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3O-004X-DADR
4X DIN Achromatic Objective for LW Scientific Student Microscopes, EDO-004X-DADR
4X DIN Plan Objective for M Series LabScopes, M2O-004X-DPDR
4X DIN Plan Objective for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3O-004X-DPDR
4x Infinity Plan Objective for i4 LabScopes, I4O-004X-IPDR
4X Infinity Plan Objective for M Series LabScopes, M2O-004X-IPDR
4x Infinity Semi-Plan Objective for i4 LabScopes, I4O-004X-ISDR
4x100ml Test Tube Holder for Drucker 755 Centrifuges, Set of 6, 7713023K
5 Caster Stand with Storage Basket for Summit Hand-held Dopplers, K200
5 Caster Stand with Storage Basket for Summit Table-top Dopplers, K220
5 Caster Stand without Storage Basket for Summit Hand-held Dopplers, K230
5 Caster Stand without Storage Basket for Summit Table-top Dopplers, K240
5 Lead ECG Cable for Bistos Patient Vital Signs Monitors
5 Mhz Bi-directional Vascular Probe for Summit Dopplers, SD5B
5 Mhz Echoheart Transvaginal Obstetrical Probe for Summit Dopplers, SDE
5 Mhz Non-directional Vascular Probe for Summit Dopplers, SD5
5 Watt Fluorescent Bulb (lower bulb) for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSP-BLBF-7705
5 Watt Fluorescent Bulb (lower bulb) for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2P-BLBF-7705
5 Watt Fluorescent Bulb for Achiever & Paragon Dual Mag Stereoscopes, APP-BLBF-7705
500ml Flask Clamp for Elma Ultrasonic Cleaners, Part No 100 7557
50ml Flask Clamp for Elma Ultrasonic Cleaners, Part No 100 7553
50ml Tube Metal Shields for LW Scientific C5 Centrifuges, C5P-TBS7-50ME
50x Infinity Plan Oil Objective for i4 LabScopes, I4O-050X-IPOL
50XR DIN Plan Oil Objective for M Series LabScopes, M2O-050X-DPOL
50XR Infinity Plan Oil Objective for M Series LabScopes, M2O-050X-IPOL
5cm x 120cm Elastic Velcro Band for use with Mettler ME395 Diathermy Unit, ME3971
5cm x 60cm Elastic Velcro Band for use with Mettler ME395 Diathermy Unit, ME3970
5ft Fill Hose for Mettler Cavitator Ultrasonic Cleaners, ME1159
5mm Cryocone for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers. 1006635
5mm Flat Closed Tip for Wallach Ultrafreeze LN2 Sprayer, 900092
6 Carrier Horizontal Rotor for Drucker 755 Centrifuges, 7786022
6 Carrier Horizontal Rotor for Drucker 755VES Centrifuges, 7786015
6 Place 50ml Fixed Angle Rotor for Drucker Centrifuges, 7786044
6 Place Fixed Angle Rotor for Drucker Centrifuges, 7786047
6 Place Horizontal Rotor for Drucker 642 Centrifuges, 7786021
6 Place Horizontal Rotor for Drucker 653 Centrifuges, 7786019
6 Place Inserts for 4-10ml Tube for use with LW Scientific C5 Centrifuges, C5P-INS6-1577
6 Place Performance Plus Horizontal Rotor for Drucker 842VES, 7786017
6-15ml Stainless Steel Sealed Atmosphere Treatment Chamber, 101-021-002
6-15ml Water Jacketed Stainless Steel Sealed Atmosphere Treatment Chamber, 101-021-005
60 Minute Mechanical Timer for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6500, V6070
600ml Glass Beaker from Branson Ultrasonics, A600-1
600ml Glass Beaker w/Plastic Cover for ELMA S10H, Part No 104 6011
600ml Stainless Steel Beaker from Branson Ultrasonics, A600-2
60W Incandescent Replacement Bulb for Waldmann Medicool, Set of 4, US0-061-033
60XR DIN Achr. Objective for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3O-060X-DADR
6mm Cutaneous Probe for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers, 1006606
6mm Flat Closed Tip for Wallach Ultrafreeze LN2 Sprayer, 900093
75mm Tube Holder (Standart) for Drucker Centrifuges Set of 6, 7713043K
8 cm Diameter Inductive Coil Applicator w/o Cable for Mettler ME395 Diathermy Unit, 30W Max, ME3955
8 Mhz Bi-directional Vascular Probe for Summit Dopplers, SD8B
8 Mhz Non-directional Vascular Probe for Summit Dopplers, SD8
8 Place 15ml Swingout Rotor for LW Scientific C3 Centrifuge, (no shields), C3P-RT08-1577
8 Place Rotor for the E8 Centrifuge, E8R-RTR
8.5 cm Diameter Capacitive Applicator for Mettler ME395 Diathermy Unit, 80W Max., ME3960
8cm x 14cm Soft Applicator with Flexible Cable for Mettler ME395 Diathermy Unit, 21W Max., ME3962
8mm Cutaneous Probe for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers, 1006608
8V Halogen Bulb for Riester Ri-focus, Ri-focus Reverse and Ri Magic, 11321
9V Alkaline Battery for TrioStim Muscle Stimulators, ME2157
Aaron Bovie Electrosurgical Generators
Aaron Bovie Smoke Evacuators / Accessories
Aaron Bovie Smoke Shark II Smoke Evacuator w/35 hr Filter & Pneumatic Footswitch, SE02
Aaron Disposable Adjustable Fine Tip High Temperature Cauteries, Box/10, AA11
Aaron Disposable Adjustable Fine Tip Low Temperature Cauteries, Box/10, AA02
Aaron Disposable Fine Tip High Temperature Cauteries, Box/10, AA01
Aaron Disposable High Temp Extended Shaft Cauteries, Box/10, AA05
AAron Disposable High Temperature 5" Loop Cauteries, Box/10, AA09
Aaron Disposable High Temperature Cauteries with 2" Extended Shaft, Box/10, AA17
Aaron Disposable High Temperature Fine Tip Micro Cauteries, Box/10, AA25
Aaron Disposable High Temperature Loop Tip Cauteries, Box/10, AA03
Aaron Disposable High Temperature Loop Tip Micro Cauteries, Box/10, AA27
Aaron Disposable High Temperature Micro Vasectomy Cautery, Box/10, AA29
Aaron Disposable High Temperature Vasectomy Cauteries, Box/10, AA21
Aaron Disposable Low Temperature Cautery with Elongated Fine Tip, Box/10, AA04
Aaron Disposable Low Temperature Fine Tip Cauteries, Box/10, AA00
Aaron Disposable Low Temperature Fine Tip Micro Cauteries, Box/10, AA90
Aaron Electrosurgical Accessories
Aaron Long Life 18 Hour Smoke Evacuator Filter, SF18
ABI Accessories - Cuffs
About Us
About Us
AC Adapter Cord (100-240 input / 12v - 1.0 amp output) for i4 LabScopes, I4P-ADA7-PWR3
AC Charger for Scilogex Levo PLUS Motorized Pipette Filler, 293033-M
AC Power Supply for Bistos Patient Vital Signs Monitors
Accepted Payment Methods
Accessories - Parts for Medical Illumination Systems
Accessories / Parts
Accessories for Bistos BT-500 Infant Incubators
Accessories for Bistos Fetal Monitors
Accessories for Bistos Fetal/Vascular Dopplers
Accessories for IKA Dispersers / Homogenizers
Accessories for IKA Dry Baths (Block Heaters)
Accessories for IKA Magnetic Stirrers
Accessories for IKA Overhead Stirrers
Accessories for IKA Pipettes
Accessories for IKA Rotary Evaporators
Accessories for IKA Shakers
Accessories for IKA Viscometers
Accessories, Parts for Bistos Equipment
Accessory Tray for Pole Stand for G5 Massagers, AP52
Accuris 1 Hour Mammalian Genotyping Kit, 400 Reactions, PR1300-MG-400
Accuris 1 Hour Mammalian Genotyping Kit, 80 Reactions, PR1300-MG-80
Accuris 2 x Taq Master Mix 1000 x 50uL Reactions, PR1001-1000
Accuris 2X Taq Plus Master Mix, 1000x 50µl Reactions, PR1001-TP-1000
Accuris 2X Taq Plus Master Mix, 200x 50µl Reactions, PR1001-TP-200
Accuris 2x Taq Red Dye Master Mix 1000 x 50µl Reactions, PR1001-R-1000
Accuris 2x Taq Red Dye Master Mix 200 x 50µl Reactions, PR1001-R-200
Accuris 2xTaq Master Mix 200 x50µl Reactions, PR1001-200
Accuris 340nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-340
Accuris 350nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-350
Accuris 380nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-380
Accuris 405nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-405
Accuris 415nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-415
Accuris 420nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-420
Accuris 450nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-450
Accuris 470nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-470
Accuris 490nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-490
Accuris 492nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-492
Accuris 510nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-510
Accuris 520nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-520
Accuris 532nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-532
Accuris 540nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-540
Accuris 546nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-546
Accuris 560nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-560
Accuris 562nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-562
Accuris 570nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-570
Accuris 578nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-578
Accuris 590nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-590
Accuris 595nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-595
Accuris 600nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-600
Accuris 620nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-620
Accuris 630nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-630
Accuris 646nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-646
Accuris 650nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-650
Accuris 663nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-663
Accuris 680nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-680
Accuris 690nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-690
Accuris 700nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-700
Accuris 750nm Filter for MR9600 Microplate Absorbence Reader, MR9600-750
Accuris Analytical Balance, 120 g x 0.0001g, W3101A-120
Accuris Analytical Balance, 220 g x 0.0001g, W3101A-220
Accuris Analytical Balance, 220g x 0.0001g, W3102A-220
Accuris Analytical Balance, External Calibration, 120g x 0.0001g, W3100-120
Accuris Analytical Balance, External Calibration, 210g x 0.0001g, W3100-210
Accuris Analytical Balance, Quick-Cal™ Internal Calibration, 120g x 0.0001g, W3100A-120
Accuris Analytical Balance, Quick-Cal™ Internal Calibration, 210g x 0.0001g, W3100A-210
Accuris Analytical Balances
Accuris ASPIRE Laboratory Aspirator, 15lt/Min, V-0020
Accuris Calibration Weights
Accuris Compact Balance w/Plastic Draftshield, 120 g x 0.01 g, W3300-120
Accuris Compact Balance w/Plastic Draftshield, 300 g x 0.01 g, W3300-300
Accuris Compact Balance w/Plastic Draftshield, 500 g x 0.01 g, W3300-500
Accuris Compact Balance, 1,200 g x 0.1 g, W3300-1200
Accuris Compact Balance, 10,000 g x 0.1 g, W3300-10000
Accuris Compact Balance, 5,000 g x 0.1 g, W3300-5000
Accuris Compact Balances
Accuris DNA Ladders
Accuris Dual Range Analytical Balance, 62g x 0.01mg / 120g x 0.1mg, W3002A-120
Accuris E2 Class Calibration Weight Set for Analytical Balances, 100mg~100g, 6pcs, W1101-6-100
Accuris Electrophoresis
Accuris Electrophoresis Equipment
Accuris End Point PCR Reagents
Accuris F1 Grade Calibration Weight Set, 1~200gr, 23pcs, W1100-200
Accuris F1 Grade Calibration Weight, 100g, W1000-100
Accuris F1 Grade Calibration Weight, 200g, W1000-200
Accuris F1 Grade Calibration Weight, 500g, W1000-500
Accuris High Fidelity DNA Polymerase, 1000u (2u/p1), PR1000-HF-1000
Accuris High Fidelity DNA Polymerase, 200u (2u/p1), PR1000-HF-200
Accuris Hot Start 2X Taq Master Mix, 1000 x 50p1 Reactions, PR1001-HS-1000
Accuris Hot Start 2X Taq Master Mix, 200 x 50p1 Reactions, PR1001-HS-200
Accuris Hot Start 2X Taq Red Master Mix, 1000 x 50p1 Reactions, PR1001-HSR-1000
Accuris Hot Start 2X Taq Red Master Mix, 200 x 50p1 Reactions, PR1001-HSR-200
Accuris Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase, 1000u (5u/p1), PR1000-HS-1000
Accuris Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase, 500u (5u/p1), PR1000-HS-500
Accuris Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase, 6000u (5u/p1), PR1000-HS-6000
Accuris Instruments
Accuris Laboratory Liquid Handling
Accuris Laboratory Weighing
Accuris M1 Class Calibration Weight Set for Compact Balances, 9pcs, W1105-9-1000
Accuris M1 Grade Calibration Weight, 1000g, W1005-1000
Accuris M1 Grade Calibration Weight, 2000g, W1005-2000
Accuris Microplate Reader & Accessories
Accuris Mini Laboratory Balance, 100 g x 0.01 g, W4000-100
Accuris Mini Laboratory Balance, 500 g x 0.1 g, W4000-500
Accuris Mini Laboratory Balances
Accuris MyGel Mini Electrophoresis System, E1101
Accuris MyVolt Mini Electrophoresis Power Supply, 100V/200V, E2100
Accuris MyVolt TOUCH Electrophoresis Power Supply, 300 Volt, E2301
Accuris NextPette Adjustable Volume Pipette, 0.5ml to 5ml, P7700-5M
Accuris NextPette Adjustable Volume Pipette, 0.1 to 1.0 μl, P7700-1
Accuris NextPette Adjustable Volume Pipette, 0.5 to 10 μl, P7700-10
Accuris NextPette Adjustable Volume Pipette, 10 to 100 μl, P7700-100
Accuris NextPette Adjustable Volume Pipette, 100 to 1000 μl, P7700-1000
Accuris NextPette Adjustable Volume Pipette, 1ml to 10ml, P7700-10M
Accuris NextPette Adjustable Volume Pipette, 2 to 20 μl, P7700-20
Accuris NextPette Adjustable Volume Pipette, 20 to 200 μl, P7700-200
Accuris Nextpette Starter Package (1), 4 x Pipettes + Pipette Stand, P7700-S1
Accuris Nextpette Starter Package (2), 4 x Pipettes + Pipette Stand, P7700-S2
Accuris Powder Buffer Packs
Accuris Precision Balance w/Draftshield, ExCal, 1,200 g x 0.01 g, W3200-1200
Accuris Precision Balance w/Draftshield, ExCal, 120g x 0.001g, W3200-120
Accuris Precision Balance w/Draftshield, ExCal, 320 g x 0.001 g, W3200-320
Accuris Precision Balance w/Draftshield, ExCal, 5,000 g x 0.01 g, W3200-5000
Accuris Precision Balance w/Draftshield, ExCal, 500g x 0.001g, W3200-500
Accuris Precision Balances
Accuris Precision Balancew/Draftshield, ExCal, 3,200 g x 0.01 g, W3200-3200
Accuris qMax cDNA Synthesis Kit, 100 Reactions, PR-2100-C-100
Accuris qMax cDNA Synthesis Kit, 25 Reactions, PR-2100-C-25
Accuris qMax cDNA Synthesis Kit, 250 Reactions, PR-2100-C-250
Accuris qMax cDNA Synthesis Kit, Sample Package, 5 Reactions, PR-2100-C-S
Accuris qMAX First Strand cDNA Synthesis Flex Kit, 200 Reactions, PR2110-200
Accuris qMAX First Strand cDNA Synthesis Flex Kit, 50 Reactions, PR2110-50
Accuris qMAX First Strand cDNA Synthesis Flex Kit, Sample, 5 Reactions, PR2110-S
Accuris qMAX Probe, High Rox qPCR Mix, 100 rxns (1 ml), 100 Reactions, PR2001-H-100
Accuris qMAX Probe, High Rox qPCR Mix, 1000 rxns (10 ml), 1000 Reactions, PR2001-H-1000
Accuris qMAX Probe, High Rox qPCR Mix, 500 rxns (5 ml), 500 Reactions, PR2001-H-500
Accuris qMAX Probe, High Rox qPCR Mix, Sample, 20 Reactions, PR2001-H-S
Accuris qMAX Probe, Low Rox qPCR Mix, 100 rxns (1 ml), 100 Reactions, PR2001-L-100
Accuris qMAX Probe, Low Rox qPCR Mix, 1000 rxns (10 ml), 1000 Reactions, PR2001-L-1000
Accuris qMAX Probe, Low Rox qPCR Mix, 500 rxns (500 ml), 500 Reactions, PR2001-L-500
Accuris qMAX Probe, Low Rox qPCR Mix, Sample, 20 Reactions, PR2001-L-S
Accuris qMAX Probe, No Rox qPCR Mix, 100 rxns (1 ml), 100 Reactions, PR2001-N-100
Accuris qMAX Probe, No Rox qPCR Mix, 1000 rxns (10 ml), 1000 Reactions, PR2001-N-1000
Accuris qMAX Probe, No Rox qPCR Mix, 500 rxns (5 ml), 500 Reactions, PR2001-N-500
Accuris qMAX Probe, No Rox qPCR Mix, Sample Pkg, 20 Reactions, PR2001-N-S
Accuris qMax qPCR Reagents
Accuris Quick Silver Fast Running Buffer Powder, 100 pouches, EB1002
Accuris Quick Silver MES-SDS Buffer Powder, 50 pouches, EB1101
Accuris Quick Silver PBS Buffer Powder, 100 pouches, EB1200
Accuris Quick Silver PBST Buffer Powder, 100 pouches, EB1201
Accuris Quick Silver TAE Buffer Powder, 100 pouches, EB1000
Accuris Quick Silver TBE Buffer Powder, 50 pouches, EB1001
Accuris Quick Silver TBS Buffer Powder, 100 pouches, EB1202
Accuris Quick Silver TBS-T buffer Powder, 100 pouches, EB1203
Accuris Quick Silver TGS Buffer Powder, 50 Pouches, EB1100
Accuris Quick Silver Tris-MOPS-SDS Buffer Powder, 50 pouches, EB1102
Accuris SmartBlue™ Blue Light Transilluminator, E4000
Accuris SmartCheck DNA Ladder, 50bp DNA Ladder, 5 x 500µl / 500 lanes, PR4005-500
Accuris SmartCheck DNA Ladder, 100bp DNA Ladder, 500µl / 100 lanes, PR4010-100
Accuris SmartCheck DNA Ladder, 50bp DNA Ladder, 500µl / 100 lanes, PR4005-100
Accuris SmartCheck™ 100bp DNA Ladder, 5 x 500µl / 500 lanes, P4010-500
Accuris SmartCheck™ 1kb DNA Ladder, 5 x 500µl / 500 lanes, PR4100-500
Accuris SmartCheck™ 1kb DNA Ladder, 500µl / 100 lanes, PR4100-100
Accuris SmartDoc 2.0 Gel Imaging Enclosure, E5001-SD
Accuris SmartDoc 2.0 Smart Phone Gel Imaging System for DNA, E5001-SDB
Accuris SmartGlow DNA Stains
Accuris SmartGlow Loading Dye w/Stain for Nucleic Acid Gels, 1ml (6x), E4500-LD
Accuris SmartGlow Pre-stain for Nucleic Acid Gels, 1ml (20,000x), E4500-PS
Accuris SmartReader 96 Microplate Absorbence Reader. 96 Well, MR9600
Accuris Taq DNA Polymerase 1000u (5u/uL), PR1000-1000
Accuris Taq DNA Polymerase 500u (5u/uL), PR1000-500
Accuris Taq DNA Polymerase 6000u (5u/uL), PR1000-6000
Accuris Taq Start Taq DNA Polymerase, 1000u (5u/p1), PR1000-TP-500
Accuris Taq Start Taq DNA Polymerase, 250u (5u/p1), PR1000-TP-250
Accuris Tweezers for Calibration Weights, W1000-TF
Accuris UV Transilluminator for DNA Analysis, E3000
Achiever Dual Fluorescent Stand / Base for Achiever & Paragon Dual Mag Stereoscopes, APB-BSED-7FF1
Acid Resistant Tub with Lid for ELMA 100/120 Series, 207 090 000
Acid Resistant Tub with Lid for ELMA 180 Series, 207 091 000
Acid Resistant Tub with Lid for ELMA 30/40/60 Series, 207 089 000
Acid Resistant Tub with Lid for ELMA 300 Series, 200 000 800
Acoustic Stethoscopes
Acoustic Stimulator for Bistos BT-300 Fetal Monitors
Acoustic Stimulator for Bistos BT-350E/BT-350L Fetal Monitors
Adapter for 1/20" (1.25mm) Electrode, A905B-1
Adapter for Connecting Footswitch Pencil to the A950 Electrosurgical Generator, A905A
Adapter for Sound Proof Enclosure for use with Sonifier 150 100W Models, 100-121-077
Adapter Lens for Cannon Rebel Digital Camera-for Use with Wallach Tristar/Pentastar Colposcopes, 900839
Adult + Pediatric Cuff Set for Bistos Patient Monitors
Allen Wrench set of 3 - 1.5mm, 2mm, 2.5mm, MSP-TOL3-ALWR
Alluminum Alloy 12x2ml Rotor for Scilogex D2012, 19400005
Aluminium Alloy 24x2ml Rotor for Scilogex D3024 Micro Centrifuge, 19400006
Aluminium Alloy 36x0.5ml Rotor for Scilogex D3024 Micro Centrifuge, 19400007
Ample Scientific Centrifuges - Parts - Accessories
Ample Scientific Microscopes
Anchor Stirrers for IKA Overhead Stirrers,
Aperture Kit for Wallach Ultrafreeze LN2 Sprayers, 900113
Applicator Adapter Ring for G5 Massager Applicators, AP331
Aquasonic Clean Ultrasound Gel, 60gm, Case of 10, G150
Aquasonic Ultrasound Gel, 8oz/0.25lt Case of 12, 902101
Articulating Boom Stand C-Clamp (no focus rack) for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSB-BMS7-AR7C
Articulating Boom Stand C-Clamp (no focus rack) for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2B-BMS7-AR7C
Articulating Boom Stand Square Base (no focus rack) for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSB-BMS7-AR7T
Articulating Boom Stand Square Base (no focus rack) for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2B-BMS7-AR7T
AS 1.10 Basic Holder for IKA AS 501.1 Universal Attachment, 2339700
AS 1.11 Clamping Roll for IKA AS 501.1 Universal Attachment, 2339800
AS 1.30 Basic Holder for IKA AS 130.1 Universal Attachment, 3148000
AS 1.31 Clamping Roll for IKA AS 130.1 Universal Attachment, 3030500
AS 1.400 Basic Holder for IKA Incubator Shaker, 3710200
AS 1.401 Clamping Roll for IKA Incubator Shaker (ea), 3712000
AS 1.402 Fastening Screw for IKA Incubator Shaker (ea), 3712300
AS 1.60 Basic Holder for IKA AS 260.1 Universal Attachment, 3149000
AS 1.61 Clamping Roll for IKA AS 260.1 Universal Attachment, 3030501
AS 130.1 Universal Attachment for IKA KS130 Basic/Control Shaker, 8017300
AS 130.2 Fixing Clip Attachment for IKA KS130 Basic/Control Shaker, 3115000
AS 130.3 Dish Attachment for IKA KS130 Basic/Control Shaker, 3120000
AS 130.4 Test Tube Attachment for IKA KS130 Basic/Control Shaker, 3120300
AS 260.1 Universal Attachment for IKA KS/HS260 Basic/Control Shaker, 8017400
AS 260.2 Fixing Clip Attachment for IKA KS/HS260 Basic/Control Shaker, 3115500
AS 260.3 Dish Attachment for IKA KS/HS260 Control/Basic Shaker, 3120600
AS 260.5 Sperating Funnel Attachment for IKA KS/HS260 Basic/Control Shaker, 3120900
AS 4000.1 Universal Attachment for IKA Incubator Shaker, 8022200
AS 501.1 Universal Attachment for IKA KS/HS 501 Shaker, 8000200
AS 501.2 Separating Funnel Attachment for IKA KS/HS 501 Shaker, 8000300
AS 501.3 Separating Funnel Attachment for IKA KS/HS 501 Shaker, 8000400
AS 501.4 Fixing Clip Attachment for IKA KS/HS 501 Shaker, 2341100
AS 501.5 Dish Attachment for IKA KS/HS501 Shaker, 2339600
AS 501.6 Separating Funnel Attachment for IKA KS/HS 501 Shaker, 8000500
AS4000.2 Fixing Clip Attachment for IKA Incubator Shaker, 3710100
AS4000.3 Dish Attachment for IKA Incubator Shaker, 3710000
Authorized Distributor
Autoclaves - Sterilizers
Auxiliary Pan for Crest CP1100 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSAP1100
Auxiliary Pan for Crest CP1200 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSAP1200
Auxiliary Pan for Crest CP1800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSAP1800
Auxiliary Pan for Crest CP230 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSAP230
Auxiliary Pan for Crest CP2600 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSAP2600
Auxiliary Pan for Crest CP360 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSAP360
Auxiliary Pan for Crest CP500 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSAP500
BackTrack Disposable Mouthpieces,
BacTrack Breathalyzers
BacTrack Breathalyzers
BacTrack Disposables / Mouthpieces
BacTrack Element Professonal Breathalyzer with Xtend™ Fuel Cell Sensor Technology, ELEMENT
BacTrack Key Chain Alcohol Detector - Breathalyzer, KC10
BacTrack Mobile Breathalyzer with Bluetooth Technology, MOBILE
BacTrack S50 Breathalyzer with FlowCheck Technology, S50
BacTrack S70 Select Series Breathalyzer, S70
BacTrack S75 Pro Breathalyzer with Xtend™ Fuel Cell Sensor Technology, S75
BacTrack S80 Pro Breathalyzer with Xtend™ Fuel Cell Technology, S80
Balances and Scales
Battery Charger and Eight AA Ni-MH Batteries for Mettler ME216 IFC Unit, ME2161
Battery Charger for Bistos BT-250 Tabletop Dopplers
Battery Charger for Bistos Handheld Fetal/Vascular Dopplers
Beaker Cover for Branson 3510/3800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, (3-250ml), A32-4
Beaker Cover for Crest CP1100 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSBC1100
Beaker Cover for Crest CP1200 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSBC1200
Beaker Cover for Crest CP1800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSBC1800
Beaker Cover for Crest CP230 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSBC230
Beaker Cover for Crest CP2600 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSBC2600
Beaker Cover for Crest CP360 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSBC360
Beaker Cover for Crest CP500 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSBC500
Beaker Positioning Cover for Branson 1510/1800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners(1-600ml), A12-4
Beaker Positioning Cover for Branson 2510/2800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners(2-600ml), A22-5
Beaker Positioning Cover for Branson 2510/2800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, (2-250ml), A22-6
Beaker Positioning Cover for Branson 3510/3800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, (2-600ml), A32-5
Beaker Positioning Cover for Branson 5510/5800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, (4-600ml), A52-4
Beaker Positioning Cover for Branson 8510/8800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, 6-600ml, A82-4
Belt Clip for Mettler TrioStim Muscle Stimulators, ME2155
Benchmark Scientific
Benchmark Scientific (20 x 0.5ml) Microtube Adapter, BT1500-A05
Benchmark Scientific (20 x 1.5-2.0ml) Microtube Adapter, BT1500-A1520
Benchmark Scientific 0.5ml Tube Adapter for Mini Centrifuge, Pack/8, C1008-A5-8
Benchmark Scientific 0.5ml Tube Rack for SB12-L Shaking Water Bath, SB0012-T5
Benchmark Scientific 1 x Deep Well Microplate Block for MultiTherm Shakers, H5000-DWMP
Benchmark Scientific 1 x Microplate Block for MultiTherm Shakers, H5000-MP
Benchmark Scientific 10mm x 115mm Probe for D1000 Homogenizer, D1000-M10
Benchmark Scientific 115V Printer for BioClave 18/28 Autoclaves, B4000-P
Benchmark Scientific 12 x 1.5ml Horizontal Head for BenchMixer-Mortexer, BV1000-H15
benchmark Scientific 12 x 100ml Volumetric Flask Rack for BenchMixer XL, BV1010-V125
Benchmark Scientific 12 x 15ml Test Tube Block for MultiTherm Shakers, H5000-150
Benchmark Scientific 12 x 15ml Test Tube Heating Block for Dry Baths, BSW15
Benchmark Scientific 12 x 15mm or 16mm Test Tube Heating Block for Dry Baths, BSW1516
Benchmark Scientific 14" x 5.5" Shelf for H1010 Shaking Incubators, H1010-SH
Benchmark Scientific 14mm x 130mm Probe for D1000 Homogenizer, D1000-M14
Benchmark Scientific 15 x 0.5 / 20 x 1.5ml Block for MultiTherm Shakers, H5000-CMB
Benchmark Scientific 15 x 1.5 - 2.0ml Conical Tube Heating Block, BSH100-1520
Benchmark Scientific 15 x 1.5ml Tube Heating Block, BSH100-15
Benchmark Scientific 15 x 25mm Tube Rack for BenchMixer XL, BV1010-25
Benchmark Scientific 15 x 50ml (29mm) Tube Rack for BenchMixer XL, BV1010-500
Benchmark Scientific 15 x HPLC or Cryovial Tube Heating Block, BSH100-1232
Benchmark Scientific 1500rpm Magnetic Stirrer w/7.5" x 7.5" Platform, H4000-S
Benchmark Scientific 2 x 50ml Horizontal Head for BenchMixer - Mortexer, BV1000-H500
Benchmark Scientific 2 x 50ml Tube Heating Block, BSH100-500
Benchmark Scientific 2.0ml Prefilled Silica (Glass) Beads, 0.1mm Acid Washed, Pack/50, D1031-01
Benchmark Scientific 2.0ml Prefilled Silica (Glass) Beads, 0.5mm Acid Washed, Pack/50, D1031-05
Benchmark Scientific 2.0ml Prefilled Silica (Glass) Beads, 1.0mm Acid Washed, Pack/50, D1031-10
Benchmark Scientific 2.0ml Prefilled Stainless Steel Tubes , 2.8mm Acid Washed, Pack/50, D1033-28
Benchmark Scientific 2.0ml Prefilled Zirconium Beads, 0.1mm Triple Pure, High Impact, Pack/50, D1032-01
Benchmark Scientific 2.0ml Prefilled Zirconium Beads, 0.5mm Triple Pure, High Impact, Pack/50, D1032-05
Benchmark Scientific 2.0ml Prefilled Zirconium Beads, 1.0mm Triple Pure, High Impact, Pack/50, D1032-10
Benchmark Scientific 2.0ml Prefilled Zirconium Beads, 1.5mm Triple Pure, High Impact, Pack/50, D1032-15
Benchmark Scientific 2.0ml Prefilled Zirconium Beads, 3.0mm Triple Pure, High Impact, Pack/50, D1032-30
Benchmark Scientific 2.0ml Starter Kit Prefilled Beads, Triple Pure, Pack/50 (10 of each), D1032-SK
Benchmark Scientific 2.0ml Tube w/Cap and Sealing Ring, Pack/1000, D1031-T20
Benchmark Scientific 2.0ml Tube w/Cap and Sealing Ring, Pack/50, D1031-T21
Benchmark Scientific 20 x 12mm or 13mm Tube Heating Block for Dry Baths, BSW13
Benchmark Scientific 20 x10mm or 20 x 2.0ml Tube Heating Block for Dry Baths, BSW10
Benchmark Scientific 24 x 0.5ml Tube Heating Bath for Dry Baths, BSW05
Benchmark Scientific 24 x 1.5-2.0ml Tubes Heating Block for Dry Baths, BSW1520
Benchmark Scientific 24 x 1.5ml Conical Tube Heating Block for Dry Baths, BSW1500
Benchmark Scientific 24 x 12mm Test Tube Block for MultiTherm Shakers, H5000-12
Benchmark Scientific 24 x HPLC / Autosampler Vials (12 x 32mm) Block for MultiTherm Shakers, H5000-1232
Benchmark Scientific 247 Everlast 3-80rpm Variable Speed Rocker, BR5000
Benchmark Scientific 24rpm Fixed Speed Tube Rocker, (1.5ml-50ml), M2100
Benchmark Scientific 25 x 50ml Volumetric Flask Rack for BenchMixer XL, BV1010-V50
Benchmark Scientific 2D Benchtop Rockers
Benchmark Scientific 3 Microplate Rack for BenchMixer XL, BV1010-MP
Benchmark Scientific 3 Slide Dryer Attachment for BactiZapper, B1000-03
Benchmark Scientific 35 x 1.5ml Block for MultiTherm Shakers, H5000-15
Benchmark Scientific 35 x 2.0ml Block for MultiTherm Shakers, H5000-20
Benchmark Scientific 38rpm Fixed Speed Tube Roller w/5 Rollers, R3005
Benchmark Scientific 38rpm Fixed Speed Tube Roller w/10 Rollers, R3010
Benchmark Scientific 3D Benchtop Tube Rockers
Benchmark Scientific 4 x 15ml Horizontal Head for BenchMixer - Mortexer, BV1000-H150
Benchmark Scientific 4 x 15ml Test Tube Heating Block, BSH100-150
Benchmark Scientific 40 x 0.2ml Tube / PCR Strip (8 Tubes/ea) Block, BSH100-02
Benchmark Scientific 40 x 0.5ml Test Tube Rack for MyBath, B2000-T5
Benchmark Scientific 48 x 0.2ml Tube or 6 x 8 PCR Strips Heating Block, BSW02
Benchmark Scientific 48 x 250uL Vial Insert (6x30mm) Block for MultiTherm Shakers, H5000-025
Benchmark Scientific 5 x 50ml Test Tube Heating Block for Dry Baths, BSW50
Benchmark Scientific 50 x 1.5-2.0ml(10mm) Tube Rack for BenchMixer XL, BV1010-1520
Benchmark Scientific 50 x 12mm Tube Rack for BenchMixer XL, BV1010-12
Benchmark Scientific 50 x 13mm Tube Rack for BenchMixer XL, BV1010-13
Benchmark Scientific 50 x15ml (16.5mm) Tube Rack for BenchMixer XL, BV1010-150
Benchmark Scientific 54 x 0.5ml Block for MultiTherm Shakers, H5000-05
Benchmark Scientific 6 x 50ml Test Tube Block for MultiTherm Shakers, H5000-500
Benchmark Scientific 60-1500rpm Variable Speed Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer, H4000-HS
Benchmark Scientific 8 x 1.5/2.0ml Round Rotor for Benchmark Scientific StripSpin 12, C1008-ROT
Benchmark Scientific 8 x 250ml Volumetric Flask Rack for BenchMixer XL, BV1010-V250
Benchmark Scientific 9 x 50ml Horizontal Tube Rack for BenchMixer XL, BV1010-50H
Benchmark Scientific 96 x 0.2ml / PCR Plate Block for MultiTherm Shakers, H5000-02
Benchmark Scientific 96 x 0.2ml Skirted/Non-skirted PCR Plate Heating Block, BSWPCR1
Benchmark Scientific 96 x 0.5ml(8mm) Tube Rack for BenchMixer XL, BV1010-05
Benchmark Scientific Adjustable Roller Platform for BT300 Orbital Shaker, BT300-RP
Benchmark Scientific Agarose
Benchmark Scientific Agarose 3.1 Blended Agarose Powder, 100gr, A1801-31
Benchmark Scientific Agarose HR High Resolution Agarose Powder, 100gr, A1801-HR
Benchmark Scientific Agarose LE Molecular Biology Grade Agarose, 100 grams, A1701
Benchmark Scientific Agarose LE Molecular Biology Grade Agarose, 25 grams, A1700
Benchmark Scientific Agarose LE Molecular Biology Grade Agarose, 500 grams, A1705
Benchmark Scientific Agarose LM Low Melting Agarose Powder, 100gr, A1801-LM
Benchmark Scientific Autoclaves - Sterilizers
Benchmark Scientific BactiZapper Infrared Micro Sterilizer, B1000
Benchmark Scientific Bead Blaster 24 x 2.0ml Microtube Homogenizer, D2400
Benchmark Scientific BeadBug 2700-4000rpm Variable Speed 3 x Microtube Homogenizer, D1030
Benchmark Scientific BenchBlotter 12rpm Fixed Speed Rocker, BR1000
Benchmark Scientific BenchMixer 200-3200rpm Variable Speed Vortex Mixer, BV1000
Benchmark Scientific BenchMixer XL Multi Tube Vortex Mixer, BV1010
Benchmark Scientific BenchMixer XLQ QuEChERS Vortex Mixer, BV1010-TST
Benchmark Scientific BenchRocker 2-30rpm Variable Speed 3D Rocker, B3D2300
Benchmark Scientific BenchRocker 2D 2-30rpm Variable Speed Rocker, BR2000
Benchmark Scientific BenchWeaver 3D Rocker, B3D5000
Benchmark Scientific BioClave 18 Autoclave w/18 Liter Capacity, B4000-18
Benchmark Scientific Bioclave 28 Research Autoclave w/28lt Capacity, 220V 50/60Hz, B4000-28-220
Benchmark Scientific BioClave Mini Autoclave w/8 Liter Capacity, B4000-M
Benchmark Scientific BioMixer 3D Rocker, B3D1320
Benchmark Scientific BlotBoy 12rpm Fixed Speed 3D Shaker, 12" x 12", B3D1308
Benchmark Scientific Ceramic Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer, 10 x 10", H3710-HS
Benchmark Scientific Ceramic Hotplate, 10 x 10", H3710-H
Benchmark Scientific Clamp Assembly for H3770 Hotplates, H3770-CS
Benchmark Scientific Clamp Set w/Rod and Clamp, H3770-CSTF
Benchmark Scientific Combo Head for BenchMixers - Mortexer, BV1000-COMBO
Benchmark Scientific CoolCube Microtube - PCR Plate Cooler, R1000
Benchmark Scientific Customizable Block for Tubes/Vials upto 40mm Tall, H5000-CU
Benchmark Scientific Customizable Block, 1.25"/32mm in Height up to 20 Holes, BSH100-CU
Benchmark Scientific Dedicated Platform for 12x125ml Erlenmeyer Flask, H1000-P-125
Benchmark Scientific Dedicated Platform for 5x500ml Erlenmeyer Flask, H1000-P-500
Benchmark Scientific Dedicated Platform for 8x250ml Erlenmeyer Flask, H1000-P-250
Benchmark Scientific Dedicated Platform for Microplates, (Holds 4x Microplates), H1000-P-MP
Benchmark Scientific Digital Controlled Dry Bath, (Block Heater), BSH1001
Benchmark Scientific External Temperature Probe for MyBlock - IsoBlock Dry Baths, BSH-TP1
Benchmark Scientific Extra Shelf for MyTemp Mini Digital Incubator, H2200-SH
Benchmark Scientific EZ Pack Agarose Tablets, 1000 x 0.5g, (500gr), A2505
Benchmark Scientific EZ Pack Agarose Tablets, 200 x 0.5g, (100gr), A2501
Benchmark Scientific Glassware
Benchmark Scientific Handheld Homogenizer with 5mm and 7mm Probes, D1000
Benchmark Scientific High Temperature Media Bottle Cap (GL45), Red, Pack/10, B3000-CAP-HTC
Benchmark Scientific Homogenizers
Benchmark Scientific Hotplate w/7 x 7" Ceramic Platform, H3770-H
Benchmark Scientific Hotplate with 7.5" x 7.5" Ceramic Platform, H4000-H
Benchmark Scientific Hotplates - Stirrers
Benchmark Scientific Hybex Autoclavable Borosilicate Glass Media Bottles, Pack of 5 or 10, B3000
Benchmark Scientific In-situ Adapter for use with T5000-96 Thermal Cyclers, T5000-A-IS
Benchmark Scientific Incubator Shakers
Benchmark Scientific Incubators
Benchmark Scientific IncuMixer MP Microplate Shaker, H6002
Benchmark Scientific IncuShaker 10L 30-300rpm Variable Speed Shaking Incubator, H2010
Benchmark Scientific IncuShaker 10LR Refrigerated Variable Speed Shaking Incubator, 30-300rpm, H2012
Benchmark Scientific IncuShaker Mini 30-300rpm Touch Screen Incubator Shaker, H1001-M
Benchmark Scientific IncuShaker Mini CO2 Incubator Shaker, H3501
Benchmark Scientific IsoBlock Dual Chamber Dry Bath, BSH6000
Benchmark Scientific La Bungee Cord, Set of 4, 7" to 18" Working Size, B0718
Benchmark Scientific Large Universal Spring Platform, H1010-P-SP
Benchmark Scientific LC8 Cinical Centrifuge, 8 x 15ml, 3,500 rpm, C3100
Benchmark Scientific LC8 PLUS Cinical Centrifuge, 8 x 15ml, 5,000 rpm, C3200
Benchmark Scientific MagicClamp Adjustable Flask Clamp, H1000-MR-CMB
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp 2x50ml Horizontal Tube Rack, H1000-MR-T500H
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp 4x15ml Horizontal Tube Rack, H1000-MR-T150H
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp Horizontal Tube Rack, 12 x 1.5ml/2.0ml, H1000-MR-T15H
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp Large Universal Platform for Flasks-Tube Racks, 14"x12", BT3000-MR
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp Large Universal Platform for Flasks-Tube Racks, H1010-MR
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp Magnetic Clamp for 1000ml Erlenmeyer Flasks (ea), H1000-MR-1000
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp Magnetic Clamp for 125ml Erlenmeyer Flasks (ea), H1000-MR-125
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp Magnetic Clamp for 2000ml Erlenmeyer Flasks (ea), H1000-MR-2000
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp Magnetic Clamp for 250ml Erlenmeyer Flasks (ea), H1000-MR-250
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp Magnetic Clamp for 3000ml Erlenmeyer Flasks (ea), H1000-MR-3000
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp Magnetic Clamp for 500ml Erlenmeyer Flasks (ea), H1000-MR-500
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp Magnetic Clamp for 50ml Erlenmeyer Flasks (ea), H1000-MR-50
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp Magnetic Clamp for Microplate (ea), H1000-MR-MP
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp Magnetic Tube Rack, 15x50ml, H1000-MR-T50
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp Magnetic Tube Rack, 32x15ml, H1000-MR-T15
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp Magnetic Tube Rack, H1000-MR-1550
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp Tube Rack, 4x500ml or 600ml Conical Bottles, H1000-MR-T600
Benchmark Scientific MagiClamp Universal Platform for Flasks-Tube Racks, H1000-MR
Benchmark Scientific Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer w/7 x 7" Ceramic Platform, H3770-HS
Benchmark Scientific Magnetic Stirrer w/7 x 7" Ceramic Platform, H3770-S
Benchmark Scientific Magnetic Stirrer, 10 x 10", H3710-S
Benchmark Scientific MC-12 High Speed Micro Centrifuge, C1612
Benchmark Scientific MC-24 High Speed Microtube Centrifuge, C2417
Benchmark Scientific Micro Centrifuges
Benchmark Scientific Microplate Platform, Holds 6 x Micro Plates, H1010-P-MP
Benchmark Scientific Microtube Rack for SB12-L Shaking Water Bath, SB0012-T1520
Benchmark Scientific Mini BioMixer 3D Rocker, B3D1020
Benchmark Scientific Mini BlotBoy 3D Shaker, 10" x 7.5", B3D1008
Benchmark Scientific Mini Nutating Shaker for MyTemp Mini Digital Incubator, H3D1020
Benchmark Scientific MiniFuge 6 x (1.5-2.0ml) 6600rpm Mini Microtube - PCR Strip Centrifuge, BSC1006
Benchmark Scientific Mortexer Multi-head Vortex Mixer, 200-3400rpm, BV1005
Benchmark Scientific Multi Purpose Block (Chamber Size:4 x 2.6 x 1"), H5000-WB
Benchmark Scientific MultiTherm Heating/Cooling Shaker, H-5000H
Benchmark Scientific MyBath 2L, 4L, 8L, 12L Water Baths, B2000
Benchmark Scientific MyBlock Digital Dry Bath (Block Heater), BSH5001
Benchmark Scientific MyBlock HL Mini Dry Bath - Block Heater, BSH200-HL
Benchmark Scientific MyBlock Mini Portable Dry Bath, BSH200
Benchmark Scientific MyFuge 12 Mini 12x Micro Centrifuge, 5500rpm, C1012
Benchmark Scientific MyFuge 5 Micro Centrifuge, C1005
Benchmark Scientific MyFuge Mini 8 x Place 6000rpm Micro Centrifuge, C1008
Benchmark Scientific MyTemp Heating and Cooling Incubator, H2265-HC
Benchmark Scientific MyTemp Mini Digital Incubator w/Heating or Heating & Cooling, H2200
Benchmark Scientific Orbi Blotter Orbital Shaker, BT30
Benchmark Scientific OrbiShaker CO2 Orbital Shaker, BT4001
Benchmark Scientific OrbiShaker JR Orbital Shaker, BT302
Benchmark Scientific OrbiShaker MP Microplate Shaker, BT1502
Benchmark Scientific OrbiShaker Orbital Shaker, 30-300rpm, BT3001
Benchmark Scientific OrbiShaker XL Large Capacity Orbital Shaker, BT1011
Benchmark Scientific Orbital Shakers
Benchmark Scientific PlateFuge Microplate Centrifuge, C2000
Benchmark Scientific Platform Separater, Set of 4, BR2000-SP
Benchmark Scientific QuickFlip Heating Block for Multiple Sizes of Tubes, BSWCMB
Benchmark Scientific Replacement Sealing Cap Ring (GL32), Pack/10, B3000-RIN2
Benchmark Scientific SB-12L Shaking Water Bath, SB0012
Benchmark Scientific Skirted/Non-skirted Microtiter Plate Heating Block, BSWMT
Benchmark Scientific Skirted/Non-skirted PCR Plate Heating Block, BSWPCR2
Benchmark Scientific Solid Heating Block for Slides/Machining, BSW01
Benchmark Scientific Stacking Platform for BR5000 2D Rocker, w/Flat Mat, 3.5" Clearance, BR5000-STACK
Benchmark Scientific Strip PCR Tube Rotor for MyFuge Mini, C1008-ROT2
Benchmark Scientific StripSpin 12 4 x PCR Strip Centrifuge, 5500rpm, C1248
Benchmark Scientific TC 9639 Thermal Cycler w/Multiformat Block, T5000-96/384
Benchmark Scientific TC-32 Mini Compact Thermal Cycler, T5005-3205
Benchmark Scientific Temperature Controlled Dry / Water Baths
Benchmark Scientific Test Tube Rockers - Rollers
Benchmark Scientific Thermal Cyclers
Benchmark Scientific Tube Adapters for 0.2ml Tubes, Pack/6, C1008-A2-6
Benchmark Scientific Tube Adapters for 0.5ml Tubes, Pack/6, C1008-A5-6
Benchmark Scientific Tube and Bottle Rollers
Benchmark Scientific Universal Spring Platform OrbiShaker/CO2 Shakers, H1000-P-SP
Benchmark Scientific VORNADO Handheld Vortex Mixer, 2800rpm, BV101
Benchmark Scientific Vortex Mixers
Benchmark Scientific Vortexer Flat Head for BenchMixer-Mortexer, BV1000-FLAT
Benhcmark Scientific 15 x 12-13mm Tube Heating Block, BSH100-1213
Benhcmark Scientific 24 x 0.5ml Tube Heating Block, BSH100-05
Bent Spray extension for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers, 1006530
Binoc Head - Infinity (no eyepieces) for I4 LabScopes, I4H-BSFI-77NE
Binoc Head 1x/2x (no eyepieces) for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSH-S12X-77NE
Binoc Head 1x/3x (no eyepieces) for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSH-S13X-77NE
Binoc Head 2x/4x (no eyepieces) for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSH-S24X-77NE
Binocular Head (no eyepieces) for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2H-BSF7-77NE
Binocular Head - 160 DIN (no eyepieces) for M Series LabScopes, M2H-BSFD-77NE
Binocular Head - Infinity (no eyepieces) for M Series LabScopes, M2H-BSFI-77NE
Binocular Seidentopf Head (no eyepieces) for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3H-BSFD-77NE
Binocular Sliding Head (no eyepieces) for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3H-BSLD-77NE
Biocare ECGs / EKGs
Bionet 10 Lead ECG Patient Cable, ECG-CBL
Bionet 3 Lead ECG Cable, Snap Type, B-WIRE-SA
Bionet 3 Lead ECG Extension Cable, B-CBL-N
Bionet 5 Lead ECG Cable, B-WIRE5-SA
Bionet 5 Lead ECG Extension Cable , B-CBL5-N
Bionet Alligator ECG Clips, Set of 10, ECG-CLIP
Bionet America
Bionet B-Link Automated Record Keeping Software, B-LINK1
Bionet BM3 Vet PRO Veterinary Patient Monitor w/8" Touch Screen, BM3Vet PRO
Bionet C-Fusor 1000 ml Pressure Infusor w/Squeeze Bulb and Pressure Gauge, MX4810
Bionet Cardio 7 12 Ch. 10 Lead 7" LCD Touch Screen Resting ECG, ECG-7
Bionet CARDIO XP ECG Unit w/7" Pan-Tilt Color Touch Screen, CARDIO XP
Bionet CardioCare 12 Channel 10 Lead Interpretive Resting ECG, ECG-2000
Bionet CardioTouch 12 Channel 10 Lead Interpretive Resting ECG with LCD Touch Screen, ECG-3000
Bionet Disposable Finger SpO2 Sensor, Neonate, B-SPO2-FND
Bionet Disposable Mainstream EtCO2 Airway Adapter,
Bionet Disposable Neonate NIBP Cuffs for BM3 Plus Vital Signs Monitor,
Bionet Disposable SpO2 Sensor, Adult, B-SPO2-FAD
Bionet ECG Equipment
Bionet ECG Equipment
Bionet ECG Equipment
Bionet ECG Medi-Graph Paper, Box/10 Rolls, ECG-PP
Bionet ECG Monitoring Electrode, Snap Type, Pack/30, B-ME-S
Bionet ECG Parts - Accessories
Bionet ECG Resting Electrodes, Pack/5, ECG-RE
Bionet EtCO2 Disposable Sidestream Airway Adapter Kit w/Dehumidification,
Bionet FC 700 Singleton Fetal Monitor, FC 700
Bionet Fetal Monitors
Bionet Fetal Monitors
Bionet Hospital Grade Power Cable, PC-A
Bionet Hospital Grade Power Cord for Bionet equipment, PC-A
Bionet Medical-Human
Bionet Modular Transducer Mounting Plate for BM5 Vet Veterinary Monitor, MX800
Bionet Multi-parameter Patient Vital Signs Monitor w/8" Touch Screen, BM3 PRO
Bionet NIBP Extension Tube, B-NBPCBL
Bionet Oxy9Wave Vet Portable Veterinary Pulse Oximeter, Oxy9Wave Vet
Bionet Patient Monitor Parts/Accessories
Bionet Patient Monitors
Bionet Patient Monitors
Bionet Probe Belt, FC-BELT
Bionet Rectal Temperature Probe for BM Series Vital Signs Monitors, TEM-PRV-R
Bionet Reusable Mainstream EtCO2 Airway Adapter,
Bionet Reusable NIBP Cuffs for BM Series Vital Signs Monitors,
Bionet Skin Temperature Probe for BM Series Vital Signs Monitors, TEM-PRV-S
Bionet SpO2 Adult Finger Sensor, B-SPO2-FA
Bionet SpO2 Extension Cable, 6 Pin Connector-No Post, B-SPCBL-NP
Bionet SpO2 Extension Cable, B-SPCBL-N
Bionet SpO2 Extension Cable-Old Style, 7 Pin Connector, B-SPCBL-O
Bionet SpO2 Multi Site Y Sensor, B-SPO2-V
Bionet TwinView FC 1400 Dual Fetal Monitor w/Color Touch Screen, FC-1400
Bionet Veterinary
Bionet Veterinary BM5 Vet PRO Veterinary Monitor w/10.4" Touch Screen, BM5Vet PRO
Bionet Veterinary BM7 Vet PRO Veterinary Monitor w/12.1" Touch Screen, BM7Vet PRO
Bionet Veterinary Patient Monitors
Bionet Vital Signs Monitors - Medical Patient Monitors
Biopsy Instruments
Bipolar Forceps Cord for A940, A950, Electrosurgical Generators, A827BP
Bistos 12" Patient Vital Signs Monitor, ECG, SpO2, NIBP, Temp, Resp., BT-770
Bistos 4.3" Color Touch Screen Handheld Pulse Oximeter, BT-710
Bistos 8.4" Patient Vital Signs Monitor, ECG, Resp., SpO2, NIBP, Temp., BT-740
Bistos Adjustable Surgical Headlight w/2 x Battery Packs, BT-410A
Bistos America, Inc
Bistos Astral Lamp for BT-410A Adjustable Surgical Headlight
Bistos Battery Charger for BT-410A/F Surgical Headlight
Bistos Desktop 3.2" Color LCD Screen Fetal Doppler w/2 Mhz Probe, BT-250
Bistos Desktop Pulse Oximeter w/3.2" Touch LCD Display, BT-700
Bistos Dual LED Display Fetal Heart Rate Monitor for Twins, BT-300
Bistos Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) Monitors
Bistos Fetal/Vascular Dopplers
Bistos Fixed Surgical Headlight w/2 x Battery Packs, BT-410F
Bistos Hi-Dop Handheld Vascular Doppler w/Probe Options, BT-200V
Bistos HiBebe 2Mhz Handheld Fetal Doppler w/Color LED Display, BT-200C
Bistos HiBebe 2Mhz Handheld Fetal Doppler w/LCD Display, BT-200L
Bistos HiBebe 2Mhz Handheld Fetal Doppler, Sound Only, BT-200S
Bistos HiBebe 3Mhz Handheld Fetal Doppler w/LCD Display, BT-200T
Bistos HiBebe S 2/3 Mhz Handheld Fetal Doppler w/Color LCD Display, BT-220C
Bistos HiBebe S 2/3 Mhz Handheld Fetal Doppler w/LCD Display, BT-220L
Bistos Infant Incubator on Casters w/Precise Temp. Control, BT-500
Bistos Infant Warmer w/Infrared Heating, Color LCD Display, BT-550
Bistos LCD Display Antepartum Fetal Heart Rate Monitor for Twins, BT-350L
Bistos LED Display Antepartum Fetal Heart Rate Monitor for Twins, BT-350E
Bistos Neonatal Care Equipment
Bistos Patient Vital Signs Monitor Accessories
Bistos Patient Vital Signs Monitor, ECG, Resp., SpO2, NIBP, Temp., BT-750
Bistos Patient Vital Signs Monitors
Bistos Phototherapy (Jaundice Treatment) Equipment, BT-400
Bistos Portable Patient Vital Signs Monitor, SpO2, Pulse, *NIBP, BT-720
Bistos Replacement Li-ion Battery for BT-410A/F Surgical Headlight
Bistos Surgical Headlight Accessories
Bistos Surgical Headlights
Black Nylon Dust Cover with LW Scientific Logo for use with Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3P-CVRN-DUST
Black Plastic Cap for Ultra 8 Centrifuge, ULR-SFTSWTCVR
Black Timer Knob for Ultra 8F/8S/8V/TL Centrifuge, CMR-KNB7-HE77
BLD 2 Channel Russian Portable Stimulator, R2500
BLD Dual-Stim 4 Channel TENS/EMS Unit, DUAL STIM
BLD Portable 2 Channel Interferential EMS Unit, IF4250D
BLD Stim III 4 Channel Portable EMS Unit, STIM3
Blood Pressure Management
Blue Leadwire Set for TrioStim Muscle Stimulator, ME2152
BluFire Body fat Analyzer w/Large LCD Display, 2 Person Memory and Auto Recognition. BL-BA90
BluFire Flexible Tip Digital Thermometer w/LCD Display, BL-TH10
BluFire Pedometer w/3D Motion Check, Clock, FM Radio and Headphones, BT-PD20
BluFire Products
Blunt Tipped Firm Rubber Applicator for G5 Massagers, AP222
Bone Densitometers
Bottom Tray for Bovie Mobile Stand, A812-BT
Bottom Tray for ESMS bovie Mobile Stand, ESMS-B
Bovie 3 Button Electrosurgical Pencil for Derm 101, Derm 102, A942, A952 - A902
Bovie Adapter for Connecting Footswitch Pencil to the A1200 Electrosurgical Generator, A1205A
Bovie Adapter Plug for Foostwitch Pencil to the A1250, A2250 and A3250 Electrosurgical Generators, A1255A
Bovie Bantam | PRO 50 Watts High Frequency Dessicator w/ Accessories, A952
Bovie Bantam | PRO 50W Electrosurgical System for ObGyn, A952-G
Bovie Bipolar Footswitch for A2250, A3250 Electrosurgical Generators, BV-1254B
Bovie Button from Bovie Medical Corporation, Box/10, RHSW
Bovie Change-A-Tip Deluxe Cautery Kit with High and Low Temperature Tip, DEL2
Bovie Change-A-Tip Deluxe High Temperature Cautery Kit, DEL1
Bovie Change-A-Tip Deluxe Low Temperature Cautery Kit, DEL0
Bovie DERM 941 40W High Frequency Electrosurgical Generator, A941
Bovie DERM 942 40W High Frequency Electrosurgical Generator, A942
Bovie Disposable Arthroscopic Electrodes, Sterile, Box/5, AR00
Bovie Disposable Blade Electrodes,
Bovie Disposable Dermal Tips, A804
Bovie Disposable Electrosurgical Ball Electrodes, Sterile, Box/5, ES06
Bovie Disposable Electrosurgical Loop Electrodes, Sterile, Box/5, ES08
Bovie Disposable Electrosurgical Needle Electrodes, Sterile, Box/25, ES02
Bovie Disposable Opthalmic Lights, Pack/1, 6800
Bovie Disposable Replaceable Fine Tip with Sheath, Box/10, H101-ADH
Bovie Disposable Replaceable High Temperature C Tip for Change-A-Tip Cauteries, Box/10, CH05
Bovie Disposable Replaceable Tips for Change-A-Tip Battery Operated Cauteries, Box/10,
Bovie Disposable Sheath for Replaceable Cautery, HISL
Bovie Disposable Solid Adult Return Electrode w/o Cable, Box/50, ESRS
Bovie Disposable Solid Adult Return Electrode with 2.8M Cable, Box/50, ESRSC
Bovie Disposable Solid Dispersive Electrodes for A950 and A1200 Electrosurgical Generators, Pack/5, A1202
Bovie Disposable Split Adult Return Electrode w/o Cable, Box/50, ESRE
Bovie Disposable Split Adult Return Electrode with 2.8M Cable, Box/50, ESREC
Bovie Disposable Square Electrodes, Sterile, Box/5, ES41
Bovie Disposable Supercut Tungsten Electrosurgical Needles, Sterile, Box/5, ES60
Bovie Electrode Adapter, 0.8mm for (1/32) Collet, A905B
Bovie Electrode Adapter, 1/16 for (2/32) Collet for use with A800EU, A900 and A950, A905EL
Bovie Electrosurgery Equipment
Bovie Electrosurgical Foot Control Pencil, Disposable, Sterile, ESP7
Bovie Electrosurgical Push Button Pencil, Disposable, Sterile, ESP1
Bovie Electrosurgical Rocker Switch Pencil, Disposable, Sterile, ESP6
Bovie Eye Bubbbles, Box/10, 0002
Bovie Footswitch for A1250, A2250 and A3250 Electrosurgical Generators, BV-1253B
Bovie Footswitch for A900 and A800 Electrosurgical Generators, A803
Bovie Footswitch for A950 and A1200 Electrosurgical Generators, A1203
Bovie Grounding Wristlet and Cord, A809
Bovie Handheld Woods Light, UV59
Bovie Icon GI Electrosurgical Generator for Gastroenterology, GI120
Bovie Medical
Bovie Medical Corporation
Bovie Medical Icon GI Active Cable-Female, Box/1, GIACF
Bovie Medical Icon GI Active Cable-Male, Box/1, GIACM
Bovie Mobile Stand for A1250 Electrosurgical Generators, ESMS-C
Bovie Neuro-Pulse Nerve Locators, Box/10, 0003
Bovie Opthalmic Burr Handle, 0010
Bovie Opthalmic Burr Tips for Aaron Burr 2 Handle,
Bovie OR | PRO 300 Watt Electrosurgical Generator, A3350
Bovie Replacement Cord for use with A1204, A1204C
Bovie Replacement Metal Plate, A1204P
Bovie Resistick II Coated Electrosurgical Electrodes, Disposable, Sterile, Box/12, ES01T
Bovie Reusable 3 Button Pencil for A900 and A950 Series Electrosurgical Generators, Box/1, A901
Bovie Reusable Angled Electrodes, Non-sterile, Box/1, A811
Bovie Reusable Bi-polar Forceps, Non-sterile, Pack/1, A820
Bovie Reusable Connecting Cable for Dispersive Electrode for A950 Electrosurgical Generator, A1202C
Bovie Reusable Connecting Cord for ESRE, ESRS to A1250, A2250 and A3250 Electrosurgical Generators, A1252C
Bovie Reusable Dispersive Electrode for A900 and A800EU Electrosurgical Generators, A802EU
Bovie Reusable Electrode Blades, Box/1,
Bovie Reusable Electrosurgical Ball Electrodes, Non-sterile, Pack/1, A831
Bovie Reusable Electrosurgical Loop Electrodes, Non-sterile, Pack/1, ES08R
Bovie Reusable Electrosurgical Loop Electrodes, Sterile, Box/5, ES22
Bovie Reusable Electrosurgical Needle Electrodes, Non-sterile, Pack/1, A833
Bovie Reusable Electrosurgical Short Tungsten Loop Electrodes, Pack/1, ES22R
Bovie Reusable High Temperature Change-A-Tip Cautery, Pack/1, HIT1
Bovie Reusable Low Temperature Change-A-Tip Cautery, HIT0
Bovie Reusable Metal Plate and Cord for A950 Electrosurgical Generator, A1204
Bovie Reusable Penlights, Multiple Package,
Bovie Reusable Push Button Electrosurgical Pencil, (Top 40), ESPR2
Bovie Reusable Square Electrosurgical Electrodes, Non-sterile, Pack/1, ES41R
Bovie Reusable Supercut Tungsten Electrosurgical Needles, Non-sterile, Pack/1, ES60R
Bovie Shark Skin Electrosurgical Pencil Adapter w/3/8" X 10' Tubing, Box/20, SS95
Bovie Smart Shark Remote Activation Switch for SE02/SE03, SERS2
Bovie Smoke Evacuators
Bovie Smoke Shark Parts - Acceessories
Bovie Smoke Shark SE03/III Compact Smoke Evacuator w/6hr Filter, SE03-120
Bovie Smoke Shark Smoke Evacuator Arm Stand, SEAS
Bovie Specialist | PRO 120W Electrosurgical Generator, A1250S
Bovie Specialist | PRO 120W Electrosurgical Total System w/Smoke Evacuator, A1250S-G
Bovie Sterile and Non-sterile Stylets, Pack/1
Bovie Sterile Stratch Pads, Box/40, ESSP
Bovie Surch-Lite Flexible Lights, Non-sterile, Pack/1
Bovie Surch-Lite Flexible Lights, Sterile
Bovie SurgiCenter | PRO 200W Electrosurgical Generator, A2350
Bovie Wall Mount Kit for A800, A900, A950 and A1200 Electrosurgical Generators, A837
Bowl for C3 Centrifuge, C3R-BWL
Bowl for C5 Centrifuge, C5R-BWL
Brake Switch for M24 Centrifuge, HER-BRKSWT
Branson Acoustic Sound-Proof Enclosure, 101-063-275
Branson Adapter Stud for 250 and 450 Model Sonifiers, 100-098-249
Branson Aqueous BC Liquid Buffing Compound
Branson Aqueous EC Liquid Electronic Parts Cleaner
Branson Aqueous GP General Purpose Powder Cleaner, 2lbs, Case/3, CPN-955-007
Branson Aqueous GP Liquid General Purpose Cleaner
Branson Aqueous IS Industrial Strength Liquid Cleaner
Branson Aqueous JC Jewelry Cleaning Solution,
Branson Aqueous MC-1 Liquid Metal Cleaner
Branson Aqueous MC-2 Liquid Metal Cleaner
Branson Aqueous MC-3 Liquid Metal Cleaner
Branson Aqueous OC Optical Cleaning Solution,
Branson Aqueous OR Liquid Oxide Remover
Branson Aqueous RSL Liquid Rust Stripper Cleaner
Branson Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaners
Branson Cell Disruptors
Branson CPX1800 / E 0.5 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Digital, CPX-952-119R / CPX-952-139R
Branson CPX1800H / E 0.5 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Digital, Heated, CPX-952-118R / CPX-952-138R
Branson CPX2800 / E 0.75 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Digital, CPX-952-219R / CPX-952-239R
Branson CPX2800H / E 0.75 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Digital, Heated, CPX-952-218R / CPX-952-238R
Branson CPX3800 / E 1.5 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Digital, CPX-952-319R / CPX-952-339R
Branson CPX3800H / E 1.5 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Digital, Heated, CPX-952-318R / CPX-952-338R
Branson CPX5800 / E 2.5 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Digital, CPX-952-519R / CPX-952-539R
Branson CPX5800H / E 2.5 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Digital, Heated, CPX-952-518R / CPX-952-538R
Branson CPX8800 / E 5.5 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Digital, CPX-952-819R / CPX-952-839R
Branson CPX8800H / E 5.5 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Digital, Heated, CPX-952-818R / CPX-952-838R
Branson M1800 / E 0.5 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Analog, CPX-952-116R / CPX-952-136R
Branson M1800H / E 0.5 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Analog, Heated, CPX-952-117R / CPX-952-137R
Branson M2800 / E 0.75 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Analog, CPX-952-216R / CPX-952-236R
Branson M2800H / E 0.75 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Analog, Heated, CPX-952-217R / CPX-952-237R
Branson M3800 / E 1.5 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Analog, CPX-952-316R / CPX-952-336R
Branson M3800H / E 1.5 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Analog, Heated, CPX-952-317R / CPX-952-337R
Branson M5800 / E 2.5 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Analog, CPX-952-516R / CPX-952-536R
Branson M5800H / E 2.5 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Analog, Heated, CPX-952-517R / CPX-952-537R
Branson M8800 / E 5.5 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Analog, CPX-952-816R / CPX-952-836R
Branson M8800H / E 5.5 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner, Analog, Heated, CPX-952-817R / CPX-952-837R
Branson Open End Wrench For 1/2" Tip, 201-118-010
Branson SFX150 Digital Sonifier, 150W 40Khz, w/Converter and 1/8" Tip, 101-063-962R
Branson SFX150 Digital Sonifier, 150W 40Khz, w/Handheld Converter and 1/8" Tip, 101-063-1096R
Branson SFX250 Digital Sonifier, 250W 20Khz, w/1/2" Horn, 101-063-965R
Branson SFX550 Digital Sonifier, 550W 20Khz, w/1/2" Horn, 101-063-969R
Branson SFX550 Digital Sonifier, 550W 20Khz, w/3/4" Horn, 101-063-968R
Branson Sonifier 1" Diameter Stepped Solid Horn, 101-147-044
Branson Sonifier 1/2" Diameter Disruptor Horn w/Stepped, Tapped Graduated Scale, 101-147-036
Branson Sonifier 1/2" Diameter Flow-thru-Horn, 101-147-056
Branson Sonifier 1/2" Diameter Solid Catenoidal Horn, 101-147-042
Branson Sonifier 1/2" Diameter Solid Exponential Horn, 101-147-041
Branson Sonifier 1/2" Diameter Stepped and Tapped Disruptor Horn, 101-147-037
Branson Sonifier 1/2" DiameterTapped Exponential Horn, 101-147-040
Branson Sonifier 1/2" Stepped Solid Disruptor Horn, 101-147-038
Branson Sonifier 3/4" Diameter Stepped Solid High Gain Horn, 101-147-035
Branson Sonifier 3/4" Diameter Threaded Disruptor Horn with Solid Tip, 101-147-043
Branson Sonifier 3/4" Stepped Tapped Disruptor Horn, 611-005-021
Branson Sonifier 3/8" Stepped Solid Disruptor Horn, 101-147-039
Branson Sonifier Cell Disruptors
Branson Sonifier Dual Disruptor Horn with 2 x 3/4" Horns, 109-116-1441
Branson Sonifier Flow-thru Cup Horn w/2" Diameter Clear Plastic Chamber, 101-147-047
Branson Sonifier High Intensity Cup Horn w/Flow Thru Ports, 101-047-046
Branson Sonifier Parts - Accessories
Branson Spenner Wrench for SLP Sonifiers, 201-118-024
Branson Tool Kit Includes 2 x Spanner Wrench, 101-063-176
Branson Ultrasonic Cleaner Parts-Accessories
Branson Ultrasonic Cleaning Solutions
Branson Ultrasonics
Brymill 10oz/300ml Liquid Nitrogen(LN2) Sprayer for Industrial Use, B800-I
Brymill 10oz/300ml Liquid Nitrogen(LN2) Sprayer for Veterinary Use, CRYOGUN Mini Vet
Brymill 16oz/500ml Liquid Nitrogen(LN2) Sprayer for Industrial Use, B-700I
Brymill 16oz/500ml Liquid Nitrogen(LN2) Sprayer for Veterinary Use, CRYOGUN Vet
Brymill 1cm Cryosurgical Concave Probe for Hemmorhoid Treatment, 202
Brymill Accessory Adapter for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers, 1006521
Brymill Cry-Ac 16oz/500ml Cryosurgical Liquid Nitrogen(LN2) Sprayer, B700
Brymill Cry-Ac 3 10oz/300ml Cryosurgical Liquid Nitrogen(LN2) Sprayer, B800
Brymill Cryo Tweezers with Delrin Cup Holder and 10 x Foam Cups, BRY-350
Brymill Cryogenic Luer Lock Adapter for CryAc / CryAc 3, 308
Brymill Cryogenic Malleable Extension for CryAc / CryAc 3, 309
Brymill Cryogenic Open Spray Tips for Various Skin Lesion Procedures,
Brymill Cryogenic Systems
Brymill Cryosurgical Back Vent Adapter for CryAc / CryAc 3, 301
Brymill Cryosurgical Bent Spray Extensions for CryAc / CryAc 3, 103
Brymill Cryosurgical Chambers for Cry Ac / CryAc 3
Brymill Cryosurgical Closed Ball Probe for CryAc / CryAc 3
Brymill Cryosurgical Closed Flat Probe for CryAc / CryAc 3, 205
Brymill Cryosurgical Conical Probes for CryAc / CryAc 3
Brymill Cryosurgical Dermatology Practice Package with 10 oz / 300 ml LN2 Sprayer, BRY-1002
Brymill Cryosurgical Dermatology Practice Package with 16 oz / 500 ml LN2 Sprayer, BRY-1003
Brymill Cryosurgical Family Practice Package with 10 oz / 300 ml LN2 Sprayer, BRY-1000
Brymill Cryosurgical Family Practice Package with 16 oz / 500 ml LN2 Sprayer, BRY-1001
Brymill Cryosurgical Mini Closed Probes for CryAc / CryAc 3
Brymill Cryosurgical Neoprene Cryocones, Set of 6, 304
Brymill Cryosurgical Right Angle Adapter for CryAc / CryAc 3, 310
Brymill Cryosurgical Spray Extensions for CryAc / CryAc 3
Brymill Durable Insulated Carry Bag for Cry Ac and Cry Ac 3 Cryogenic Systems, 601
Brymill Histology Package w/10" Spray Extension & Acne Aperture, 360
Brymill Industrial (LN2) Sprayer Systems
Brymill Liquid Nitrogen LN2 Withdrawal Device for MVE LAB Tanks, BRY-502
Brymill Liquid Nitrogen LN2 withdrawal Tube, BRY-503
Brymill LN2 Storage and Withdrawal Equipment
Brymill Medical (LN2) Sprayer Systems
Brymill MVE LAB 10 Liter Liquid Nitrogen Storage Tank, BRY501-10
Brymill MVE LAB 20 Liter Liquid Nitrogen Storage Tank, BRY501-20
Brymill MVE LAB 20SC Liter Liquid Nitrogen Storage Tank, BRY501-20/20SC
Brymill MVE LAB 30 Liter Liquid Nitrogen Storage Tank, BRY501-30
Brymill MVE LAB 5 Liter Liquid Nitrogen Storage Tank, BRY501-5
Brymill MVE LAB 50 Liter Liquid Nitrogen Storage Tank, BRY501-50
Brymill Parts and Accessories
Brymill Replacement Dewar Cap for MVE LAB Series LN2 Storage Tanks, BRY501-DC
Brymill Roller Base for Dewars, 501-RB
Brymill Transparent Lexan Cryoplate with 4 Conical Openings, 303
Brymill Veterinary Nitrogen (LN2) Sprayer Systems
Brymill Withdrawal Device Replacement Filter, 502-F
Brymill Withdrawal Tube Replacement Filter, 503-F
Bstos 3 x Magnification Loupe for BT-410A/F Surgical Headlight
Bucket Rotor Kit for LW Scientific C5 Centrifuges, (T Rotor+4 Buckets+4x15ml Inserts), C5R-KIT7-15ML
Bucket Rotor Kit for LW Scientific C5 Centrifuges, (T Rotor+4 Buckets+4x50ml Inserts), C5R-KIT7-50ML
Button for Perforated Rubber Band, for use with Mettler ME395 Diathermy Unit, ME3969
C Mount Adapter for Wallach Tristar and Pentastar Colposcopes, 400474
C-mount CCD Tube for Trinoc for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2P-ADA7-CCD7
C5 Centrifuge Body w/o Lid, C5R-BDY
Capacitive Applicator Cable for Mettler ME395 Diathermy Unit, ME3973
CAPNOSTAT 5 Mainstream CO2 Sensor for Bionet Veterinary Vital Signs Monitors, B-RMCO2
Carbon Fiber Bucket for Bucket Rotor for C5 Centrifiges(no inserts), C5P-BKT7-MTL7
Carry Bag for Bistos BT-350E/L Fetal Monitors
Carry Case - Small - Black Nylon Soft Case, MSP-CSE7-SFSM
Carry Case for Summit Hand-held Fetal Dopplers, K260
Carrying Case for Mettler TrioStim Muscle Stimulators, ME2154
Carrying Case for Wallach LL100 Multi Tip Freezer, 901050
Carrying Plate for Quarter Pie Reaction Blocks, 18900001
Cart for 20LBS Gas Cylinder, 901011
Cart for Use With Arm and Coil Applicator for ME390 Diathermy Unit, ME96
Caster Stand and Chrome Pole for G5 Massagers, AP50
Cavi-Clean Ultrasonic Cleaner Solution from Mettler Electronics,
CCD C-Mount Camera Tube for Trinoc for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3P-ADA7-CCD7
CCD Camera Tube for Trinoc 160 Head for M Series LabScopes, M2P-ADA7-CCD7
CCD Camera Tube for Trinoc Infinity Head for M Series LabScopes, M2P-ADAI-CCD7
Centrifugal Stirrers for IKA Overhead Stirrers,
Champ CKW Bases
Chattanooga Group
Chemistry Analyzers
Clamp for Waldmann Halux LED and Oculux Exam Lights, D14-228-000
Clamp for Waldmann Madeira, Halux, Max, 35/MT 20, Cosy and Medicool Lights, 200-498-039
Clamp for Waldmann Omnivue, SNE and RLLE Lights, 191-025-069-40
Clamp for Waldmann STE-155 Task Lights, 190-007-019
Clear Gel Couplant, 12x250ml Bottles, ME1851
Clear Gel Couplant, 12x9.5oz Tubes, ME1844
Clear Gel Couplant, 4x5 Liter Container, ME1853
Clear Gel Couplant, 5 Liter Container, ME1852
Clinic Lighting
CLS Surgimedics
CLS Surgimedics Adapter, 3/8" Medical Tubing to 1 1/3" Prefilter, Pack/10, 905015-000
CLS Surgimedics Adapter, 7/8" Prefilter/ULPA Clear Filter to 1/4" Tubing, Pack/10, 901007
CLS Surgimedics Adapter, 7/8" Prefilter/ULPA Clear Filter to 3/8" Tubing, Pack/10, 901006
CLS Surgimedics Adapter, 7/8" Tubing to 1 1/3" Prefilter, Pack/10, 905017-000
CLS Surgimedics ArmStand Assistant for Smoke Evacuation, 907001
CLS Surgimedics Filter, Carbon used with Versa Vac, Pack/3, 901408-000
CLS Surgimedics Filter, Carbon XPlume ULPA Used with 100 XPLume System, Pack/1, 901418-000
CLS Surgimedics Filter, In-line Wall Smoke Removal Multiple Use, Pack/10, 901054-030
CLS Surgimedics Filter, In-line Wall Smoke Removal Single Use, Pack/10, 901051-000
CLS Surgimedics Filter, Odor Control used with Versa Vac, Pack/3, 901415
CLS Surgimedics Filter, Smoke Shark used with SE01 System, Pack/1, 901425-000
CLS Surgimedics Filter, ULPA Clear VLSI 7/8" Port, Pack/1, 901301-000
CLS Surgimedics Filter, ULPA Protection-Plus VLSI Grade 2, Pack/1, 901307
CLS Surgimedics Filter, ULPA Smoke VLSI Grade 2, Pack/1, 901300-000
CLS Surgimedics Filter, used with ES-2000 System, Pack/1, 901407-000
CLS Surgimedics Filter, used with Mini Vac ST-1250 System, Pack/3, 901409-000
CLS Surgimedics Filter, used with SES1000 System 7/8" Filter, used w/SES1, Pack/3, 901423-000
CLS Surgimedics Filter, used with SES1000 System, Pack/3, 901427-000
CLS Surgimedics Filter, XPlume ULPA Used with 100 XPLume System, Pack/6, 901417-000
CLS Surgimedics Insufflation Tubing, Pack/10, CT1001
CLS Surgimedics Kit, 1/4" x 6' Medical Tubing with 1/4" x 9" Wand, Pack/10, 905045
CLS Surgimedics Kit, 7/8" x 6' Tubing w/attached 1/4" x 4 Med Tubing, Pack/5, 905062-000
CLS Surgimedics Prefilter, Protection-Plus 1 1/3" Port, Pack/10, 901205
CLS Surgimedics Prefilter, Protection-Plus 7/8" Port, Pack/10, 901206
CLS Surgimedics Prefilter, Smoke 1 1/3" Port , Pack/30, 901202-000
CLS Surgimedics Prefilter, Smoke 7/8" Port, Pack/30, 901201
CLS Surgimedics Reducer, 1 1/3" Tubing to 1/4" Medical Tubing Adapter, Pack/10, 905014-000
CLS Surgimedics Reducer, 7/8" Tubing to 1/4" Medical Tubing Adapter, Pack/10, 901004-000
CLS Surgimedics Reducer, 7/8" Tubing to 3/8" Medical Tubing Adapter, Pack/10, 901002-000
CLS Surgimedics Smoke Evacuator, PureVac Mini Turbo (230V 50/60 HZ), 906151
CLS Surgimedics Smoke Evacuator, Surgifresh, Mini Turbo (110V-120V/60 HZ), 906500
CLS Surgimedics Smoke Evacuator, Surgifresh, Mini Turbo (230V/50 HZ), 906750-000
CLS Surgimedics Smoke Evacuator, Surgifresh, Mini Turbo (230V/60 HZ), 906760
CLS Surgimedics Tubing, Smoke Evac 1/4" x 12" w/ 1/4" to 7/8" Adapter, Pack/10, 905060-000
CLS Surgimedics Tubing, Smoke Evacuation 1 1/3" x 10', Pack/5, 905051-000
CLS Surgimedics Tubing, Smoke Evacuation 1 1/3" x 6' w/ Wand, Pack/5, 905048-000
CLS Surgimedics Tubing, Smoke Evacuation 1 1/3" x 6', Pack/5, 905046-000
CLS Surgimedics Tubing, Smoke Evacuation 7/8" x 10', Pack/24, 905055-000
CLS Surgimedics Tubing, Smoke Evacuation 7/8" x 10', Pack/24, 905056-000
CLS Surgimedics Tubing, Smoke Evacuation 7/8" x 10', Pack/24, 905057-000
CLS Surgimedics Tubing, Smoke Evacuation 7/8" x 6', Pack/24, 905021-000
CLS Surgimedics Tubing, Smoke Evacuation 7/8" x 6', Pack/24, 905054-000
CLS Surgimedics Wand, 1/4" x 9", Pack/50, 905066
CLS Surgimedics Wand, 7/8" x 8" Suction w/Sponge Guard, Pack/10, 905068-000
CLS Surgimedics Wand, ESU Pencil Smoke Removal w/ 0.44" Tip, Pack/10, 905025-000
CLS Surgimedics Wand, ESU Pencil Smoke Removal w/ 0.75" Tip, Pack/10, 905026-000
Co-Observation (Teaching) Tube for Wallach Colposcopes, 900813
Collection Site Series
Color Pack Printer Paper, 906147
Color Video Printer for use with Analog Cameras Only, 906132
Combination Therapy
Conmed 3/8in. Reusable Long Needle Electrode for Dessication, 716
Conmed 30°Angled Reusable Needle Electrode for Pinpoint Coagulation, 7-221-A
Conmed 45° Angled Reusable General Purpose Electrode with Protective Insulator, 711B
Conmed 5/8in Reusable Straight Needle Electrode, Pack/5, 138004
Conmed 5/8in. Long Dessication and Coagulation Needle Resuable Electrode, 7-221-L
Conmed 7/32" Dia. Reusable Long Ball Electrode, 7-222-L
Conmed Adson Serrated Tip Reusable Bipolar Forceps, 7-809-7
Conmed Adson Smooth Tip Reusable Bipolar Forceps, 7-809-4
Conmed Autoclavable and Reusable Hand Control Pencil for Hyfrecator 2000, 7-900-5
Conmed Busey Frazier Tip Reusable Suction Coagulator, 137307
Conmed Corporation
Conmed Cushing Serrated Tip Bayonet Bipolar Forceps, Reusable, 7-809-9
Conmed Cushing Serrated Tip Reusable Bipolar Forceps, 7-809-8
Conmed Cushing Smooth Tip Bayonet Reusable Bipolar Forceps, 7-809-6
Conmed DetachaTip® III 5.00mm X 33.00cm Curved Metzenbaum Scissor, Sterile, 3-1003
Conmed Disposable Non-sterile Pencil Sheaths, Box or Case, 7-796-18
Conmed Disposable Sterile Pencil Sheaths, Box or Case, 7-796-19
Conmed Disposable Sterilized Hyfrecator Footswitch Pencil with Needle, Case/40, 138652A
Conmed Electrolase Disposable Non-sterile Electrodes, Blunt Tips, Box or Case, 7-101-12
Conmed Electrolase Disposable Non-sterile Electrodes, Sharp Tips, Box or Case, 7-100-12
Conmed Electrolase Disposable Sterile Electrodes, Blunt Tips, Box or Case, 7-101-8
Conmed Electrolase Disposable Sterile Electrodes, Sharp Tips, Box or Case, 7-100-8
Conmed Electrosurgery Equipment
Conmed Electrosurgical Generators
Conmed Electrosurgical Tip Cleaner, Single Use, Case/40, 138029
Conmed Foot Switch for Hyfrecator 2000, 10ft (3.0 meter) Cord Included, 7-900-4
Conmed Hyfre-Vac II Handheld Non-sterile Tubing Set, Case/5, 7-900-13
Conmed Hyfre-Vac II Smoke Evacuator Filter, Case/2, 7-900-14
ConMed Hyfrecator 2000 35W High Frequency Electrosurgical Generator, 115V 60Hz, 7-900-115
ConMed Hyfrecator 2000 35W High Frequency Electrosurgical Generator, 230V 50/60Hz, 7-900-230
Conmed Hyfrecator 2000 Inservice Video CD, 7-900-25CD
Conmed Hyfrecator 2000 Operator's Manual in English, 7-900-OM-ENG
Conmed Hyfrecator 2000 Service Manual in English, 7-900-SM-ENG
Conmed Hyfrecator Footswitch for Models 796 and 797, 7-796-4
ConMed Integrated Systems
Conmed Jeweler's Micro Tip Reusable Forceps, 7-809-1
Conmed Reusable 30°Angled Ball Electrode for Controlled Coagulation, 7-222-A
Conmed Reusable 75°Angled Fine Wire Needle Electrode, 705A
Conmed Reusable and Autoclavable Bipolar Cord, 12ft (3.7m), 7-809-12
Conmed Reusable Ball Electrode for Controlled Coagulation, Pack/10, 138018
Conmed Reusable Cushing Smooth Tip Bipolar Forceps, 7-809-5
Conmed Reusable Electrode Starter Kit for Hyfrecators, (5 Electrodes), 700
Conmed Reusable Extra Fine Epilation/Telangiectasias Needle Electrode, 30° Angled, Pack/6, 714-S
Conmed Reusable Extra Fine Needle Electrode, 30° Angled, Pack/6, 714
Conmed Reusable Gerald Microtip Bipolar Forceps, 7-809-2
Conmed Reusable Hand Control Pencil for Hyfrecator 2000, 7-800-5
Conmed Reusable Hardy Microtip Bipolar Forceps, 7-809-3
Conmed Reusable Hyfrecator Needle Adapter, 750
Conmed Reusable Patient Grounding Plate for Hyfrecator 2000, 7-900-7
Conmed Reusable Patient Grounding Plate for Older Hyfrecator Models, 7-796-7
Conmed Reusable Short Ball Electrode, Pack/5, 138019
Conmed Reusable Short Dessication Needle Electrode, 7-221-S
Conmed Semkin Micro Tip Reusable Forceps, 60-1771-001
Conmed Semkin Straight Reusable Forceps, 60-1772-001
Conmed Smoke Evacuators for Electrosurgery
Conmed Universal Wall Mount Bracket, 7-796-20
Contact Us
Converter with Cable for use with Branson Sonifier 150 100W Models, 101-135-096
Cooling Coil for Elma 30/40/70/150 Series, Part No 103 8735
Cooling Coil for Elma 60/80/100/120/180/300 Series, Part No 103 7515
Cooper Surgical AstrinGyn Aqueous Ferric Subsulfate Monsel's Solution, Box/12, 6065
Cord for the A1204P Reusable Plate for the A1250, A2250 and A3250, A1254C
Cotton-Tipped Applicators - 100 Qty, MSP-APP7-CNTP
Crest POWERSONIC 0.75 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Degas & Power Tracking, 132kHz, P230D-132
Crest POWERSONIC 0.75 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Degas & Power Tracking, 45kHz, P230D-45
Crest POWERSONIC 0.75 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner, 45kHz P230H-45
Crest POWERSONIC 1.0 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Degas & Power Tracking, 132kHz, P360D-132
Crest POWERSONIC 1.0 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Degas & Power Tracking, 45kHz, P360D-45
Crest POWERSONIC 1.0 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner, 45kHz, P360H-45
Crest POWERSONIC 1.5 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Degas & Power Tracking, 132kHz, P500D-132
Crest POWERSONIC 1.5 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Degas & Power Tracking, 45kHz, P500D-45
Crest POWERSONIC 1.5 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner, 45kHz, P500H-45
Crest POWERSONIC 2.5 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Degas & Power Tracking, 132kHz, P1200D-132
Crest POWERSONIC 2.5 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Degas & Power Tracking, 45kHz, P1200D-45
Crest POWERSONIC 2.5 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner, 45kHz, P1200H-45
Crest POWERSONIC 3.25 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Degas & Power Tracking, 132kHz, P1100D-132
Crest POWERSONIC 3.25 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Degas & Power Tracking, 45kHz, P1100D-45
Crest POWERSONIC 3.25 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner, 45kHz, P1100H-45
Crest POWERSONIC 5.25 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Degas & Power Tracking, 132kHz, P1800D-132
Crest POWERSONIC 5.25 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Degas & Power Tracking, 45kHz, P1800D-45
Crest POWERSONIC 5.25 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner, 45kHz, P1800H-45
Crest POWERSONIC 7.0 Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner, 45kHz, P2600H-45
Crest POWERSONIC 7.0Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Degas & Power Tracking, 132kHz, P2600D-132
Crest POWERSONIC 7.0Gal Benchtop Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Degas & Power Tracking, 45kHz, P2600D-45
Crest Powersonic Ultrasonic Cleaners
Crest Ultrasonics
CryoConcepts Histofreezer Cryosurgical Kit, 36~72 Treatment, 1001-0294
CryoConcepts Histofreezer Cryosurgical Kit, 36~72 Treatment, 1001-0295
CryoConcepts Histofreezer Cryosurgical Kit, 40~80 Treatment, 1001-0293
CryoConcepts Histofreezer Cryosurgical Kit, 70~140 Treatment, 1001-0375
CryoConcepts Histofreezer FLEX Cryosurgical (Buds Only) Kit, 50 Treatments, 200-3050
CryoConcepts Histofreezer FLEX Cryosurgical (Cones Only) Kit, 50 Treatments, 200-4051
CryoConcepts Histofreezer FLEX Cryosurgical Mixed Kit, 50 Treatments, 200-5052
CryoConcepts Histofreezer FLEX Cryosurgical Mixed Kit, 80 Treatments, 200-6080
CryoConcepts Histofreezer FLEX Cryosurgical Replacement Kit, 200-2000
Cryogenic Dewar Flasks
Cryogenic Equipment & Supplies
CryoLab Medical
CryoLab Medical Cryosurgical Device w/Refillable N2O/CO2 Cylinders, 200-1000
CryOmega Disposable Cryosurgical Device Twin Pack w/2 x 16gr N2O Cartridge, 160-2002
CryOmega Disposable Cryosurgical Device w/16gr N2O Cartridge, 160-2003
CryOmega Portable Devices
Cryosurgical Packages
Cryosurgical Tips for LL100
Cuff Extension Hose for Bistos Patient Monitors
Cup Horn for use with Branson SLP Sonifiers, 109-116-1760
Curettes / Hooks / Dilators / Sounds
Curved Sponge Applicator for G5 Massagers, AP230
Customer Service
Dark Field "oil" Condenser for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3P-CND7-DFDR
Dark Field 100X DIN Plan Objective with Aperture Stop, M2P-100X-DFOL
Dark Field Condenser for M Series LabScopes, M2P-CND7-DFDR
Darkfield Base Condenser for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2P-CDN7-DFDR
DASH Series
Defender Basic Rectangular Bases
Defender Basic Rectangular Washdown Bases
Defender Rectangular Bench Scale Bases
Defender Square Bench Scale Bases
Defender Washdown Bench Scale Bases
DermLite Connection Kit for Galaxy S5
DermLite Connection Kit for iPad 3 & 4
DermLite Connection Kit for iPad Air
Dermlite Connection Kit for iPad Mini
DermLite Connection Kit for iPhone 5/5S/SE, DLCKi5-MC
DermLite DL Connection Kit for iPhone 4/4S, DLCKi4-MC
DermLite DL Connection Kit for iPhone 5C, DLCKi5C-MC
DermLite DL Connection Kit for Samsung Galaxy S3, DLCKG3-MC
DermLite DL Connection Kit for Samsung Galaxy S4, DLCKG4-MC
DermLite Immersion Oil 30ml, DLFO
DermLite MagnetiConnect, DLMC
Dermlite Pouch for DL100/Carbon/Platinum, DL100P
Desk Chargers
Detente Fasteners for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000/V6500 Centrifuges (ea), V6055
Diagnostic Stations
Diff Counters
Digital Camera Adapter for LW Scientific Microscopes (fits all), MSP-ADA7-PHDG
Digital LCD Display Non-contact Infrared Thermometer, C/F Reading
Digital Photography Package for Wallach Tristar and Pentastar, 900832
Digital USB Based Video Camera w/C Mount Adapter and Power Supply, 900811U
DIN Achromatic Objective Set (4,10,40,100) for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3O-SET7-DA77
DIN Achromatic Objective Set of 4 for LW Scientific Student Microscopes, EDO-SET7-DA77
DIN Plan Objective Set (4,10,40,100) for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3O-SET7-DP77
DIN Plan Objectives Set (4,10,40,100) for M Series LabScopes, M2O-SET7-DP77
Disk Support Rods for Scilogex MX-RD-Pro, Set of 4, 18900140
Disposable ObGyn Instruments
Disposable Plastic Shields for Cryosurgical Tips, Pack of 100, 900221AA
Disposables / Non-disposables
Dissolver Stirrers for IKA Overhead Stirrers,
DL Connection Kit for iPhone 6/6S Plus, DLCK16+
Double Step Microtip-Coupler Portion, Only, 101-147-050
Double Step Microtip-Microtip Portion, Only, 101-148-063
Drain Tubing from Branson Ultrasonics, 000-486-065
Drucker 100mm Centrifuge Test Tube Holder Kit (set of 6), 7713031K
Drucker 100mm Standard Tube Holder, Set of 6, 7713040K
Drucker 100mm x 2 Flat Tube Holder, Set of 6, 7713030K
Drucker 125mm Centrifuge Tube Holder Kit, Set of 6, 7713032K
Drucker 75mm Centrifuge Tube Holder Kit, Set of 6, 7713033K
Drucker Centrifuge Parts and Accessories
Drucker Centrifuges
Drucker DASH APEX 12 Centrifuge, 3min/5min/Custom, 00-083-009-003
Drucker DASH APEX 12 Centrifuge, Barricor, Coag, Chemistry, 00-083-009-001
Drucker DASH APEX 12 Centrifuge, Barricor, Coag, PST/SST, 00-083-009-000
Drucker DASH APEX 24 Centrifuge, 5min/6min/Custom, 00-084-009-005
Drucker DASH APEX 24 Centrifuge, Barricor, Coag, Chemistry, 00-084-009-003
Drucker DASH APEX 24 Centrifuge, Barricor, Coag, PST/SST, 00-084-009-000
Drucker DASH APEX 6 Centrifuge, 3min/5min/Custom, 00-076-009-004
Drucker DASH APEX 6 Centrifuge, Barricor, Coag, Chemistry, 00-076-009-002
Drucker DASH APEX 6 Centrifuge, Barricor, Coag, PST/SST, 00-076-009-001
Drucker DASH FLEX 12 STAT Centrifuge, 00-183-009-000
Drucker Diagnostics
Drucker Horizon 12x(3-5ml) 1000-7000 RPM Variable Speed Horizontal Centrifuge, Digital Display, 842-STAT
Drucker Horizon 16 Place 1000-12000 RPM Variable High Speed Horizontal Centrifuge, Digital Display, 842HS
Drucker Horizon 6x(5-10ml) 1000-3200 RPM Variable Speed Horizontal Centrifuge, Digital Display, 642VES
Drucker Horizon 6x(5-10ml) 3380 RPM Fixed Speed Horizontal Centrifuge, Analog Timer, 642B
Drucker Horizon 6x(5-10ml) 3380 RPM Fixed Speed Horizontal Centrifuge, Digital Timer, 642E
Drucker Horizon 6x(5-15ml) 1000-3900 RPM Variable Speed Angled Rotor Centrifuge, Digital Display, 642VES-Fixed Angle
Drucker Horizon 6x(5-15ml) 3350 RPM Fixed Speed Angled Rotor Centrifuge, Analog Timer, 614B
Drucker Horizon EasySpin 12x(5-10ml) 3150 RPM Fixed Speed Horizontal Centrifuge, Digital Display, 653ES
Drucker Horizon EasySpin 12x(5-10ml) 500-3200 RPM Variable Speed Horizontal Centrifuge, 653V-12
Drucker Horizon Elite 12x(5-15ml) 3150 RPM Fixed Speed Horizontal Centrifuge, 755-12
Drucker Horizon Elite 12x(5-15ml) 500-3200 RPM Variable Speed Horizontal Centrifuge, 755V-12
Drucker Horizon Elite 24x(5-15ml) 3150 RPM Fixed Speed Horizontal Centrifuge, 755-24
Drucker Horizon Elite 24x(5-15ml) 500-3200 RPM Variable Speed Horizontal Centrifuge, 755V-24
Drucker Horizon Plasmafuge 12x(5-10mL) 1000-4000 RPM Variable High Speed Horizontal Centrifuge, Digital Display, 853VES-STDN
Drucker Horizon Plasmafuge 12x(5-10mL) 1000-5000 RPM Variable High Speed Horizontal Centrifuge, Digital Display, 853VES-PP
Drucker Horizon Plasmafuge 6x(3-5ml) 1000-6500 RPM Variable Speed Horizontal Centrifuge, Digital Display, 842VES-PP
Drucker Horizon Plasmafuge 6x(5-10ml) 1000-4500 RPM Variable Speed Horizontal Centrifuge, Digital Display, 842VES-STND
Drucker Horizon Premiere 24x(5-15ml) 500-3500 RPM Variable Speed Horizontal Centrifuge, Digital Display, 755VES
Drum Applicator Strap for Securing The Drum to the Patient, For use with ME390 and ME391, ME3984
DRY Darkfield Condenser for i4 LabScopes, I4P-CND7-DFDR
Dual Channel Cable Adapter Set for Mettler ME206A, ME207A, ME220 and ME900 Stim Units, ME2264
Dual Light Pole Mount Base & Focus Jack for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2B-BSED-7HF1
Dual Light Pole Mount Base w/Rack for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSB-BSED-7HF1
Dust Brush for Microscope - Soft Bristle, MSP-DST7-BRSH
Dust Cover for Achiever & Paragon Dual Mag Stereoscopes, APP-CVR7-DUST
Dust Cover for LW Scientific Student Microscopes, EDP-CVR7-DUST
Dust Cover for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSP-CVR7-DUST
Dust Cover for Wallach Colposcopes, 906049
E-Knuckle Head Holder & Focus Rack (no light) for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2B-BMSE-HHFR
ECG Cart for CardioCare, CardioTouch, Cardio 7 ECG Units, ECG-CART
ECG Equipment & Supplies
ECG's / EKG's
EDAN 10.1" Color TFT LCD Display Fetal & Maternal Monitor, F6 Express
EDAN 10.1" Color LCD Display Fetal Monitor for Twins, F6
EDAN 12.1" Color Touch Screen Fetal & Maternal Monitor, F9 Express
EDAN 5.6" LCD Monochrome Display Fetal Monitor for Twins, F2
EDAN Central Monitoring Station Software, (up to 128 Bedside Monitors), MFM-CMS
EDAN Diagnostics
Edan ECG Machines / Holters
EDAN Fetal Dopplers / Monitors
Edan Fetal Monitors
EDAN IM50 Patient Monitor w/8.4" Screen, NIBP, ECG, SpO2, Resp, Temp, IM50
EDAN IM60 Patient Monitor w/10" Screen, NIBP, ECG, SpO2, Resp, Temp, IM60
EDAN IM70 Patient Monitor w/12" Screen, NIBP, ECG, SpO2, Resp, Temp, ETCO2, IBP, Anesthetic Gas, IM70
EDAN IM8 Patient Monitor w/12" Screen, NIBP, ECG, SpO2, Resp, Temp, IM8
EDAN IM80 Patient Monitor w/15" Screen, NIBP, ECG, SpO2, Resp, Temp, ETCO2, IBP, Anesthetic Gas, IM80
EDAN M3 5.7" Color TFT Display Vital Signs Monitor, NIBP & SpO2, M3_NS
EDAN M3 5.7" Color TFT Display Vital Signs Monitor, NIBP, SpO2 & Temp., M3_NST
EDAN M3B 5.7" Color TFT Display Capnography Monitor w/SpO2, M3B.S
Edan Vital Signs / Patient Monitors
Electrode Cable for Mettler Sonicator Plus ME940, ME2266
Electronic Stethoscopes
Electrosurgical Accessories
Electrosurgical Accessories- Disposables-Instruments
Electrosurgical Disposables
Electrosurgical Equipment
Electrosurgical Generators
Electrosurgical Instruments
Electrosurgical Smoke Evacuators
Elma 1000ml Glass Beaker with Plastic Cover, Part No 104 6010
Elma 600ml Glass Beaker with Cover, Part No 104 6009
Elma EP10 Plus 0.2 Gal. Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Pulse & Sweep Frequency, 107 1649
Elma EP100H Plus 2.5 Gal. Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Pulse & Sweep Frequency, 107 1670
Elma EP10H Plus 0.2 Gal. Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Pulse & Sweep Frequency, 107 1647
Elma EP120H Plus 3.5 Gal. Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Pulse & Sweep Frequency, 107 1672
Elma EP180H Plus 5.0 Gal. Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Pulse & Sweep Frequency, 107 1674
Elma EP20H Plus 0.5 Gal. Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Pulse & Sweep Frequency, 107 1653
Elma EP300H Plus 7.5 Gal. Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Pulse & Sweep Frequency, 107 1676
Elma EP30H Plus 0.75 Gal. Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Pulse & Sweep Frequency, 107 1657
Elma EP40H Plus 1.0 Gal. Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Pulse & Sweep Frequency, 107 1665
Elma EP60H Plus 1.5 Gal. Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Pulse & Sweep Frequency, 107 1667
Elma Hook Rack for Jewelry, Part No 100 7938
ELMA P120H 3.5 Gallon Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 11.8" x 9.4" x 7.9" P/N:103 8103
ELMA P180H 5 Gallon Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 12.9" x 11.8" x 7.9" P/N:103 8158
ELMA P300H 7.5 Gallon Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 19.9" x 11.8" x 7.9" P/N:103 8008
ELMA P30H 0.75 Gallon Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 9.4" x 5.4" x 3.9" P/N:103 3218
ELMA P60H 1.5 Gallon Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 11.8" x 5.9" x 5.9" P/N:103 3240
ELMA P70H 1.75 Gallon Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 19.9" x 5.4" x 3.9" P/N:103 3325
Elma Plastic Cover / Lid for Beaker, Part No 104 5677
Elma Rubber Beaker Positioning Ring, Part No 200 000 5119
ELMA S100H 2.5 Gal Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 11.8 x 9.4" x 5.9" P/N:100 7152
ELMA S10H 0.25 Gal Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 7.5" x 3.3" x 2.4" P/N:100 7137
ELMA S120H 3.5 Gal Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 11.8" x 9.4" x 7.9" P/N:100 7154
ELMA S150 3.75 Gallon Ultrasonic Cleaner 19.9" x 11.8" x 3.9" P/N:107 1279
ELMA S15H 0.5 Gal Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 5.9" x 5.4" x 3.9" P/N:100 7139
ELMA S180H 5 Gallon Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 12.9" x 11.8" x 7.9" P/N:100 7156
ELMA S300H 7.5 Gallon Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 19.9" x 11.8" x 7.9" P/N:107 1165
ELMA S30H 0.75 Gal Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 11.8" x 5.9" x 5.9" P/N:100 7141
ELMA S40H 1.0 Gal Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 9.4" x 5.4" x 5.9" P/N:100 7143
ELMA S450H 12 Gallon Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 19.7" x 11.8" x 11.8" P/N:102 7211
ELMA S60H 1.5 Gal Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 11.8" x 5.9" x 5.9" P/N:100 7145
ELMA S70H 1.75 Gal Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 19.9" x 5.4" x 3.9" P/N:100 7147
ELMA S80H 2.5 Gal Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 19.9" x 5.4" x 5.9" P/N:100 7150
ELMA S900H 24 Gallon Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner 23.6" x 19.7" x 11.8" P/N:102 7212
ELMA Silicon Nap Mat Part No 200 000 0168
Elma Stainless Steel Immersion Basket, 2.3" Dia. Fine Mesh, 207 054 000
Elma Stainless Steel Immersion Basket, 3.3" Dia. Fine Mesh, 100 7545
Elma Stainless Steel Test Tube Rack, Part No 111 1973
Elma Tabletop Ultrasonic Cleaners
Elma Ultrasonics
Elma Ultrasonics 1000ml Beaker, Part No 207 035 100
Elma Ultrasonics 600ml Beaker, Part No 207 034 100
ELMA Warm Air Dryer, 110V, Part No 375 010 0003
Epi-Illumination Module - LED (485nm Excite, 510nm Barrie) for i4 LabScopes, I4P-EPIL-485N
Event Marker for Bistos BT-300/BT-350 Fetal Monitors
Event Marker Jack for Bionet Fetal Monitors, FC-EM
Export Custom Data to CSV
Extension Arm for Waldmann/Derungs Exam Lights, D13-363-000
Extra Large Flat Mat for Benchmark Scientific 2D-3D Shakers, 14'x12", BR2000-FLAT
Eye Tube for Trinoc (no eyepiece) for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2P-ADA7-ETB7
Eyepiece Tube for Trinoc 160 Head for M Series LabScopes, M2P-ADA7-ETB7
Feet for C5 Centrifige, Set of 4, C5R-FET4
Feet for Combo V24 Centrifuge, Set of 4, CMR-FET4
Feet for M24 Centrifuge, Set of 4, HER-FET4
Feet for Ultra 8F/8S/8V/TL centrifuge; set of 3.
Fetal Dopplers
Fetal Heart Rate Dopplers
Fetal Heart Rate Monitors
Fetal Heart Rate Monitors / Vascular Dopplers
Fetal Monitor Parts / Accessories
Fetal Monitors
Fetal Monitors - Dopplers
Financing Information
Flex Arm C-Clamp Stand for Achiever and Paragon Head, APB-BMS7-FA77
Flex Arm C-Clamp Stand for Vision Head for Use with Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSB-BMS7-FA77
Flex Sponge Rubber Applicator Insert for AP230 Applicator, AP231
Flexible Sponge Rubber Applicator Frame for AP230 Applicator, AP232
Fluorescent Light Base Tray for LW Scientific Student Microscopes, EDB-BTR7-FLR1
Focusing Handles for Wallach Colposcopes, (with Brackets), 906138
Footswitch for Icon GI Electrosurgical Generator, Mono/Bi, BV-1253BGI
Footswitch with Cable for use with Branson Sonifier 150 100W Models, CPM-099-297
Forceps / Punches
Forceps Cord for A1250, A2250, A3250 Electrosurgical Generators, A827
Forceps Cord for A2250, A3250 Electrosurgical Generators, A827V
Four AA Ni-Mh Batteries for Mettler ME216 IFC Unit, ME2162
Four Ball Firm Rubber Applicator for G5 Massagers, AP216
Front Body Piece for C3 Centrifuge, C3R-FRTBDY
Front Panel Label for C3 Centrifuge, C3R-FRNTLBL
Front Panel Label for Drucker 614B Centrifuge, 7724022
Front Panel Label for Drucker 642B Centrifuge, 7724009
Front Panel Label for Drucker 755V Centrifuge, 7724151
Front Panel Label for for Drucker 642VFD Centrifuge, 7724008
Full Dust Cover for Wallach Colposcopes, 906104
Fuse (0.5 amp / 250 volt) for LW Scientific Student Microscopes, EDP-FUS7-05A7
Fuse (0.5 amp / 250 volt) for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3P-FUS7-05A7
Fuse (1.0 amp / 250 volt) for M Series LabScopes, M2P-FUS7-10A7
Fuse for Ultra 8 Centrifuge, ULR-FUS
G5 Adult Soft Cupping Applicator for Flimm-Fighter® or Vibracare®, AP251
G5 AP214 Applicator Replacement Pads, Pack/10, AP214FF/AP214FC
G5 Cellutec Professional Massager w/Percussion Modality, CEL24W
G5 Firm Right Angle Percussion Applicator for Neocussor, Pack/25, NAP10-PKG
G5 Firm Right Angle Percussion Applicator for Neocussor, Pack/25, NAP8-PKG
G5 Flimm-Fighter® Home Use Massager w/Percussion Modality, FF24B
G5 French Right-Angle Directional Percussion Adapter (Adjustable), AP209F
G5 GBM Handheld Percussor Massager, GBM24B
G5 GK3 Clinical Massager with Percussion Modality, GK24NB
G5 Home Care Therapy Package, HC-PKG
G5 Massager Accessories
G5 Massager Applicators
G5 Neocussor® Pediatric/Neonatal Massager, NC90
G5 Pediatric Soft Cupping Applicator for Flimm-Fighter®/Vibracare®, AP252
G5 Pediatrics/Geriatric Home Care Package, PGHC-PKG
G5 Professional Massagers
G5 Professional Portable Therapy Package for G5 Massagers, PRO-PORT-PKG
G5 Professional Therapy Package for G5 Massagers, PRO-PKG
G5 ProPower Professional Handheld Massager, PP24B
G5 Respiratory Therapy Package, RT-PKG
G5 Right Angle Percussion Applicator for Neocussor, Pack/25, NAP7-PKG
G5 Soft Foam Applicator for use with Flimm-Fighter®/Vibracare®, AP253
G5 Spa Suction Applicator (for use with AP209), AP242
G5 Spa Treatment Package, SPA-PKG
G5 Therassist Clinical Massager with Percussion Modality, TRS24W
G5 Vibracare® Home Use Massager w/Percussion Modality, VC24B
G5 Vibramatic Digital Professional Massager, VM24WD
G5 Vibration Applicator for Flimm Fighter/Vibracare Massagers, AP250
Gels, Lotions and Sprays
Gem Clip for Achiever & Paragon Dual Mag Stereoscopes, APP-HLD7-GEMC
General Accessories for Benchmark Scientific
General Colposcope Accessories
General Lab Supplies
General Physiotherapy (G5)
Half Ball Rubber Applicator for G5 Massagers, AP217
Halogen Electronics Base Tray (110-220v switchable) for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3B-BTR7-HAL1
Halogen Replacement Bulb for Waldmann ISIS Minor Surgery Lights, 50 Watt, D68-615-000
Halogen Upper - 12v/20w MR11 Reflector for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSP-BLBH-1220
Halogen Upper - 12v/20w MR11 Reflector for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2P-BLBH-1220
Hamilton Bell
Hamilton Bell 10ml Aluminum Test Tube Shield for VanGuard(ea), V6180
Hamilton Bell 15ml Aluminum Test Tube Shield for VanGuard (ea), V6175
Hamilton Bell 3/16" Quick Disconnect Terminal for VanGuard Centrifuges, V4610
Hamilton Bell Bowl Gasket (3.5ft) for VanGuard V6000/6500 Centrifuges, V6065
Hamilton Bell Centrifuge Parts - Accessories
Hamilton Bell Centrifuges
Hamilton Bell O-ring for VanGuard V6000/6500 Centrifuges (ea), V6062
Hamilton Bell Overlay (Decal) for VanGuard V6000/6500, V6085
Hamilton Bell Screw/Nut Microswitch Assembly, Set of 2, V4631
Hamilton Bell VanGuard Centrifuge Base Screws, Set of 6, V4630
Hamilton Bell VanGuard Centrifuge Re-packaging Carton, V4604
Hamilton Bell VanGuard Centrifuge Re-packaging Foam, V4602
Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000 Tabletop Centrifuge, 6x15ml Angled Rotor, 3400rpm, V6000
Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6500 Tabletop Centrifuge, 6x15ml Angled Rotor, 3400rpm, Mech. Timer, V6500
Hamilton Bell Wire Clips for VanGuard Tabletop Centrifuges (ea), V4652
Hamilton Bell Wire Harness for VanGuard V6000 Centrifuge, V4650
Hamilton Bell Wire Harness for VanGuard V6500 Centrifuge, V4651
Handheld Examination Lights
Hard Carry Case for I4 for i4 LabScopes, I4P-CSE7-HDLK
Hard Carry Case for LW Scientific M2 LabScope, M2P-CSE7-HDLK
Hard Carry Case for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3P-CSE7-HDLK
Head Holder & Focus Rack ( no light) for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSB-BMS7-HHFR
Head Holder & Focus Rack - No Light for Z-2 Zoom Microoscopes, Z2B-BMS7-HHFR
Headphones for use with Summit Dopplers, H150
Hematocrit Centrifuges
Hinge for Combo V24 Centrifuge, CMR-HNG
Hinges for Drucker Centrifuges, Pair, 7724071K
Histofreezer Cryosurgical Kits
Holster for Bovie Electrosurgical Pencils, Sterile, Box/40, ESPH
Home Use Ultrasonic Cleaners
Horns for Sonifier 250, 350 and 450
Hot and Cold Packs
Hyfrecator 2000 for Common Dermatological Procedures DVD, 7-900-21CD
IceCap Infection Control Caps for Dermlite DL4, ICDL4
IKA 1,000uL Transparent Low Retention Filter Tip w/Calibration Rings, Pack/100, 0020017828
IKA 1,000uL Transparent Pipette Tip w/Calibration Rings, Pack/100, 0020017827
IKA 1,000uL Transparent Pipette Tip w/Calibration Rings, Pack/250, 0020017826
IKA 10ml Transparent Pipette Tip w/Calibration Rings, Pack/200, 0020017831
IKA 10ml Transparent Pipette Tip w/Calibration Rings, Pack/25, 0020017832
IKA 10uL Pipette Tip Refill Tray, Case/25, 0020017836
IKA 10uL Transparent Low Retention Filter Tip w/Calibration Rings, (5 Trays x 96) 480pcs, 0020017820
IKA 10uL Transparent Pipette Tip w/Calibration Rings, (6 Trays x 96) 576pcs, 0020017818
IKA 10uL Transparent Pipette Tip w/Calibration Rings, Pack/1000, 0020017816
IKA 200uL Pipette Tip Refill Tray, Case/25, 0020017837
IKA 200uL Transparent Low Retention Filter Tip w/Calibration Rings, (5 Trays x 96) 480pcs, 0020017824
IKA 200uL Transparent Pipette Tip w/Calibration Rings, (5 Trays x 96) 480pcs, 0020017823
IKA 200uL Transparent Pipette Tip w/Calibration Rings, Pack/500, 0020017822
IKA 5ml Transparent Pipette Tip w/Calibration Rings, Pack/250, 0020017829
IKA 5ml Transparent Pipette Tip w/Calibration Rings, Pack/50, 0020017830
IKA A 10 Basic Mill, 22,000rpm Fixed Speed, Max Volume 50ml, 25002269
IKA A 11 Basic Analytical Mill, 28,000rpm Fixed Speed, Max. Volume 80ml, 2900001
IKA BMT-20-G Tubes for Grinding for Ultra TURRAX Tube Drive, 2-15ml, Pack/25, 3703300
IKA BMT-20-S Tubes for Grinding for ULTRA Turrax Tube Drive, 2-15ml, Pack/25, 3703200
IKA BMT-50-G Grinding Tubes for Ultra TURRAX Tube Drive, 15-50ml, 0Pack/10, 3699800
IKA BMT-50-S Grinding Tubes for Ultra TURRAX Tube Drive, 15-50ml, Pack/10, 3699700
IKA BMT-50-S-M Gamma Sterilized Grinding Tubes for Ultra TURRAX Tube Drive, 15-50ml, Pack/10, 3701700
IKA C-MAG HS10 IKAMAG Ceramic Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer, 3581401
IKA C-MAG HS4 IKAMAG Ceramic Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer, 3581001
IKA C-MAG HS7 IKAMAG Ceramic Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer, 3581201
IKA C-MAG IKATHERM HP 10 Ceramic Hotplate, No Stirring, 3582001
IKA C-MAG IKATHERM HP 4 Ceramic Hotplate, No Stirring, 3581601
IKA C-MAG IKATHERM HP 7 Ceramic Hotplate, No Stirring, 3581801
IKA CAL-0-10 Standard Silicon Oil, Viscosity 10, 25000398
IKA CAL-0-100 Standard Silicon Oil, Viscosity 100, 25000434
IKA CAL-0-1000 Standard Silicon Oil, Viscosity 1000, 25000436
IKA CAL-0-100000 Standard Silicon Oil, Viscosity 100,000, 25000469
IKA CAL-0-12500 Standard Silicon Oil, Viscosity 12,500, 25000466
IKA CAL-0-30000 Standard Silicon Oil, Viscosity 30,000, 25000467
IKA CAL-0-5 Standard Silicon Oil, Viscosity 5, 25000397
IKA CAL-0-50 Standard Silicon Oil, Viscosity 50, 25000399
IKA CAL-0-500 Standard Silicon Oil, Viscosity 500, 25000435
IKA CAL-0-5000 Standard Silicon Oil, Viscosity 5000, 25000437
IKA CAL-0-60000 Standard Silicon Oil, Viscosity 60,000, 25000468
IKA DB 1.1 Single Heating Block for 30 x 0.5ml PCR Tubes, 4467600
IKA DB 1.2 Single Heating Block for 20 x 1.5ml Eppendorf Microtubes, 4467700
IKA DB 1.3 Single Heating Block for 20 x 1.5ml VWR Microtubes, 4467800
IKA DB 1.4 Single Heating Block for 20 x 2.0ml VWR/Eppendorf Microtubes, 4467900
IKA DB 1.5 Single Heating Block for 20 x 2.0ml Corning Microtubes, 4468000
IKA DB 2.1 Single Heating Block for 12 x 15ml Conical Tubes, 4468100
IKA DB 2.2 Single Heating Block for 5 x 50ml Conical Tubes, 4468200
IKA DB 3.1 Single Heating Block for Multiple Tube Sizes, 4468300
IKA DB 3.2 Single Heating Block for Multiple Tube Sizes, 4468400
IKA DB 3.3 Single Heating Block for Multiple Sizes of Microtubes, 4468500
IKA DB 4.1 Single Heating Block for 30 x 6mm Round Bottom Tubes, 4468600
IKA DB 4.2 Single Heating Block for 24 x 10mm Round Buttom Tubes, 4468700
IKA DB 4.3 Single Heating Block for 16 x (12/13 mm) Round Buttom Tubes, 4468800
IKA DB 4.4 Single Heating Block for 20 x (12/13mm) Round Buttom Tubes, 4468900
IKA DB 4.5 Single Heating Block for 12 x (15/16 mm) Round Buttom Tubes, 4469000
IKA DB 4.6 Single Heating Block for 8 x 20mm Round Buttom Tubes, 4469100
IKA DB 4.7 Single Heating Block for 6 x 25mm Round Buttom Tubes, 4469200
IKA DB 4.8 Single Heating Block for 4 x 35mm Round Buttom Tubes, 4469300
IKA DB 4.9 Single Heating Block for 12 x (17/18mm) Round Buttom Tubes, 4469400
IKA DB 5.1 Single Heating Block for 20 x 12mm Vials, 4469500
IKA DB 5.2 Single Heating Block for 20 x 15mm Vials, 4469600
IKA DB 5.3 Single Heating Block for 12 x 17mm Vials, 4469700
IKA DB 5.4 Single Heating Block for 12 x 19mm Vials, 4469800
IKA DB 5.5 Single Heating Block for 9 x 21mm Vials, 4469900
IKA DB 5.6 Single Heating Block for 8 x 23mm Vials, 4470000
IKA DB 5.7 Single Heating Block for 8 x 25mm Vials, 4470100
IKA DB 5.8 Single Heating Block for 6 x 28mm Vials, 4470200
IKA DB 5.9 Single Heating Block for 15 x 16mm Vials, 4470300
IKA DB 6.1 Single Heating Block for 80 x 0.2ml PCR Tube Strips, 4470400
IKA DB 6.2 Single Heating Block for 64 x 0.2ml PCR Tubes, 4470500
IKA DB 6.3 Single Heating Block for 96 Well 0.2ml PCR Strip, 4470600
IKA DB 7.1 Single Heating Block for 96/ or 384 Well Plate, 4470800
IKA DB 8.1 Single Heating Black for 2 x 6 (12.5 mm) Cuvettes, 4470700
IKA DINS 1 Adapter for Rotavisc Viscometers, 25000387
IKA Dispersers, Homogenizers
IKA Dry Block Heater 1, Single Block, (Block not Included), 4025101
IKA Dry Block Heater 2, Double Block, (Blocks not Included), 4025201
IKA Dry Block Heater 3, Three Block, (Blocks not Included), 4025301
IKA Dry Block Heater 4, Four Block, (Blocks not Included), 4025401
IKA Dry Block Heaters
IKA DT-20 Dispersing Tubes w/Rotor Stator Element for Ultra TURRAX, Pack/25, 3703100
IKA DT-20-M-Gamma Sterilized Dispersing Tubes for Ultra TURRAX, Pack/20, 3700600
IKA DT-50 Dispersing Tube for Ultra TURRAX, Pack/10, 3699600
IKA DT-50-M Dispersing Tube for Ultra TURRAX, Pack/10, 3629600
IKA DT-50-M-Gamma Sterilized Dispersing Tubes for Ultra TURRAX Tube Drive, 15-50ml, Pack/10, 3701600
IKA EH 4 Basic Immersion Thermostat, 25°C - 100°C Max, 3164001
IKA ELVAS 1 Adapter for Rotavisc Viscometers, (For very low viscosity), 25000390
IKA ETS-D5 Electronic Contact Thermometer, 3378000
IKA Eurostar 100 Control Overhead Stirrer, 100lt Capacity, Max Speed 1300rpm, 4028501
IKA Eurostar 100 Digital Overhead Stirrer, 100lt Capacity, Max Speed 1300rpm, 4238101
IKA Eurostar 20 Digital Overhead Stirrer, 15lt Capacity, Max Speed 2000rpm, 4442001
IKA Eurostar 20 High Speed Digital Overhead Stirrer, 20lt Capacity, Max Speed 6000rpm, 4028601
IKA Eurostar 200 Control Overhead Stirrer, 100lt Capacity, Max Speed 2000rpm, 3992001
IKA Eurostar 200 Control P4 High Torque Overhead Stirrer, 100lt Capacity, Max Speed 530rpm, 4090001
IKA Eurostar 200 Digital Overhead Stirrer, 100lt Capacity, Max Speed 2000rpm, 3990001
IKA Eurostar 40 Digital Overhead Stirrer, 25lt Capacity, Max Speed 2000rpm, 4444001
IKA Eurostar 60 Control Overhead Stirrer, 40lt Capacity, Max Speed 2000rpm, 4440001
IKA Eurostar 60 Digital Overhead Stirrer, 40lt Capacity, Max Speed 2000rpm, 4446001
IKA FK1 Flexible Coupling for Overhead Stirrers, 2336000
IKA H 100 Protective Cover, 3409600
IKA H 11 Power Cord, US Plug, 3564500
IKA H 135.3 Base/Carrier Plate for Magnetic Hotplate Stirrers, 3904000
IKA H 135.312 Quarter Vial, 40ml, 3904300
IKA H 135.313 Quarter Vial, 4ml, 3904400
IKA H 135.315 Quarter Vial, 16ml, 3904600
IKA H 135.4 Reaction Block for 100ml Flask, 3904700
IKA H 135.410 Flask Insert, 10ml, 3904800
IKA H 135.411 Flask Insert, 25ml, 3904900
IKA H 135.412 Flask Insert, 50ml, 3905000
IKA H 135.5 Reaction Block for 500ml Flask, 3905100
IKA H 135.511 Flask Insert, 250ml, 3905300
IKA H 135.512 Flask Insert, 300ml, 3905400
IKA H 135.6 Reaction Block for 1000ml Flask, 3905600
IKA H 135.610 Flask Insert, 500ml, 3905500
IKA H 38 Holding Rod, 3547700
IKA H 62.51 Stainless Steel Sensor for use with ETS-D4, D5 and D6, 2735451
IKA H 66.51 Glass Coated Stainless Steel Sensor, 2735551
IKA H 70 Extension Cable, 2735600
IKA H1 135.314 Quarter Vial, 8ml, 3904500
IKA H135.310 Quarter Vial, 4 x 20ml, 3904100
IKA H135.311 Quarter Vial, 4 x 30ml, 3904200
IKA H135.510 Flask Insert for 200ml Flask, 3905200
IKA H16V Support Rod for Magnetic Hotplate Stirrers, 1545100
IKA H44 Boss Head Clamp, 2437700
IKA H99 S Protective Cover, 2734501
IKA HB 10.1 Plastic Shield for HB10 Heating Bath, 3641800
IKA HB 10.2 Protection Cover for HB 10 Heating Bath, 3641000
IKA HB Digital Heating Bath, 4 Liter, Max Temp. 180°C, 20016395
IKA HB Eco Heating Bath, 4 Liter, Max Temp. 99°C, 20016413
IKA HBC 10 Basic Heated Bath Circulator, Max Temp:200°C, 8-11 Liter Capacity, 4135001
IKA HBC 10 Control Heated Bath Circulator w/Remote Control, Max Temp:250°C, 8-11 Liter Capacity, 4137001
IKA HBC 5 Basic Heated Bath Circulator, Max Temp:200°C, 5-7 Liter Capacity, 4125001
IKA HBC 5 Control Heated Bath Circulator w/Remote Control, Max Temp:250°C, 5-7 Liter Capacity, 4127001
IKA HBR4 CONTROL Stirring Heating Bath, 150-800rpm, Max Temp 200°C, 20005142
IKA Hotplate Stirrers / Magnetic Stirrers / Hotplates
IKA HS 260 Basic Horizontal Shaker, 20-300rpm Variable Speed, 3066601
IKA HS 260 Control Reciprocating Lab Shaker, 10-300rpm Variable Speed, 3066701
IKA HS 501 Digital Reciprocating Lab Shaker, 0-300rpm Variable Speed, 25002983
IKA IC Basic ECO 18 C Heated Bath Circulator Package, Max Temp:200°C, 10000468
IKA IC Basic Immersion Circulator, Max Temp:200°C, 3861001
IKA IC Basic PRO 20 C Heated Bath Circulator Package, Max Temp:200°C, 10000469
IKA IC Control ECO 18 C Heated Bath Circulator Package, Max. Temp:250°C, 10000471
IKA IC Control Immersion Circulator, Max Temp:250°C, 3863001
IKA ICC Basic Compact Immersion Circulator Package, Max. Temp:100°C, 20002272
IKA ICC CONTROL Compact Immersion Circulator Package, Max. Temp:150°C, 20002273
IKA IKAFLON Magnetic Stirring Bars for Magnetic Hotplate Stirrers
IKA IKAMAG Big Squid Magnetic Stirrers, No Heating
IKA IKAMAG C-MAG HS10 Digital Ceramic Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer, 4240401
IKA IKAMAG C-MAG HS4 Digital Ceramic Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer, 4240201
IKA IKAMAG C-MAG HS7 Digital Ceramic Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer, 3487001
IKA IKAMAG C-MAG MS 10 Ceramic Glass Magnetic Stirrer, No Heating, 3582601
IKA IKAMAG C-MAG MS 4 Ceramic Glass Magnetic Stirrer, No Heating, 3582201
IKA IKAMAG C-MAG MS 7 Ceramic Glass Magnetic Stirrer, No Heating, 3582401
IKA IKAMAG Color Squid Magnetic Stirrers, No Heating
IKA IKAMAG Lab Disc Ultraflat Magnetic Stirrer, No Heating, 3907500
IKA IKAMAG Maxi MR 1 Digital Stainless Steel Magnetic Stirrer, No Heating, 25002981
IKA IKAMAG Midi MR 1 Digital Stainless Steel Magnetic Stirrer, No Heating, 25002970
IKA Immersion Thermostats - Heated Bath Circulators / Packages
IKA KS 130 Basic Orbital Shaker, 80-800rpm Variable Speed, 2980001
IKA KS 130 Control Orbital Shaker, 80-800rpm Variable Speed, 2980101
IKA KS 260 Basic Orbital Lab Shaker, 20-300rpm Variable Speed, 2980201
IKA KS 260 Control Orbital Lab Shaker, 10-300rpm Variable Speed, 2980301
IKA KS 3000 i Control Incubator Shaker, 7.5kg Shaking Capacity, 10-500rpm Variable Speed, 3940001
IKA KS 3000 ic Control Incubator Shaker w/Cooling, 7.5kg Shaking Capacity, 10-500rpm Variable Speed, 3940101
IKA KS 4000 i Control Incubator Shaker, 20kg Shaking Capacity, 10-500rpm Variable Speed, 3510001
IKA KS 4000 ic Control Incubator Shaker w/Cooling, 20kg Shaking Capacity, 10-500rpm Variable Speed, 3510101
IKA Lab Dancer Orbital Test Tube Shaker, 2800 rpm Fixed Speed, 3365000
IKA Linea Pipette Stand / Rack, 0020018987
IKA Liquid Handling Products
IKA Loopster Basic Rotating Shaker, Max Capacity 2kg, 20 rpm Fixed Speed, 4015000
IKA Loopster Digital Rotating Shaker, Max Capacity 2kg, 5-80 rpm Variable Speed, 4016000
IKA M 20 Basic Universal Dry Mill, 20,000rpm Fixed Speed, Max. Volume 250ml, 1603603
IKA MF 10 Basic Microfine Grinder Drive, 3000-6500rpm Variable Speed (W/O Head), 2836001
IKA Microstar 15 CONTROL Overhead Stirrer, 10 Lt. Capacity, 25005285
IKA Microstar 15 DIGITAL Overhead Stirrer, 10 Lt. Capacity, 25004883
IKA Microstar 30 CONTROL Overhead Stirrer, 20 Lt. Capacity, 25005286
IKA Microstar 30 DIGITAL Overhead Stirrer, 20 Lt. Capacity, 25004884
IKA Microstar 7.5 CONTROL Overhead Stirrer, 5 Lt. Capacity, 25005282
IKA Microstar 7.5 DIGITAL Overhead Stirrer, 5 Lt. Capacity, 25004715
IKA Mills, Grinders
IKA Mini MR Standard Portable Magnetic Stirrer w/2,500rpm Variable Speed, 25004132
IKA Ministar 20 CONTROL Overhead Stirrer, 15 Lt. Capacity, 25005074
IKA Ministar 20 Digital Overhead Stirrer, 15 Lt. Capacity, 25006561
IKA Ministar 40 CONTROL Overhead Stirrer, 25 Lt. Capacity, 25005078
IKA Ministar 40 Digital Overhead Stirrer, 25 Lt. Capacity, 25006569
IKA Ministar 80 Digital Overhead Stirrer, 50 Lt. Capacity, 25006577
IKA Ministar CONTROL 80 Overhead Stirrer, 50 Lt. Capacity, 25005082
IKA MS 3 Basic Orbital Shaker, Shaking Capacity 0.5kg, 0-3000rpm Variable Speed, 3617000
IKA MS 3 Digital Orbital Shaker, Shaking Capacity 0.5kg, 0-3000rpm Variable Speed, 3319000
IKA MTS 2/4 Digital Microplate Mixer, 0-1100rpm Variable Speed, 3208001
IKA Orbital / Horizontal (Reciprocating) / Incubator Shakers
IKA Overhead Stirrers
IKA Pette Fix 1,000 uL Fixed Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011228
IKA Pette Fix 10 uL Fixed Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011220
IKA Pette Fix 100 uL Fixed Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011224
IKA Pette Fix 20 uL Fixed Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011221
IKA Pette Fix 200 uL Fixed Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011225
IKA Pette Fix 25 uL Fixed Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011222
IKA Pette Fix 250 uL Fixed Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011226
IKA Pette Fix 5 uL Fixed Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011219
IKA Pette Fix 50 uL Fixed Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011223
IKA Pette Fix 500 uL Fixed Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011227
IKA Pette VARIO 0,5 - 5ml Adjustable Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011217
IKA Pette VARIO 0.1 – 2 uL Adjustable Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011210
IKA Pette VARIO 0.5 – 10uL Adjustable Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011211
IKA Pette VARIO 1 -10ml Adjustable Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011218
IKA Pette VARIO 10 - 100 uL Adjustable Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011214
IKA Pette VARIO 100 - 1000 uL Adjustable Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011216
IKA Pette VARIO 2 - 20 uL Adjustable Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011213
IKA Pette VARIO 20 - 200 uL Adjustable Vol. Single Channel Pipette, Autoclavable, 0020011215
IKA PT 1000.60 Temperature Sensor, Stainless Steel, 3516800
IKA PT 1000.70 Temperature Sensor, Glass Coated, 3736000
IKA PT100.50 Temperature Sensor, Stainless Steel for RET, 2601900
IKA PT100.51 Temperature Sensor, Glass Coated, 2600300
IKA R1001 Paddle Stirrer RW11 Lab Egg Overhead Stirrer, 0527400
IKA R301.1 Support Holder for R301 Stirring Shaft Protection, 2604000
IKA R50 High Speed Stirring Shaft for Ultra TURRAX T50,1689300
IKA RCT Basic IKAMAG Safety Control Aluminum Hotplate Stirrer, 3810001
IKA RCT Basic IKAMAG Safety Control Aluminum Hotplate Stirrer, Synthesis Package 1, 8039601
IKA RCT Basic IKAMAG Safety Control Aluminum Hotplate Stirrer, Synthesis Package 2, 8039701
IKA RET Basic IKAMAG Safety Control Stainless Steel Hotplate Stirrer, 3622001
IKA RET Control Ceramic Glass Top Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer, 5030001
IKA RET Control Stainless Steel Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer, 5020001
IKA RH Basic Magnetic Ceramic Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer, 5029701
IKA RH Basic Magnetic Stainless Steel Hotplate Stirrer, 5019701
IKA RH Digital Magnetic Ceramic Glass Hotplate Stirrer, 4678001
IKA RH Digital Magnetic Stainless Steel Hotplate Stirrer, 5019801
IKA RO10 Multi Station (10x) Digital Magnetic Stirrer, No Heating, 3691000
IKA RO15 Multi Station (15x) Digital Magnetic Stirrer, No Heating, 3692500
IKA RO5 Multi Station (5x) Digital Magnetic Stirrer, No Heating, 3690500
IKA Rocker 2D Basic Shaker, 8° (angle), Max Capacity 2kg, 5-80rpm Variable Speed, 4002000
IKA Rocker 2D Digital Shaker, 0-15° (angle), Max Capacity 2kg, 5-80rpm Variable Speed, 4003000
IKA Rocker 3D Basic Shaker, 0-15°(angle), Max Capacity 2kg, 5-80rpm Variable Speed, 4001000
IKA Rocker 3D Basic Shaker, 8° (angle), Max Capacity 2kg, 30rpm Fixed Speed, 4000000
IKA Roller 10 Basic Tube Roller Mixer, 2kg Capacity, 30rpm Fixed Speed, 4012000
IKA Roller 10 Digital Tube Roller Mixer, 2kg Capacity, 5-80rpm Variable Speed, 4013000
IKA Roller 6 Basic Tube Roller Mixer, 2kg Capacity, 30rpm Fixed Speed, 4010000
IKA Roller 6 Digital Tube Roller Mixer, 2kg Capacity, 5-80rpm Variable Speed, 4011000
IKA Rotary Evaporators
IKA ROTAVISC hi-vi ADVANCED (for High Viscosity) Viscosity Meter Package, 25000322
IKA ROTAVISC hi-vi Complete (for High Viscosity) Viscosity Meter Package, 25000312
IKA ROTAVISC hi-vi II ADVANCED (for High Viscosity) Viscosity Meter Package w/Software, 25000323
IKA ROTAVISC hi-vi II Complete (for High Viscosity) Viscosity Meter Package, 25000313
IKA ROTAVISC lo-vi ADVANCED (for Low Viscosity) Viscosity Meter Package w/Software, 25000320
IKA ROTAVISC lo-vi Complete (for Low Viscosity) Viscosity Meter Package, 25000310
IKA ROTAVISC me-vi ADVANCED (for Medium Viscosity) Viscosity Meter Package w/Software, 25000321
IKA ROTAVISC me-vi Complete (for Medium Viscosity) Viscosity Meter Package, 25000311
IKA RS 1 Magnetic Stirring Bar Set, (10pcs), 1358600
IKA RSE Stirring Bar Remover, 1293100
IKA RT 10 Multi Station (10x) Digital Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer, 3691101
IKA RT 15 Multi Station (15x) Digital Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer, 3692601
IKA RT 5 Multi Station (5x) Digital Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer, 3690601
IKA RV 06.11 Vapor Tube, (for RV 05/06 Model Rotary Evaporators), 1958000
IKA RV 06.4 1L Evaporating Flask, NS29, (for RV 05/06 Model Rotary Evaporators), 1905600
IKA RV 06.5 2L Evaporating Flask, NS 29, (for RV 05/06 Model Rotary Evaporators), 1905500
IKA RV 06.7 Receiving Flask, 1,000ml, (KS35), 1906600
IKA RV 10 Auto FLEX Rotary Evaporator, No Glassware, 10005192
IKA RV 10 Auto PRO FLEX Rotary Evaporator, No Glassware, 10005197
IKA RV 10 Auto PRO V C Rotary Evaporator w/Coated Glassware & Pump, 10005196
IKA RV 10 Auto Pro V Rotary Evaporator w/Glassware & Vacuum Pump, 10005195
IKA RV 10 Auto V C Rotary Evaporator w/Coated Vertical Glassware, 10005191
IKA RV 10 Auto V Rotary Evaporator w/Vertical Glassware, 10005190
IKA RV 10.100 Receiving Flask, 100ml, (KS 35/20), 3742200
IKA RV 10.1000 Set of Glassware w/Diagonal Condenser, 3842700
IKA RV 10.101 Receiving Flask, 250ml, (KS 35/20), 3742300
IKA RV 10.1010 Set of Glassware w/Diagonal Condenser (Coated), 3842800
IKA RV 10.102 Receiving Flask, 500ml, (KS 35/20), 3742400
IKA RV 10.103 Receiving Flask, 1,000ml, (KS 35/20), 3742500
IKA RV 10.104 Receiving Flask, 2,000ml, (KS 35/20), 3742600
IKA RV 10.105 Receiving Flask, 3,000ml, (KS 35/20), 3742700
IKA RV 10.200 Receiving Flask, 100ml, Coated, (KS 35/20), 3743200
IKA RV 10.2007 Evaporation Flask, 50ml, (NS 24/40), 3845300
IKA RV 10.2008 Evaporation Flask, 100ml, (NS 24/40), 3845400
IKA RV 10.2009 Evaporation Flask, 250ml, (NS 24/40), 3845500
IKA RV 10.201 Receiving Flask, 250ml, (KS 35/20), Coated, 3743300
IKA RV 10.2010 Evaporation Flask, 500ml, (NS 24/40), 3845600
IKA RV 10.2011 Evaporation Flask, 1,000ml, (NS 24/40), 3845700
IKA RV 10.2012 Evaporation Flask, 2,000ml, (NS 24/40), 3845800
IKA RV 10.2013 Evaporation Flask, 3,000ml, (NS 24/40), 3845900
IKA RV 10.2017 Powder Flask, 500ml, (NS 24/40), 3847200
IKA RV 10.2018 Powder Flask, 1,000ml, (NS 24/40), 3847300
IKA RV 10.2019 Powder Flask, 2,000ml, (NS 24/40), 3847400
IKA RV 10.202 Receiving Flask, 500ml, (KS 35/20), Coated, 3743400
IKA RV 10.2022 Evaporation Cylinder, 1,500ml, (NS 24/40), 3848300
IKA RV 10.2023 Evaporation Cylinder, 500ml, ((NS 24/40), 3848200
IKA RV 10.2025 Foam Brake, 3848700
IKA RV 10.2029 Distilling Spider with 6 Distilling Sleeves, (NS 24/40), 3849300
IKA RV 10.203 Receiving Flask, 1,000ml, (KS 35/20), Coated, 3743500
IKA RV 10.2030 Distilling Spider with 12 Distilling Sleeves, (NS 24/40), 3849400
IKA RV 10.2031 Distilling Spider w/20 Distilling Sleeves, (NS 24/40), 3849500
IKA RV 10.2034 Distilling Spider with 5 x 50ml Flasks, (NS 24/40), 3849800
IKA RV 10.2035 Distilling Spider with 5 x 100ml Flasks, (NS 24/40), 3849900
IKA RV 10.204 Receiving Flask, 2,000ml, (KS 35/20), Coated, 3743600
IKA RV 10.205 Receiving Flask, 3,000ml, (KS 35/20), Coated, 3743700
IKA RV 10.3 Vertical-Intensive Condenser with Manifold, 3741000
IKA RV 10.30 Intensive Action Vertical Condenser (Coated) w/Manifold, 3741100
IKA RV 10.3000 Extension Plate for HB10 Heating Bath, 3859000
IKA RV 10.4 Dry Ice Condenser, (Uncoated), 3742000
IKA RV 10.40 Coated Dry Ice Condenser, 3742100
IKA RV 10.4002 Magnetic Valve Laboratory Vacuum, 3880300
IKA RV 10.4003 Pump Control w/Magnetic Valve (100~240V/60-50Hz), 3900200
IKA RV 10.5 Vertical Condenser w/Junction & Cut-off Valve, 3743000
IKA RV 10.50 Vertical Condenser w/Junction & Cut-off Valve, (Coated), 3743100
IKA RV 10.5001 Choke Water Valve, 3902700
IKA RV 10.5002 Water Filter, 3903800
IKA RV 10.5003 Pressure Regulating Valve 3907100
IKA RV 10.6 Vertical Intensive Condenser w/Junction & Cut-off Valve, 3744000
IKA RV 10.60 Vertical Intensive Condenser w/Junction & Cut-off Valve, (Coated), 3744100
IKA RV 10.73 Vapor Tube (NS 24/40), 3829400
IKA RV 10.8001 Seal for IKA Rotary Evaporators, 3907000
IKA RV 10.81 Evaporation flask (NS 29/32, 100 ml), 3740200
IKA RV 10.900 Set of Glassware w/Vertical Condenser, 3842500
IKA RV 10.910 Set of Glassware w/Vertical Condenser (Coated), 3842600
IKA RV 3 FLEX Dual Rotary Evaporator, No Glassware, 10003493
IKA RV 3 Rotary Evaporator w/Coated Dry Ice Condenser, 10003495
IKA RV 3 Rotary Evaporator w/Dry Ice Condenser, 10003494
IKA RV 3 V C Rotary Evaporator w/Coated Vertical Glassware, 10003492
IKA RV 3 V Rotary Evaporator w/Vertical Glassware, 10003491
IKA RV10 Digital FLEX Package Rotary Evaporator, (No Glassware), 10005186
IKA RV10 Digital Rotary Evaporator w/Dry Ice Condenser (Coated), 10005210
IKA RV10 Digital Rotary Evaporator w/Vertical Coated Glassware, 10005185
IKA RV10 Digital Rotary Evaporator with Dry Ice Condenser, 10005209
IKA RV10 V Digital Rotary Evaporator w/Vertical Glassware, 10005184
IKA RV8 Rotary Evaporator with Coated Dry Ice Condenser, 10003574
IKA RV8 Rotary Evaporator with Dry Ice Condenser, 10003573
IKA RV8 V FLEX Package Rotary Evaporator, (No Glassware), 10003572
IKA RV8 V Rotary Evaporator with Vertical Glassware, 10003570
IKA RV8 V-C Rotary Evaporator with Vertical Coated Glassware, 10003571
IKA RW 20 Digital Overhead Stirrer, 20 Liter Capacity, Max. Speed 2000rpm, 3593001
IKA RW14 Basic Overhead Stirrer, 8 Liter Capacity, 3331401
IKA RW16 Basic Overhead Stirrer, 10 Liter Capacity, 2572101
IKA S 10 D - 7 G - KS - 110 Plastic Dispersing Element for T10, Pack/24, 20002075
IKA S 10 D - 7 G KS Plastic Dispersing Element for T10, 1-40ml, Pack/24, 20002076
IKA S 10 N - 10 G Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T10, 1-100ml, 3370100
IKA S 10 N - 10 G ST Sawtooth Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T10, 1-100ml, 4446700
IKA S 10 N - 5 G Dispersing Element, 0.5-10ml, 3304000
IKA S 10 N - 8G Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T10, 1-50ml, 3305500
IKA S 18 D - 10 G - KS Plastic Dispersing Elements for Ultra TURRAX T18, 10-100ml, Pack/12, 3452400
IKA S 18 D - 14 G KS Plastic Dispersing Elements for Ultra TURRAX T18, 10-500ml, Pack/12, 3452300
IKA S 18 N - 10 G Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T18, 1-100ml, L004639
IKA S 18 N - 19 G Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T18, 10-1500ml, L004640
IKA S 18/25-ET50 Polypropylene Disposable Dispersing Tube, 50ml, 3452500
IKA S 25 D - 10 G - KS Plastic Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T25, 10-100ml, Pack/12, 3452200
IKA S 25 D - 14 G - KS Plastic Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T25, 10-500ml, Pack/12, 3452100
IKA S 25 KV - 18 G Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T25, 10-1500ml, 2348000
IKA S 25 KV - 25 F Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T25, 100-2000ml, 2404000
IKA S 25 KV - 25 F IL Inline Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T25, 18mm Dia., 2830200
IKA S 25 KV - 25 G Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T25, 50-2000ml, 2466900
IKA S 25 KV - 25 G IL Inline Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T25, 17mm Dia., 2563000
IKA S 25 N - 10 G Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T25, 1-100ml, 0594000
IKA S 25 N - 10 G ST Sawtooth Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T25, 1-100ml, 4447100
IKA S 25 N - 18 G Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T25, 10-1500ml, 0593400
IKA S 25 N - 18 G ST Sawtooth Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T25, 10-1500ml, 4447300
IKA S 25 N - 25 F Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T25, 100-2000ml, 1713800
IKA S 25 N - 25 G Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T25, 50-2000ml, 1713300
IKA S 25 N - 25 G ST Sawtooth Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T25, 50-2000ml, 4447500
IKA S 25 N - 8 G Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T25, 1-50ml, 1024200
IKA S 25 N - 8 G ST Dispersing Tool for Ultra TURRAX T25, 1-50ml, 4446900
IKA S 25 NK - 19 G Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T25, 25-1500ml, 2494700
IKA S 50 N - G 45 F Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T50, 0.25-10l, 8003900
IKA S 50 N - G 45 G - ST Sawtooth Dispersing Element, 0.5-20l, 8039500
IKA S 50 N - G 45 G Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T50, 0.5-20l, 8003000
IKA S 50 N - G 45 M Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T50, 0.5-15l, 8003300
IKA S 50 N - W 65 SK Cutting Head for Ultra TURRAX T50, 1-10l, 8005100
IKA S 50 N - W 80 SMK Jet Mixer Head for Ultra TURRAX T50, 1-50l, 8006300
IKA S 65 KG - HH - G 65 F Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T65, 2-30l, 8005900
IKA S 65 KG - HH - G 65 G Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T65, 2-50l, 8005500
IKA S 65 KG - HH - G 65 M Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T65, 2-40l, 8005700
IKA S10 N - 8 G ST Sawtooth Dispersing Element for Ultra TURRAX T10, 4446500
IKA Sarstedt Tip SystemBOX UNiversal Pipette Tip Box, 0020017834
IKA SAS 1 Spiral Adapter for Rotavisc Viscometers, 25000377
IKA SI400 Safety Switch for RW 47 Overhead Stirrer, 3294800
IKA SI472 Fixing Device for IKA RW47, 3264000
IKA SI474 Fixing Device for RW47 Overhead Stirrers, 3264400
IKA ST-20 Dispersing Tubes for Ultra TURRAX Tube Drive, 2-15ml, Pack/25, 3703000
IKA ST-20-M-Gamma Sterilized Stirring Tubes for Ultra TURRAX Tube Drive, 2-15ml, Pack/20, 3700500
IKA ST-50 Stirring Tubes for Ultra TURRAX Tube Drive, 15-50ml, Pack/10, 3699500
IKA ST-50-M-Gamma Sterilized Stirring Tubes for Ultra TURRAX Tube Drive, 15-50ml, Pack/10, 3701500
IKA STARVISC 200-2.5 Control Viscosity Measurement Stirrer, 100lt Max Capacity, Max Speed 2000rpm, 20006998
IKA T25 Easy Clean CONTROL Disperser, 3000 - 25000 rpm Variable Speed, 0.001 - 2 l, 25002501
IKA T25 Easy Clean Digital Disperser, 3000 - 25000 rpm Variable Speed, 0.001 - 2 l, 25002561
IKA TC-20 20ml Tube Cover for Ultra TURRAX, Pack/25, 3749700
IKA TC-20-M 20ml Tube Cover with Piercable Membrane for Ultra TURRAX, Pack/25, 3749900
IKA TC-50-M 50ml Tube Cover with Pierceable Membrane for Ultra TURRAX, Pack/10, 3750000
IKA TOPOLINO Compact Magnetic Stirrer, No Heating, 3368000
IKA TOPOLINO Mobile Battery Powered Magnetic Stirrer, No Heating, 3381301
IKA Trayster Basic Rotating Shaker, 2 Kg Capacity, 20 rpm Fixed Speed, 4005000
IKA Trayster Digital Rotating Shaker, 2 Kg Capacity, 5-80 rpm Variable Speed, 4006000
IKA TRIKA Magnetic Stirring Bar
IKA Tube Mill Control, 5,000 - 25,000rpm Variable Speed, 40ml Capacity, 4180001
IKA Ultra TURRAX T10 Basic Disperser, 8000 - 30000 rpm Variable Speed, 0.5-100ml, 3737001
IKA Ultra TURRAX T18 Digital Disperser, 3000 - 25000 rpm Variable Speed, 1-1500ml, 3720001
IKA Ultra TURRAX T25 Digital Disperser, 3000 - 25000 rpm Variable Speed, 1-2000ml, 3725001
IKA Ultra TURRAX T50 Digital Disperser, 600 - 10000 rpm Variable Speed, 0.25-30L, 3787001
IKA Ultra TURRAX T65 Basic Disperser, 7200rpm Fixed Speed, 2-50L, 4023501
IKA Ultra TURRAX T65 Digital Disperser, 1000 - 9500 rpm Variable Speed, 2-50L, 4234501
IKA Ultra TURRAX Tube Drive Disperser, 300-6000rpm Variable Speed, 3646000
IKA Ultra TURRAX UTL 25 Digital inline Disperser, 6500 - 24000 rpm Variable Speed, 8014401
IKA Universal Stacking Box for up to 1,000ul Pipette Tips, 0020017892
IKA VAN 1 Spindle Set for Rotavisc Viscometers, 25000407
IKA Viscosity Meters
IKA VOLS 1 Adapter for Rotavisc Viscometers, 25000352
IKA Vortex 1 Orbital Shaker, 1000-2800 rpm Variable Speed, 4047700
IKA Vortex 3 Orbital Shaker, 500-2500rpm Variable Speed, 3340001
IKA VXR Basic Vibrax Orbital Shaker, 0-2200rpm Variable Speed, 2819001
IKA Water Baths
IKA Works, Inc
IKA Ř5mm Stainless Steel Balls for BMT Tubes (Ultra TURRAX Tube Drive), 250g, 3599300
IKA Ř6mm Glass Balls for BMT Tubes (Ultra TURRAX Tube Drive), 250g, 3599200
Illuminators for Sterescopes
Industrial Lights
Infinity Plan Objectives Set for I4 (4,10,40,100) for i4 LabScopes, I4O-SET7-IP77
Infinity Plan Objectives Set for M2 (4,10,40,100) for M Series LabScopes, M2O-SET7-IP77
Infinity SemiPlan Objectives Set for I4 (4,10,40,100) for i4 LabScopes, I4O-SET7-IS77
Infinity Turret Phase 10x, 20x, 40x, 100x, Bright Field for i4 LabScopes, I4P-PHST-20BF
Infinity Turret Phase 10x, 20x, 40x, 100x, Bright Field for M Series LabScopes, M2P-PHSI-20BF
Instrument Heads
Interlock Spring for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000/V6500 Centrifuges(ea), V6048
International Shipments
Johari Digital
Johari Digital 1 & 3Mhz Dual Frequency Portable Ultrasound Therapy Unit, JUS2
Jumper Non-contact Infrared Forehead Thermometer, FDA/CE Approved, JPD-FR202
KN-95 Face Respiratory Mask, 4 Layers Filtration, FDA & CE Approved, MKS-WCL0075
Koehler Illumination kit (25% Brighter / Homogeneous Light) for M Series LabScopes, M2P-CND7-KHL7
Koehler Illumination Upgrade Kit for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3P-CND7-KHL7
Label for CXR Centrifuge, CXR-LBLBLU
Laboratory Equipment & Supplies
Laboratory Incubators
Laboratory Scales
Lanyard for Dermlite DL3 / III and All Silicon Sleeves, A-LP
Lanyard Patient Switch for Mettler ME390 and ME391 Diathermy Units, ME3983
Large Disposable Applicator Covers for G5 Massagers, Pack/50, AP236D
Large Firm Rubber Applicator for G5 Massagers, AP229
Large Stacking Platform for Benchmark Scientific 2D-3D Shakers, 10.5" x 7.5" w/Dimpled Mat, BR1000-STACK
Laser Resistant Smoke Evacuator Wand, 7/8" x 8", Non-sterile, Box/3, SELW
Laser Resistant Smoke Evacuator Wand, 7/8" x 8", Sterile, Box/10, SELWS
Latex Free 1.5m Elastic Belt for Pair for Use w/FM7, Meridian, Team and FM800 Fetal Monitors, 902102
Leather Pouch for DermLite II/Multispectral, Pro, HM & Pro HR, DL2P
LED Bulb for I4 LabScopes, (LED on circuit pad - need solder), I4P-BLB7-LED7
LED Bulb Sssembly for I4 LabScopes,(w/ mount, wires, connector), I4P-BLB7-ASSY
LED Control Box ONLY for LED Ring Light, ILP-LED7-LTS1
LED Driver Assembly for I4 LabScopes, (elecronic driver w/ dimmer), I4P-PWR7-ASSY
LED electronics base tray (12v input, single LED light) for M Series LabScopes, M2B-BTR7-LEDP
LED Electronics Base Tray (12v input, single LED light) for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3B-BTR7-LEDP
LED Light (green/black) Indicators for C3 Centrifuge, C3R-LEDGRN
LED Light (white/black) Indicators for C3 Centrifuge, C3R-LEDWHT
LED Light for the E8 Centrifuge, E8R-LEDLHT
LED Ring ONLY-Replacement Ring with 60 Bulbs, ILP-LED7-RLG7
Lens Cleaning Fluid - 1 oz.-Specialized for Multi-Coated, MSP-CLN7-LENS
Lens Protector Adapter Ring for Achiever & Paragon Dual Mag Stereoscopes, APP-LNS7-PRTR
Lens Protector for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSP-LNS7-PRTR
Lens Protector for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2P-LNS7-PRTR
Lever Release Disposable Blade Holder for Bright M3500 Microtome, 57903
Li batteries 2.5V, CR123A 2 pcs., 11287
Lid and Latch for LW Scientific Ultra Centrifuges, ULP-LTHG-LD77
Lid for Drucker Centrifuges, 7712260
Lid for LW Scientific Ultra Centrifuges, ULP-LID7-7777
Lid for the E8 Centrifuge. E8R-LID
Lid Gasket for Drucker Centrifuges, 7732018
Lid Gasket for the E8 Centrifuge, E8R-LIDGKT
Lid Gasket for Ultra 8F/8S/8V/TL Centrifuges, ULR-LIDGKT
Lid Knob for Drucker Centrifuges, 7714103
Lid Knob for Ultra 8F/8S/8V/TL Centrifuges, ULR-LTHG-LDLT
Lid Latch for Combo V24 Centrifuge, CMR-LIDLAT
Lid Latch for M24 Centrifuge, Black, w/Screws, HER-LIDLAT
Lid Lock for C5 Centrifuge, C5R-LIDLCK
Lid Pawl for Drucker Centrifuges, 7714101
Lid Tray Assembly (Locking Mechanism) for Drucker Centrifuges, 7745017
Lid with Latch for Ultra 8F/8S/8V/TL Centrifuge, ULR-LIDWLAT
Light Therapy
Linear-Orbital Shakers
Lint-free Lens Paper - 280 Sheets in Dispenser Box, MSP-PPR7-LENS
Liquid Nitrogen Discharge Equipment
Liquid Nitrogen Sprayers
Liquid Nitrogen Storage Tanks
Liquid Nitrogen Systems
LN2 / CO2 Systems
Loop Holder Attachment for Benchmark Scientific BactiZapper, B1000-01
Loupes / Headlights
Lower Bowl Gasket for C3 Centrifuge, C3R-MTRGKT
Lower Bowl Housing for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000/V6500 Benchtop Centrifuges, V6015
Lower Rubber Bowl Gasket for C5 Centrifuge, C5R-MTRGKT
LW Scientific
LW Scientific
LW Scientific 0.25oz Immersion Oil, MSP-OILA-0257
LW Scientific 10 Parameter Urine Reagent Strips, Vial/100, 12 Vials, URS-10PR-7777
LW Scientific 16 Tube Capacity Tube Rocker, MXL-BLF7-16T1
LW Scientific 2 Parameter Urine Reagent Strips for Glucose and Protein, Vial/100, 12 Vials, URS-02PR-GLPR
LW Scientific 20-240 RPM Variable Speed Serology Rotator, RTL-BLVD-24T1
LW Scientific 2500 RPM Pipette Shaker w/Timer, Holds 6 Pipettes, SHL-PPF7-06F1
LW Scientific 32mm Microscope Filter (Blue, White, or Frosted), MSP-FLT7-SET7
LW Scientific 5 or 8 Key Differential Counter, CTL-DIFM-05KY
LW Scientific 5 Parameter Urine Reagent Strips, Vial/100, 12 Vials, URS-05PR-7777
LW Scientific 72 Blue Frosted Blank Slides, MSS-FRCB-A072
LW Scientific 72 Frosted Blank Slides, MSS-FRPL-0727
LW Scientific 72 Plain Blank Slides, MSS-PL77-0727
LW Scientific 72 White Frosted Blank Slides, MSS-FRCW-A072
LW Scientific 72 Yellow Frosted Blank Slides, MSS-FRCY-A072
LW Scientific 8 Key Digital Differential Counter, CTL-DIFD-08KP
LW Scientific 8 Place 15ml Tube Rotor for LW Scientific C5 Centrifuges,(no shield), C5P-RT08-1577
LW Scientific 9 Parameter Urine Reagent Strips, Vial/100, 12 Vials, URS-09PR-7777
LW Scientific Accessories - Parts
LW Scientific Air Duster - 8 oz. Can, MSP-DST7-08CN
LW Scientific Alpha 1502 Stereoscope Light Source, ILP-1502-LTS1
LW Scientific BioVID HD 1080+ High Definition Microscope Camera, BVC-1080-CMT3
LW Scientific Blank Well Slides, Box of 72, MSP-SLD7-WL72
LW Scientific Brushes for M-24 / M-24C / V-24 (Pair), CNP-BRSH-PR77
LW Scientific Centrifuges
LW Scientific Clip-on LED Headlight w/o Head Gear, AAA Battery Pack Included, ILL-LED7-HLCL
LW Scientific Cordless Educational Monocular Microscope w/4 Objectives and LED Illumination, EDM-M04A-DALP
LW Scientific Cover Slips, 160 Glass, MSP-CVR7-G100
LW Scientific Digital Dry Bath Incubator w/2 x (12 x 6~15ml) Blocks, DBL-24PL-15DP
LW Scientific Digital Dry Bath Incubator w/2 x (4 x 50ml) Blocks, DBL-08PL-50DP
LW Scientific Digital Slide Warmer, 2~150°F, Holds 14 Slides, SWL-14PL-77DP
LW Scientific Digital Variable Temperature Stainless Steel Water Bath, 10lt or 20lt
LW Scientific Dry Baths / Slide Warmers
LW Scientific Educational Cordless Monocular Microscope w/3 Objectives and LED Illumination, EDM-M03A-DALP
LW Scientific Educational Microscopes
LW Scientific Educational Monocular Microscope w/3 Objectives and Fluorescent Illumination, EDM-M03A-DAF1
LW Scientific Educational Monocular Microscope w/3 Objectives and Fluorescent Illumination, EDM-M03D-DAF1
LW Scientific Educational Monocular Microscope w/4 Objectives and Fluorescent Illumination, EDM-M04A-DAF1
LW Scientific Fiber Optic Ring Light Guide, ILP-1502-RLG7
LW Scientific Fluorescent Ring Light 10w(non-variable), ILL-FLR7-1071
LW Scientific FO Dual Gooseneck Light Guide w/Focusing Tips, ILP-1502-DGGE
LW Scientific Galilean Loupe, 2.5x - 3.5x Variable Magnification, 44cm WD, LPM-P35V-4407
LW Scientific Galilean Loupe, 2.5x Magnification, 33cm WD, LPM-P25S-3307
LW Scientific Galilean Loupe, 2.5x Magnification, 49cm WD, LPM-P25L-4907
LW Scientific Galilean Loupe, 3.5x Magnification, 33cm WD, LPM-P35S-3307
LW Scientific Galilean Loupe, 3.5x Magnification, 49cm WD, LPM-P35L-4907
LW Scientific General Lab Supplies
LW Scientific H Shaped Moat Blood Counting Hemocytometer, CTL-HEMM-GLDR
LW Scientific Handheld Refractometer, CTL-REFM-PRSG
LW Scientific Hemacytometer Cover Slips (20mm x 26mm), Pack of 10, CTP-CVR7-GL77
LW Scientific i-101 Inverted Microscope for Tissue Culture Microscopy, Trinocular, L1M-T04A-DPH3
LW Scientific i-4 Infinity Plan Microscope, LED Illumination, Binocular, i4M-BN4A-IPL3
LW Scientific i-4 Infinity Plan Microscope, LED Illumination, Trinocular, i4M-TN4A-IPL3
LW Scientific i-4 Infinity Semi-Plan Microscope, LED Illumination, Binocular, i4M-BN4A-ISL3
LW Scientific i-4 Infinity Semi-Plan Microscope, LED Illumination, Trinocular, i4M-TN4A-ISL3
LW Scientific i-4 LUMIN Epi-Fluorescent Microscope, Plan, Binocular, i4S-EPB4-IPL3
LW Scientific i-4 LUMIN Epi-Fluorescent Microscope, Plan, Trinocular, i4S-EPT4-IPL3
LW Scientific i-4 LUMIN Epi-Fluorescent Microscope, Semi-plan, Binocular, i4S-EPB4-ISL3
LW Scientific i-4 LUMIN Epi-Fluorescent Microscope, Semi-plan, Trinocular, i4S-EPT4-ISL3
LW Scientific i4 Semen Evaluation Binocular Microscope, Heated Stage, I4S-SEB4-IPL3
LW Scientific i4 Semen Evaluation Trinocular Microscope, Heated Stage, I4S-SET4-IPL3
LW Scientific Laboratory Incubators
LW Scientific Laboratory Microscopes
LW Scientific LaserTACH Centrifuge Tachometer, CNA-TACH-DHH7
LW Scientific LED Headlight on Headgear, AAA Battery Pack Included, ILL-LED7-HLHG
LW Scientific Loupes / Headlights
LW Scientific Lumin 100x Universal Oil Objective (No Illuminator), LMO-100X-DAOL
LW Scientific Lumin 20x Universal Objective (No Illuminator), LMO-020X-DADR
LW Scientific Lumin 40x Universal Objective (No Illuminator), LMO-040X-DADR
LW Scientific Lumin 60x Universal Oil Objective (No Illuminator), LMO-060X-DAOL
LW Scientific LUMIN Illuminators / Objectives
LW Scientific LUMIN Infinity Plan Binocular Microscope, LED Illumination, M5S-EPB5-IPL3
LW Scientific LUMIN Infinity Plan Trinocular Microscope, LED Illumination, M5S-EPT5-IPL3
LW Scientific Lumin Portable Fluorescence Microscopy Illuminator, LMP-4951-L485
LW Scientific Lumin™ Epi-Fluorescence LED Illumination Module (FITC)
LW Scientific Medical Microscopes
LW Scientific Mi-5 Infinity Lab Scope, Plan, Binoc+Binoc. Dual Head, LED Illumination, M5M-D05A-IPL3
LW Scientific Mi-5 Infinity Lab Scope, Plan, Binocular, LED Illumination, M5M-B05A-IPL3
LW Scientific Mi-5 Infinity Lab Scope, Plan, Trinoc+Binoc. Dual Head, LED Illumination, M5M-DT5A-IPL3
LW Scientific Mi-5 Infinity Lab Scope, Plan, Trinocular, LED Illumination, M5M-T05A-IPL3
LW Scientific Mi-5 Polarizing Microscope, Round Stage, Binocular, M5M-BPOL-IPH3
LW Scientific Mi-5 Polarizing Microscope, Round Stage, Trinocular, M5M-TPOL-IPH3
LW Scientific Microscope Cameras
LW Scientific Microscopes
LW Scientific MiniVID Eyepiece RCA Video Camera, MVC-RN77-EMT1
LW Scientific MiniVID USB2 5.1MP Microscope Camera w/Software, MVC-U5MP-EMTN
LW Scientific MiniVID USB3 5.1MP Digital Microscope Camera w/Software, MVC-U5MP-USB3
LW Scientific MiniVID WIFI 5.0MP Wireless Microscope Camera, MVC-U5MP-WiFi
LW Scientific MX12 Micro-Combo Centrifuge w/12 x (1-2ml) Microtube Rotor, MMC-12MD-02T1
LW Scientific MX12 Micro-Combo Centrifuge w/24 x 75ml Hematocrit Rotor, MHC-24HD-75T1
LW Scientific MX12 Micro-Combo Centrifuge w/Hematocrit and Microtube Rotors, MHC-2412-77T1
LW Scientific MX5 Centrifuge w/24 Place Swing-out Bucket Rotor, M5C-BKSU-15T1
LW Scientific MX5 Centrifuge w/24 x 15ml Angled Rotor, M5C-24AU-15T1
LW Scientific MX5 Centrifuge w/4 x 50ml Swing-out Bucket Rotor, M5C-BKSU-50T1
LW Scientific MX5 Centrifuge w/8 x (1-15ml) Swing-out Rotor, M5C-08SU-15T1
LW Scientific MXU Clinical Centrifuge w/6 x (3-15ml) Swing-out Rotor, MUC-06SD-15T3
LW Scientific MXU Clinical Centrifuge w/8 x (3-15ml) Angled Rotor, MUC-08AD-15T3
LW Scientific Mylar Capillary Tubes, Heparinized, Vial of 200, Case/5 Vials, CNT-HTMC-HP77
LW Scientific Mylar Capillary Tubes, Vial of 200, Case/5 Vials, CNT-HTMC-PN77
LW Scientific Optical Eyepiece Adapter for MiniVID/BioVID Microscope Cameras, MVP-ADAO-ETCM
LW Scientific PID Temperature Controlled Incubator, 30lt (1cu/ft), ICL-030L-0101
LW Scientific PID Temperature Controlled Incubator, 50lt (1.7cu/ft), ICL-050L-0171
LW Scientific PID Temperature Controlled Incubator, 80lt (2.8cu/ft), ICL-080L-0281
LW Scientific Platelet Rotator with 3 Baskets, 36 Bag Capacity, RTL-PLV3-36B1
LW Scientific Polarizing Variable LED Ring Light, 60 Bulbs, ILL-LEDV-POL3
LW Scientific PortaFuge Car Seat, E8P-HDLU-CAR7
LW Scientific Reader Card for Microhematocrit Tubes, HEP-RDRC-HEM7
LW Scientific Reader Disk for 24 Place Hematocrit Rotor, HEP-RDR7-HEM7
LW Scientific Revelation III Medical Microscope w/Eyetube, DIN Achr., Trinocular, R3M-TN4A-DAL3
LW Scientific Revelation III Medical Microscope, DIN Achromatic, Binocular, R3M-BN4A-DAL3
LW Scientific Revelation III Medical Microscope, DIN Achromatic, Dual Head Binocular, R3M-D04A-DAH3
LW Scientific Revelation III Medical Microscope, DIN Achromatic, Monocular, R3M-MN4A-DAL3
LW Scientific Revelation III Medical Microscope, DIN Plan, Binocular, R3M-BN4A-DPL3
LW Scientific Revelation III Medical Microscope, DIN Plan, Trinocular, R3M-TN4A-DPL3
LW Scientific Segmented Variable LED Ring Light, 60 Bulbs, ILL-LEDS-R603
LW Scientific SLR T-Mount Photo Tube for Observer Series Microscopes, MSP-ADA7-PH26
LW Scientific SLR T-Mount Photo Tube for Revelation III Microscopes, MSP-ADA7-PH25
LW Scientific Spring Type Eyepiece Pointer, 23mm, (ea), MSP-PNT7-01PK
LW Scientific Stage Micrometer - 2 Scale (inches & mm), MSP-STG7-MM2S
LW Scientific Student PRO DIN Achromatic Microscope, Monocular, LED, 3 Objectives, EDM-MM3A-DAL3
LW Scientific Student PRO DIN Achromatic Microscope, Monocular, LED, 4 Objectives, EDM-MM4A-DAL3
LW Scientific T-Mount SLR Photo Tube for Achiever, Paragon, Vision, M2 and Z2 Series Microsopes, MSP-ADA7-PH33
LW Scientific UNIVERSAL Laboratory Centrifuge w/Rotor, 110~230V
LW Scientific Urine Reagent Strips for Blood , 100/Vial, 12 Vials, URS-01PR-BL77
LW Scientific Urine Reagent Strips for Glucose, Vial/100, 12 Vials, URS-01PR-GL77
LW Scientific Urine Reagent Strips for Ketone, Vial/100, 12 Vials, URS-01PR-KE77
LW Scientific USA 10 Liter (0.35cu/ft) Digital Incubator, Max. Temp 65°C/150°F, ICL-010L-D031
LW Scientific USA 20 liter (0.7cu/ft) Digital Incubator, Max. Temp 65°C/150°F, ICL-020L-D071
LW Scientific USA 30 liter (1.0cu/ft) Digital Incubator, Max. Temp 65°C/150°F, ICL-030L-D101
LW Scientific USA E8 Portable Centrifuge, 8x(3-15ml), 3500rpm, PortaFuge
LW Scientific USA E8D Digital Test Tube Centrifuge, 8x(3-15ml), 3500rpm Variable Speed, E8C-U8AD-15T3
LW Scientific USA E8F Test Tube Centrifuge, 8x(3-15ml), 3500rpm Fixed Speed, E8C-U8AF-1503
LW Scientific USA E8V Test Tube Centrifuge, 8x(3-15ml), 3500rpm Variable Speed, E8C-U8AV-1503
LW Scientific V24T Combo Centrifuge, 4000-12,000rpm Variable Speed
LW Scientific Variable LED Ring Light, 48 Bulbs, ILL-LEDV-R483
LW Scientific Variable Speed Platform Head Turbo Mixer w/3000 RPM, MXL-TMV7-7PL1
LW Scientific Variable Speed Turbo Mixer w/Mixing Cup, 3000 RPM, MXL-TMV7-7RC1
LW Scientific Z2 Binocular Zoom Stereoscope w/C Mount Dual Light Stand, Z2M-BZM7-7FH1
LW Scientific Z2 Trinocular Zoom Stereoscope w/C Mount Dual Light Stand, Z2M-TZMC-7FH1
LW Scientific ZIPCombo / ZIPOCRIT Portable Centrifuge, ZCC-12HD-40T3
LW Scientific Zoom Stereoscopes
Magnetic Hotplates-Stirrers
Magnifying Glass for Riester Ri Scope L Otoscope, 11449
Magnifying Glass for Riester RiMini and Penscope Otoscope, 10963
Main Power Control Board for the E8 Centrifuge, E8R-PWRBRD
Massage Therapy
Mechanical Stage for LW Scientific Student Microscopes, EDP-STG7-MECH
Mechanical Stage for Z-2 Zoom Microscope Base, Z2P-STG7-MECH
Medical / Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaners
Medical Diagnostic Instruments
Medical Illumination
Medical Illumination Exam / Diagnostic Lights
Medical Illumination Handheld UV Woods Light, CWL-HHM, 015010
Medical Illumination LED Surgical Light Battery Backup Kit for System TWO, XLDS-BBK, 1000703
Medical Illumination MI 1000 LED Surgical Light, Dual Ceiling, XLD-DC, 061525
Medical Illumination MI 1000 LED Surgical Light, Floor Model w/Battery, XLD-FMB, 061523B
Medical Illumination MI 1000 LED Surgical Light, Floor Model, XLD-FM, 061523
Medical Illumination MI 1000 LED Surgical Light, Single Ceiling w/Battery, XLD-SCB, 061524B
Medical Illumination MI 1000 LED Surgical Light, Single Ceiling, XLD-SC, 061524
Medical Illumination MI 1000 LED Surgical Light, Wall Mount w/Battery, XLD-WMB, 061522B
Medical Illumination MI 1000 LED Surgical Light, Wall Mount, XLD-WM, 061522
Medical Illumination MI 550 LED Medical Exam Light, Dual Ceiling Mount, XLDE-DC, 061325
Medical Illumination MI 550 LED Medical Exam Light, Floor Model, XLDE-FM, 061323
Medical Illumination MI 550 LED Medical Exam Light, Single Ceiling Mount, XLDE-SC, 061324
Medical Illumination MI 550 LED Medical Exam Light, Wall Mount, XLDE-WM, 061322
Medical Illumination MI-750 LED Exam Light, Dual Ceiling Mount, XLDP-DC, 061425
Medical Illumination MI-750 LED Exam Light, Floor Model w/Battery, XLDP-FMB, 061423B
Medical Illumination MI-750 LED Exam Light, Floor Model, XLDP-FM, 061423
Medical Illumination MI-750 LED Exam Light, Single Ceiling w/Battery, XLDP-SCB, 061424B
Medical Illumination MI-750 LED Exam Light, Single Ceiling, XLDP-SC, 061424
Medical Illumination MI-750 LED Exam Light, Wall Mount w/Battery, XLDP-WMB, 061422B
Medical Illumination MI-750 LED Exam Light, Wall Mount, XLDP-WM, 061422
Medical Illumination Surgical Lights
Medical Illumination System TWO Ceiling Mount Surgical Light w/HD Camera, XLDS-S2VC, SD2P3
Medical Illumination SYSTEM TWO DUO LED Surgical Light, Dual Ceiling Mount, XLDS-S22, SD2D2
Medical Illumination SYSTEM TWO LED Surgical Light, Single Ceiling, XLDS-S2
Medical Illumination System TWO Monitor Arm for Single Ceiling Mount, XLDS-MA, SM1
Medical Illumination System TWO Surgical Light w/Monitor Arm, XLDS-S2MA, SD2M1
Medical Illumination System TWO TRIO Dual Ceiling Mount Surgical Light w/HD Camera, XLDS-S23VC, SD2D2P3
Medical Illumination System TWO TRIO Dual Ceiling Surgical Light w/Monitor Arm, XLDS-S23MA, SD2D2M1
Medical Illumination SYSTEM TWO TRIO Surgical Light, Triple Ceiling Mount, XLDS-S23, SD2D2D2
Medical Illumination Touch Screen Wireless Wall Control Kit for System TWO Surgical Lights, XLDS-WCK
Medical Illuminaton HD Video Camera Arm for System TWO Ceiling Mount Surgical Light, XLDS-VCA, SP3
Medical Lighting Systems
Medium Disposable Applicator Covers for G5 Massagers, Pack/50, AP235D
Membrane for TOCO Transducers, Roll of 50, 902105
Mesh Basket for Branson 1510/1800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, 100-916-333
Mesh Basket for Branson 2510/2800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, 100-916-334
Mesh Basket for Branson 3510/3800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, 100-916-335
Metal Base for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000/V6500 Tabletop Centrifuges, V6010
Metal Tube Sleeve for ZIPocrit, Set of 4, ZPP-TBS7-75ME
Mettler 2 Channel Combination Therapy Unit w/8 Wave Forms, ME920
Mettler AutoTherm ME391 Shortwave Diathermy Unit with Capacitive Applicators, Drum, Arm and Cart, ME391
Mettler AutoTherm Shortwave Diathermy Unit with/Capacitive Applicators, ME390
Mettler CAVITATOR ME 10L Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Basket & Cover
Mettler CAVITATOR ME 20G Heated Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Basket & Cover
Mettler CAVITATOR ME 22L Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Basket & Cover
Mettler CAVITATOR ME 3L Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Basket & Cover
Mettler CAVITATOR ME 6L Heated Ultrasonic Cleaner w/Basket & Cover
Mettler Cavitator Ultrasonic Cleaner Covers,
Mettler Cavitator Ultrasonic Cleaner Mesh Baskets
Mettler CAVITATOR Ultrasonic Cleaners
Mettler Combination Therapy equipment
Mettler Diathermy equipment
Mettler Electrode Cable Set for Single Channel Stim Unit, ME2260
Mettler Electronics
Mettler Electronics 10cm˛ /1Mhz Sound Head Applicator for ME740 Ultrasound Unit, ME7410
Mettler Electronics 10cm˛ Applicator for ME706 Ultrasound Unit, ME7001
Mettler Electronics 10cm˛/1Mhz Applicator for ME720 Ultrasound Unit, ME7210
Mettler Electronics 10cm˛/1Mhz Applicator for ME992 and ME994, ME7310
Mettler Electronics 1cm˛ /3Mhz Sound Head Applicator for ME740 Ultrasound Unit, ME7431
Mettler Electronics 1cm˛/1Mhz Applicator for ME720 Ultrasound Unit, ME7201
Mettler Electronics 1cm˛/3Mhz Applicator for ME730, ME992 and ME994, ME7331
Mettler Electronics 2 cm˛/1-3 MHz Sound Head Applicator for ME940 Combination Therapy Unit, ME9402
Mettler Electronics 3 Shelf Mobile Cart, ME73
Mettler Electronics 5.5 cm˛/1-3 MHz Sound Head Applicator for ME940 Combination Therapy Unit, ME9401
Mettler Electronics 5cm˛ /1-3Mhz Sound Head Applicator for ME740 Ultrasound Unit, ME7413
Mettler Electronics 5cm˛ /1-3Mhz Sound Head Applicator for ME930, ME992 and ME994 Combination Therapy equipment, ME7513
Mettler Electronics 5cm˛ Applicator for ME705 Ultrasound Unit, ME7005
Mettler Electronics 5cm˛/1Mhz Applicator for ME715 and ME730 Ultrasound Units, ME7305
Mettler Electronics 5cm˛/3Mhz Applicator for ME720 Ultrasound Units, ME7235
Mettler Electronics 5cm˛/3Mhz Applicator for ME730 Ultrasound Unit, ME7335
Mettler Electronics 7cm˛ Applicator for ME710 and ME900 Ultrasound Units, ME7107
Mettler Electronics Bifurcation Cable Set, ME2030
Mettler Electronics Detachable Line Cord(Power Cord), 7296
Mettler Electronics Electrode Straps,
Mettler Electronics Hooded Universal Applicator Cable for ME930, ME992 and ME994 equipment, ME7392
Mettler Electronics Mobile Cabinet with Plastic Door and Shelves, ME97
Mettler Electronics Patient Safety Switch for ME208 and ME208A, ME2031
Mettler Electronics Pencil Electrode Set, ME2023
Mettler Electronics Pin to Banana Adapter Plug for Electrode Cables, ME2027
Mettler Electronics Rechargeable Battery Pack for ME740(x) and ME240, ME7401
Mettler Electronics Rugged 3 Shelf Cart with Locking Wheels, ME74 / ME75
Mettler Electronics Special Four-Lead Patient Cable for the ME 216, ME2160
Mettler Electronics Sponge Electrodes,
Mettler Electronics Tote Bag for Any Sys*Stim or Sonicator Unit, ME107
Mettler Electronics Tote Bag for ME294, 940, 992 and 994, ME109
Mettler Electronics Travel Bag for ME740, 740x, and 240, ME110
Mettler Electronics Universal Applicator Cable, ME7391
Mettler Electronics Universal Mounting Plate, ME1004
Mettler EZ-Trode Self Adhesive Electrodes, Case/10 Pack(4 Electrodes a Pack),
Mettler ME740 Sonicator Therapeutic Ultrasound Unit with Applicator, ME740
Mettler ME940 Sonicator Plus 4 Channel Combination Therapy Unit w/1-3Mhz Ultrasound and 8 Waveforms Electric Stimulation-Touch Screen, ME940.
Mettler ME992 Sonicator Plus 2 Ch Combo Therapy Unit w/1-3Mhz Ultrasound and 6 Waveforms Electric Stim, ME992
Mettler ME994 Sonicator Plus 4 Channel Combination Therapy Unit w/1-3Mhz Ultrasound and 6 Waveforms Electric Stimulation, ME994
Mettler MTD4000 Traction Decompression Head Unit, MTD4000
Mettler Neon Check Light for use with Mettler ME395 Diathermy Unit, ME3974
Mettler Neuromuscular Stimulators
Mettler Single Channel Cable Adapter Set for ME206 and ME207 Stim Units, ME2263
Mettler Sonicator 718 Portable Theraputic Ultrasound Unit,
Mettler Sponge Inserts for Sponge Electrodes,
Mettler SysStim 208 Single Channel, Low Volt Neuromuscular Stimulator, ME208
Mettler SysStim 208A 2 Channel Low Volt Neuromuscular Stimulator, ME208A
Mettler SysStim 228 2 Channel Multi-function Neuromuscular Stimulator, ME228
Mettler SysStim Single Channel Neuromuscular Stimulator w/4 Waveforms, ME206
Mettler TENS210 2 Channel Neuromuscular Stimulator, TENS210
Mettler TENS212 Dual Channel Neuromuscular Stimulator, ME212
Mettler Thermalsoft Durapak Leak-Proof hot and Cold Packs,
Mettler Thermalsoft Gel Clinical Hot and Cold Packs, Case/6
Mettler ThermalSoft Gel Pack Covers,
Mettler Thermalsoft Professional Hot and Cold Packs,
Mettler Traction Unit (Head)
Mettler TrioStim 215 Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulator, ME215
Mettler Ultrasound Therapy
Mettler V-Trode Self Adhesive Electrodes, Case/10 Pack(4 Electrodes a Pack),
Micro-hematocrit Controls, Contains 6 Vials, HEP-CTRL-HMCK
Microglide Lubricant for Gears, Bearings, Stage Travel, MSP-LUB7-MGLD
Midmark / Ritter Autoclaves
Midmark Ritter M11 Ultraclave Automatic Door Autoclave w/11" x 18" Chamber Size, M11-042
Midmark Ritter M9 Ultraclave Automatic Door Autoclave w/9" x 15" Chamber Size, M9-042
Midmark® Next Generation M9® Ultraclave™ Autoclave, M9-050
Mini Cup Horn for Branson Sonifier 150 100W Models, 109-116-1292
Miscellaneous Products
Mixers / Tube Rockers
Mobile Cart for Bionet Fetal Monitors, FC-CART
Mobile Cart for Icon GI Electrosurgical Generator, BV-Icon-CS
Mobile Stand for A800, A900, A950 and A1200 Electrosurgical Generators, A812
Mobile Stand for Bovie A1250 Electrosurgical Generator w/o Bottom Tray, ESMS
Mobile Stand for Bovie A1250, A2250 and A3250 Electrosurgical Generators, BV-IDS-CS
Mobile Stand for for A800, A950 and A1250 Electrosurgical Generators, A812-C
Model 102 Converter for Analog Branson Sonifiers, 101-135-022
Model 102-C Converter for Digital Branson Sonifiers, 101-135-066
Monocular Head (no eyepiece) for LW Scientific Student Microscopes, EDH-MON7-77NE
Monocular Head (no eyepieces) for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3H-MOND-77NE
Motor 220V for C3 Centrifuge, C3R-MTR220V
Motor for 110V C5 Centrifuge, C5R-MTR110V
Motor for 110V C3 Centrifuge, C3R-MTR110V
Motor for 110V Combo V24 Centrifuge, CMR-MTR110
Motor for 110V M24 Centrifuge, HER-MTR110
Motor for 220V C5 Centrifuge, C5R-MTR220V
Motor for 220V M24 Centrifuge, HER-MTR220
Motor for 220V V24 Centrifuge, CMR-MTR220
Motor for Drucker 642VFD Centrifuge, 7735014
Motor for Ultra 8F/8S/8V (110V) Centrifuges, ULR-MTR110
Motor for Ultra 8F/8S/8V (220V) Centrifuges, ULR-MTR220V
Motor Gasket for M24 / M24C / M24T Centrifuge, HER-MTRGKT
Motor mount base for Ultra 8F/8S/8V/TL Centrifuges, ULR-MTRMNTBSE
Motor Mount Kit for Ultra 8F/8S/8V/TL Centrifuge, ULR-MTRMNT
Motor Mounts for ComboV24 Centrifuge, Set of 3, CMR-MTRMNT3
Motor Mounts for M24, Set of 3, HER-MTRMNT3
Motor Mounts for the E8 Centrifuge, E8R-MTRMNT
Motor Screw Cap (Clamping Knob) for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000/6500 (ea), V6115
Motorized Advance/Rewind for Bright M3500 Microtome, 115-MAR
MS 1.21 One-Hand Insert for IKA MS3 Basic/Digital Shaker, L001540
MS 1.31 Test Tube Insert for IKA MS3 BAsic/Digital Shaker, L001840
MS 1.32 Test Tube Insert for IKA MS3 Basic/Digital Shaker, L001850
MS 1.33 Test Tube Insert for IKA MS3 Basic/Digital Shaker, L001860
MS 1.34 Test Tube Insert for IKA MS3 Basic/Digital Shaker, L001830
MS 3.1 Standart Attachment for IKA MS3 Shaker, 3426300
MS 3.3 Universal Attachment for IKA MS3 Basic/Digital Shaker, 3426600
MS 3.4 Microtiter Attachment for IKA MS3 Shaker, 3426400
MS 3.5 PCR Plate Attachment for IKA MS3 Basic/Digital Shaker, 3428000
Multiple Prong Applicator for G5 Massagers, AP215
MWMH IP69K Series
My Shopping List
Nellcor COVIDIEN Bedside SpO2 Monitor, PM100N - Brand New - W/O Box
NIBP Neonate Cuff for Bistos Patient Monitors
Nikon 1 AW1 Point & Shoot Camera w/MagnetiConnect®, for Dermlite II/III
Nikon Zoom Optical Head with Digital Camera, 906170
Non-directional/Bi-directional Probes
Nose Cone for Scilogex Levo Plus Pipette Filler, 290008
Nylon Washer for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000/6500 Centrifuges (ea), V6160
Obstetrics / Gynaecology
Obstetrics Archive Digital Fetal Monitoring Software, 902016
OEM Drager Infinity ID Flow Sensor, Box/5, 6871980
OEM ZOLL LoFlo Sidestream EtCO2 / Canography Sensor, 8000-0367
Ohaus Adventuer AX2201/E Precision Balance, 2200g x 0.1g, External Calibration, 30248912
Ohaus Adventurer Analytical Balances
Ohaus Adventurer AX124 Analytical Balance, 120g x 0.1mg, 30100600
Ohaus Adventurer AX124/E Analytical Balance, 120g x 0.1mg, (External Calibration), 30100601
Ohaus Adventurer AX1502 Precision Balance, 1520g x 0.01g, 30100611
Ohaus Adventurer AX1502/E Precision Balance, 1520g x 0.01g, External Calibration, 30100612
Ohaus Adventurer AX1502N/E Precision Balance, NTEP Cert'd, External Calibration, 30100636
Ohaus Adventurer AX2202 Precision Balance, 2200g x 0.01g, 30100613
Ohaus Adventurer AX2202/E Precision Balance, 2200g x 0.01g, External Calibration, 30100614
Ohaus Adventurer AX2202N/E Precision Balance, 2200g x 0.01g, NTEP Cert'd, External Calibration, 30100637
Ohaus Adventurer AX223 Precision Balance, 220g x 1mg, 30100605
Ohaus Adventurer AX223/E Precision Balance, 220g x 1mg, External Calibration, 30100606
Ohaus Adventurer AX223N/E Precision Balance, 220g x 0.001g, NTEP Cert'd, External Calibration, 30100631
Ohaus Adventurer AX224 Analytical Balance, 220g x 0.1mg, 30100602
Ohaus Adventurer AX224/E Analytical Balance, 220g x 0.1mg, (External Calibration), 30100603
Ohaus Adventurer AX224N NTEP Cert'd Analytical Balance, 220g x 0.1mg, 30100630
Ohaus Adventurer AX324 Analytical Balance, 320g x 0.1mg, 30100604
Ohaus Adventurer AX4201 Precision Balance, 4200g x 0.1g, 30122634
Ohaus Adventurer AX4201/E Precision Balance, 4200g x 0.1g, External Calibration, 30122635
Ohaus Adventurer AX4202 Precision Balance, 4200g x 0.01g, 30100615
Ohaus Adventurer AX4202/E Precision Balance, 4200g x 0.01g, External Calibration, 30100616
Ohaus Adventurer AX4202N/E Precision Balance, 4200g x 0.01g, NTEP Cert'd, External Calibration, 30122655
Ohaus Adventurer AX422/E Precision Balance, 420g x 0.01g, External Calibration, 30127981
Ohaus Adventurer AX423 Precision Balance, 420g x 1mg, 30100607
Ohaus Adventurer AX423/E Precision Balance, 420g x 1mg, External Calibration, 30100608
Ohaus Adventurer AX423N Precision Balance, 420g x 0.001g, NTEP Cert'd, 30100632
Ohaus Adventurer AX423N/E Precision Balance, NTEP Cert'd, External Calibration, 30100633
Ohaus Adventurer AX5202 Precision Balance, 5200g x 0.01g, 30100617
Ohaus Adventurer AX523 Precision Balance, 520g x 0.1mg, 30100609
Ohaus Adventurer AX523/E Precision Balance, 520g x 1mg, External Calibration, 30100610
Ohaus Adventurer AX523N/E Precision Balance, NTEP Cert'd, External Calibration, 30100634
Ohaus Adventurer AX622N/E Precision Balance, 620g x 0.01g, NTEP Cert'd, External Calibration, 30100635
Ohaus Adventurer AX8201 Precision Balance, 8200g x 0.1g, 30100618
Ohaus Adventurer AX8201/E Precision Balance, 8200g x 0.1g, External Calibration, 30100619
Ohaus Adventurer AX8201N/E Precision Balance, 8200g x 0.1g, NTEP Cert'd, External Calibration, 30100639
Ohaus Adventurer AX822/E Precision Balance, 820g x 0.01g, External Calibration, 30127983
Ohaus Adventurer Precision Balances
Ohaus Analytical Balances
Ohaus Bench / Floor Scale Indicators
Ohaus Bench Scale Bases
Ohaus Bench-Floor Scales
Ohaus Catapult 1000 Compact Shipping Scale, 165lb x 0.1lb, C11P75, 83998139
Ohaus Catapult 1000 Compact Shipping Scale, 20lb x 0.01lb, C11P9, 83998137
Ohaus Catapult 1000 Compact Shipping Scale, 44lb x 0.02lb, C11P20, 83998138
Ohaus Catapult 1000 Compact Shipping Scales
Ohaus Cent-O-Gram Mechanical Balance, 311g x 0.01g, 311-00, 80000010
Ohaus Cent-O.Gramd and Dial-O-Gram Mechanical Balances
Ohaus Champ CKW Checkweighing Scale, 15lb x 0.002lb, CKW6R55, 80251042
Ohaus Champ CKW Checkweighing Scale, 30lb x 0.005lb, CKW15L55, 80251043
Ohaus Champ CKW Checkweighing Scale, 60lb x 0.01lb, CKW30L55, 80251044
Ohaus Champ CKW Checkweighing Scale, 6lb x 0.001lb, CKW3R55, 80251041
Ohaus Champ CKW Checkweighing Scales
Ohaus Champ CKW6R Washdown Checkweighing Scale Base, 15lb x 0.005lb, 80251047
Ohaus CKW Checkweighing Scale Bases
Ohaus CKW55 Checkweighing Scale Indicators
Ohaus CKW55 Stainless Steel Check Weighing Scale Indicator, NTEP Cert'd, 80251030
Ohaus CL Series
Ohaus CL2000 Compact Digital Scale, 2,000 x 1 g, 80010611
Ohaus CL201 Compact Digital Scale, 200 x 0.1 g, 80010610
Ohaus CL5000 Compact Digital Scale, 5,000 x 1 g, 80010612
Ohaus CL5000F Compact Digital Scale, 5,000 x 1 g, (w/Carry Case), 80010621
Ohaus Compact Bench Scales
Ohaus Corporation
Ohaus Counting Scales
Ohaus CS Series
Ohaus CS200 Digital Compact Scale, 200 x 0.1g, 72212663
Ohaus CS2000 Digital Compact Scale, 2000 x 1g, 72212664
Ohaus CS2000P Digital Compact Scale, 2000 x 1g, 80500634
Ohaus CS200P Digital Compact Scale, 200 x 0.1g, 80500633
Ohaus CS5000 Digital Compact Scale, 5000 x 1g, 72212665
Ohaus CS5000P Digital Compact Scale, 5000 x 1g, 80500635
Ohaus Defender 3000 Rectangular Bench Scale, 150lb x 0.02lb, D31P60BL, 83998113
Ohaus Defender 3000 Rectangular Bench Scale, 150lb x 0.02lb, D31P60BR, 83998112
Ohaus Defender 3000 Rectangular Bench Scale, 300lb x 0.05lb, D31P150BX, 83998115
Ohaus Defender 3000 Rectangular Bench Scale, 600lb x 0.1lb, D31P300BX, 83998116
Ohaus Defender 3000 Rectangular Bench Scale, 60lb x 0.01lb, D31P30BR, 83998111
Ohaus Defender 3000 Rectangular Scales
Ohaus Defender 3000 Washdown Bench Scales
Ohaus Defender 3000 Washdown Rectangular Bench Scale, 150lb x 0.02lb, D32XW60VL, 83999819
Ohaus Defender 3000 Washdown Rectangular Bench Scale, 150lb x 0.02lb, D32XW60VR, 83999818
Ohaus Defender 3000 Washdown Rectangular Bench Scale, 300lb x 0.05lb, D32XW150VL, 83999820
Ohaus Defender 3000 Washdown Rectangular Bench Scale, 300lb x 0.05lb, D32XW150VX, 83999821
Ohaus Defender 3000 Washdown Rectangular Bench Scale, 600lb x 0.1lb, D32XW300VX, 83999822
Ohaus Defender 3000 Washdown Rectangular Bench Scale, 60lb x 0.01lb, D32XW30VR, 83999817
Ohaus Defender 5000 Low-Profile Rectangular Scale
Ohaus Defender 5000 Low-Profile Rectangular Scale, 150lb x 0.02lb, D51P60HL5, 80500802
Ohaus Defender 5000 Low-Profile Rectangular Scale, 150lb x 0.02lb, D51P60HR5, 80500801
Ohaus Defender 5000 Low-Profile Rectangular Scale, 250lb x 0.05lb, D51P100HL5, 80500803
Ohaus Defender 5000 Low-Profile Rectangular Scale, 300lb x 0.05lb, D51P150HX5, 80500804
Ohaus Defender 5000 Low-Profile Rectangular Scale, 30lb x 0.005lb, D51P15HR5, 80500799
Ohaus Defender 5000 Low-Profile Rectangular Scale, 600lb x 0.1lb, D51P300HX5, 80500805
Ohaus Defender 5000 Low-Profile Rectangular Scale, 60lb x 0.01lb, D51P30HR5, 80500800
Ohaus Defender 5000 Low-Profile Square Scale, 100lb x 0.01lb, D51P50QL5, 80501166
Ohaus Defender 5000 Low-Profile Square Scale, 250lb x 0.02lb, D51P100QL5, 80501167
Ohaus Defender 5000 Low-Profile Square Scale, 25lb x 0.002lb, D51P10QR5, 80501164
Ohaus Defender 5000 Low-Profile Square Scale, 500lb x 0.05lb, D51P250QX5, 80501168
Ohaus Defender 5000 Low-Profile Square Scale, 50lb x 0.005lb, D51P25QR5, 80501165
Ohaus Defender 5000 Low-Profile Square Scales
Ohaus Defender 5000 Rectangular Scale, 150lb x 0.02lb, D51P60HL2, 80500514
Ohaus Defender 5000 Rectangular Scale, 150lb x 0.02lb, D51P60HR1, 80500513
Ohaus Defender 5000 Rectangular Scale, 250lb x 0.05lb, D51P100HL2, 80500515
Ohaus Defender 5000 Rectangular Scale, 300lb x 0.05lb, D51P150HX2, 80251833
Ohaus Defender 5000 Rectangular Scale, 30lb x 0.005lb, D51P15HR1, 80500511
Ohaus Defender 5000 Rectangular Scale, 600lb x 0.1lb, D51P300HX2, 80500516
Ohaus Defender 5000 Rectangular Scale, 60lb x 0.01lb, D51P30HR1, 80500512
Ohaus Defender 5000 Rectangular Scales
Ohaus Defender 5000 Square Scale, 100lb x 0.01lb, D51P50QL2, 80501156
Ohaus Defender 5000 Square Scale, 250lb x 0.02lb, D51P100QL2, 80501157
Ohaus Defender 5000 Square Scale, 25lb x 0.002lb, D51P10QR1, 80501154
Ohaus Defender 5000 Square Scale, 500lb x 0.05lb, D51P250QX2, 80501158
Ohaus Defender 5000 Square Scale, 50lb x 0.005lb, D51P25QR1, 80501155
Ohaus Defender 5000 Square Scales
Ohaus Defender 7000 Low-Profile Rectangular Scale, 120lb x 0.02lb, D71P60HL5, 80501327
Ohaus Defender 7000 Low-Profile Rectangular Scale, 120lb x 0.02lb, D71P60HR5, 80501326
Ohaus Defender 7000 Low-Profile Rectangular Scale, 200lb x 0.05lb, D71P100HL5, 80501328
Ohaus Defender 7000 Low-Profile Rectangular Scale, 300lb x 0.05lb, D71P150HX5, 80501329
Ohaus Defender 7000 Low-Profile Rectangular Scale, 30lb x 0.005lb, D71P15HR5, 80501324
Ohaus Defender 7000 Low-Profile Rectangular Scale, 600lb x 0.1lb, D71P300HX5, 80501330
Ohaus Defender 7000 Low-Profile Rectangular Scale, 60lb x 0.01lb, D71P30HR5, 80501325
Ohaus Defender 7000 Low-Profile Rectangular Scales
Ohaus Defender 7000 Low-Profile Square Scale, 250lb x 0.02lb, D71P100QL5, 80501490
Ohaus Defender 7000 Low-Profile Square Scale, 25lb x 0.002lb, D71P10QR5, 80501487
Ohaus Defender 7000 Low-Profile Square Scale, 500lb x 0.05lb, D71P250QX5, 80501491
Ohaus Defender 7000 Low-Profile Square Scale, 50lb x 0.005lb, D71P25QR5, 80501488
Ohaus Defender 7000 Low-Profile Square Scale,100lb x 0.01lb, D71P50QL5, 80501489
Ohaus Defender 7000 Low-Profile Square Scales
Ohaus Defender 7000 Rectangular Scale, 120lb x 0.02lb, D71P60HL2, 80501306
Ohaus Defender 7000 Rectangular Scale, 120lb x 0.02lb, D71P60HR1, 80501305
Ohaus Defender 7000 Rectangular Scale, 200lb x 0.05lb, D71P100HL2, 80501307
Ohaus Defender 7000 Rectangular Scale, 300lb x 0.05lb, D71P150HX2, 80501308
Ohaus Defender 7000 Rectangular Scale, 30lb x 0.005lb, D71P15HR1, 80501303
Ohaus Defender 7000 Rectangular Scale, 600lb x 0.1lb, D71P300HX2, 80501309
Ohaus Defender 7000 Rectangular Scale, 60lb x 0.01lb, D71P30HR1, 80501304
Ohaus Defender 7000 Rectangular Scales
Ohaus Defender 7000 Square Scale, 100lb x 0.01lb, D71P50QL2, 80501479
Ohaus Defender 7000 Square Scale, 250lb x 0.02lb, D71P100QL2, 80501480
Ohaus Defender 7000 Square Scale, 25lb x 0.002lb, D71P10QR1, 80501477
Ohaus Defender 7000 Square Scale, 500lb x 0.05lb, D71P250QX2, 80501481
Ohaus Defender 7000 Square Scale, 50lb x 0.005lb, D71P25QR1, 80501478
Ohaus Defender 7000 Square Scales
Ohaus Defender 7000X Extreme Rectangular Scale, 120lb x 0.02lb, D71XW60HL2, 80501361
Ohaus Defender 7000X Extreme Rectangular Scale, 120lb x 0.02lb, D71XW60HR1, 80501360
Ohaus Defender 7000X Extreme Rectangular Scale, 200lb x 0.05lb, D71XW100HL2, 80501362
Ohaus Defender 7000X Extreme Rectangular Scale, 300lb x 0.05lb, D71XW150HX2, 80501363
Ohaus Defender 7000X Extreme Rectangular Scale, 30lb x 0.005lb, D71XW15HR1, 80501358
Ohaus Defender 7000X Extreme Rectangular Scale, 600lb x 0.1lb, D71XW300HX2, 80501364
Ohaus Defender 7000X Extreme Rectangular Scale, 60lb x 0.01lb, D71XW30HR1, 80501359
Ohaus Defender 7000X Extreme Rectangular Scales
Ohaus Defender 7000X Extreme Square Scale, 100lb x 0.01lb, D71XW50QL2
Ohaus Defender 7000X Extreme Square Scale, 250lb x 0.02lb, D71XW100QL2
Ohaus Defender 7000X Extreme Square Scale, 25lb x 0.002lb, D71XW10QR1
Ohaus Defender 7000X Extreme Square Scale, 500lb x 0.05lb, D71XW250QX2
Ohaus Defender 7000X Extreme Square Scale, 50lb x 0.005lb, D71XW25QR1
Ohaus Defender 7000X Extreme Square Scales
Ohaus Defender 7000XW Extreme Square Washdawn Scales
Ohaus Defender 7000XW Extreme Square Washdown Scale, 100lb x 0.01lb, D71XW50WL4, 80501539
Ohaus Defender 7000XW Extreme Square Washdown Scale, 250lb x 0.02lb, D71XW100WL4, 80501540
Ohaus Defender 7000XW Extreme Square Washdown Scale, 25lb x 0.002lb, D71XW10WR3, 80501537
Ohaus Defender 7000XW Extreme Square Washdown Scale, 500lb x 0.05lb, D71XW250WX4, 80501541
Ohaus Defender 7000XW Extreme Square Washdown Scale, 50lb x 0.005lb, D71XW25WR3, 80501538
Ohaus Defender Basic Rectangular Base, 150lb x 0.02lb, D60BL, 30379437
Ohaus Defender Basic Rectangular Base, 150lb x 0.02lb, D60BR, 30379436
Ohaus Defender Basic Rectangular Base, 300lb x 0.05lb, D150BL, 30379438
Ohaus Defender Basic Rectangular Base, 300lb x 0.05lb, D150BX, 30379439
Ohaus Defender Basic Rectangular Base, 600lb x 0.1lb, D300BX, 30379440
Ohaus Defender Basic Rectangular Base, 60lb x 0.01lb, D30BR, 30379435
Ohaus Defender Basic Rectangular Washdown Base, 150lb x 0.02lb, D60VL, 30379444
Ohaus Defender Basic Rectangular Washdown Base, 150lb x 0.02lb, D60VR, 30379443
Ohaus Defender Basic Rectangular Washdown Base, 300lb x 0.05lb, D150VL, 30379445
Ohaus Defender Basic Rectangular Washdown Base, 300lb x 0.05lb, D150VX, 30379446
Ohaus Defender Basic Rectangular Washdown Base, 600lb x 0.1lb, D300VX, 30379447
Ohaus Defender Basic Rectangular Washdown Base, 60lb x 0.01lb, D30VR, 30379442
Ohaus Defender Extreme 5000X Rectangular Scale, 150lb x 0.02lb, D51XW60HL2, 80500910
Ohaus Defender Extreme 5000X Rectangular Scale, 150lb x 0.02lb, D51XW60HR1, 80500909
Ohaus Defender Extreme 5000X Rectangular Scale, 250lb x 0.05lb, D51XW100HL2, 80500911
Ohaus Defender Extreme 5000X Rectangular Scale, 300lb x 0.05lb, D51XW150HX2, 80500912
Ohaus Defender Extreme 5000X Rectangular Scale, 30lb x 0.005lb, D51XW15HR1, 80500907
Ohaus Defender Extreme 5000X Rectangular Scale, 600lb x 0.1lb, D51XW300HX2, 80500913
Ohaus Defender Extreme 5000X Rectangular Scale, 60lb x 0.01lb, D51XW30HR1, 80500908
Ohaus Defender Extreme 5000X Rectangular Scales
Ohaus Defender Rectangular Bench Scale Base, 150lb x 0.02lb, D60HL, 30379451
Ohaus Defender Rectangular Bench Scale Base, 150lb x 0.02lb, D60HR, 30379450
Ohaus Defender Rectangular Bench Scale Base, 250lb x 0.05lb, D100HL, 30379452
Ohaus Defender Rectangular Bench Scale Base, 300lb x 0.05lb, D150HX, 30379453
Ohaus Defender Rectangular Bench Scale Base, 30lb x 0.005lb, D15HR, 30379448
Ohaus Defender Rectangular Bench Scale Base, 600lb x 0.01lb, D300HX, 30379454
Ohaus Defender Rectangular Bench Scale Base, 60lb x 0.01lb, D30HR, 30379449
Ohaus Defender Square Bench Scale Base, 100lb x 0.01lb, D50QL, 80251922
Ohaus Defender Square Bench Scale Base, 250lb x 0.02lb, D100QL, 80251923
Ohaus Defender Square Bench Scale Base, 25lb x 0.002lb, D10QR, 80251920
Ohaus Defender Square Bench Scale Base, 500lb x 0.05lb, D250QX, 80251924
Ohaus Defender Square Bench Scale Base, 50lb x 0.005lb, D25QR, 80251921
Ohaus Defender Square Washdown Scale Bases
Ohaus Defender Washdown Bench Scale Base, 100lb x 0.01lb, D50WL, 80251927
Ohaus Defender Washdown Bench Scale Base, 250lb x 0.02lb, D100WL, 80251928
Ohaus Defender Washdown Bench Scale Base, 25lb x 0.002lb, D10WR, 80251925
Ohaus Defender Washdown Bench Scale Base, 500lb x 0.05lb, D250WX, 80251929
Ohaus Defender Washdown Bench Scale Base, 50lb x 0.005lb, D25WR, 80251926
Ohaus Dial Type Spring Scale, 1000g x 10g, & 10N x 0.2N, 8013-MN, 80000021
Ohaus Dial Type Spring Scale, 2000g x 10g, 72 oz x 1/2 oz, 8014-MA, 80000049
Ohaus Dial Type Spring Scale, 2000g x 20g, & 20N x 0.25N, 8014-MN, 80000022
Ohaus Dial Type Spring Scale, 250g x 2g, & 2.5N x 0.02N, 8011-MN, 80000019
Ohaus Dial Type Spring Scale, 250g x 2g, 9 oz x 1/8 oz, 8011-MA, 80000047
Ohaus Dial Type Spring Scale, 500g x 5g, & 5N x 0.05N, 8012-MN, 80000020
Ohaus Dial Type Spring Scale, 500g x 5g, 18 oz x 1/4 oz, 8012-MA, 80000048
Ohaus Dial Type Spring Scale, Demonstration Dial 20 Hg x 1/2 Hg, 8015-00, 80000050
Ohaus Dial Type Spring Scale, Demonstration Dial 20N x 1/2N, 8016-00, 80000023
Ohaus Dial Type Spring Scale, Demonstration Dial 50N x 2N, 8018-50, 80000051
Ohaus Dial Type Spring Scales
Ohaus Dial-O-Gram Mechanical Balance, 310g x 0.01g, 310-00, 80000009
Ohaus Dial-O-Gram Triple Beam Mechanical Balance, 2610g x 0.1g, 1650-W0, 80000037
Ohaus Dial-O-Gram Triple Beam Mechanical Balance, 610g x 0.1g, 1610-00, 80000036
Ohaus Dial-O-Gram Triple Beam Mechanical Balance, 610g x 0.1g, 1650-00, 80000006
Ohaus ES Series Bench Scale, 110lb x 0.05lb, ES50L, 71138833
Ohaus ES Series Bench Scale, 110lb x 0.05lb, ES50R, 71138832
Ohaus ES Series Bench Scale, 13.2lb x 0.005lb, ES6R, 71138830
Ohaus ES Series Bench Scale, 220lb x 0.1lb, ES100L, 71138834
Ohaus ES Series Bench Scale, 440lb x 0.2lb, ES200L, 71138835
Ohaus ES Series Bench Scale, 66lb x 0.05lb, ES30R, 71138831
Ohaus ES Series Bench Scales
Ohaus Explorer 10201N Precision Balance, NTEP Cert'd, 10,200g x 0.1g, 83021367
Ohaus Explorer Analytical Balances
Ohaus Explorer EX10202 Precision Balance, 10,200g x 0.01g, 83021362
Ohaus Explorer EX10202N Precision Balance, NTEP Cert'd, 10,200g x 0.01g, 83021364
Ohaus Explorer EX1103 Precision Balance, 1100g x 1mg, 83021350
Ohaus Explorer EX1103N Precision Balance, 1,100g x 0.001g, 83021352
Ohaus Explorer EX12001 High Capacity Precision Balance, 12,000g x 0.1g, 30057099
Ohaus Explorer EX124 Analytical Balance, 120g x 0.1mg, 83021331
Ohaus Explorer EX124/AD Analytical Balance, 120g x 0.1mg, Auto Door, 30061976
Ohaus Explorer EX124N/AD NTEP Cert'd Analytical Balance, 120g x 0.1mg, Auto Door, 30061997
Ohaus Explorer EX125 Semi-micro Balance, 120g x 0.01mg, 30139511
Ohaus Explorer EX125D Dual Range Semi-micro Balance, 51g/120g x 0.01mg/0.1mg, 30139510
Ohaus Explorer EX2202 Precision Balance, 2200g x 0.01g, 83021356
Ohaus Explorer EX2202/E Precision Balance, 2200g x 0.01g, External Calibration, 30061981
Ohaus Explorer EX223 Precision Balance, 220g x 1mg, 83021341
Ohaus Explorer EX223/E Precision Balance, 220g x 1mg, External Calibration, 30061979
Ohaus Explorer EX224 Analytical Balance, 220g x 0.01mg, 83021332
Ohaus Explorer EX224/AD Analytical Balance, 220g x 0.01mg, Auto Door, 30061977
Ohaus Explorer EX224N NTEP Cert'd Analytical Balance, 220g x 0.0001g, 83021334
Ohaus Explorer EX224N/AD NTEP Cert'd Analytical Balance, 220g x 0.01mg, Auto Door, 30061998
Ohaus Explorer EX225/AD Semi-micro Balance, 220g x 0.01mg, Auto Door, 30139514
Ohaus Explorer EX225D Dual Range Semi-micro Balance, 120g / 220g x 0.01mg / 0.1mg, 30139512
Ohaus Explorer EX225D/AD Dual Range Semi-micro Balance, 120g / 220g x 0.01mg/0.1mg, Auto Door, 30139513
Ohaus Explorer EX24001 High Capacity Precision Balance, 24,000g x 0.1g, 30057100
Ohaus Explorer EX324 Analytical Balance, 320g x 0.01mg, 83021335
Ohaus Explorer EX324/AD Analytical Balance, 320g x 0.1mg, Auto Door, 30061978
Ohaus Explorer EX324N NTEP Cert'd Analytical Balance, 320g x 0.0001g, 83021337
Ohaus Explorer EX324N/AD NTEP Cert'd Analytical Balance, 320 g x 0.1mg, 30061999
Ohaus Explorer EX35001 High Capacity Precision Balance, 35,000g x 0.1g, 30057101
Ohaus Explorer EX4202 Precision Balance, 4,200 x 0.01g, 83021357
Ohaus Explorer EX4202/E Precision Balance, 4,200g x 0.01g, External Calibration, 30061982
Ohaus Explorer EX4202N Precision Balance, NTEP Cert'd, 4,200 x 0.01g, 83021359
Ohaus Explorer EX423 Precision Balance, 420g x 1mg, 83021342
Ohaus Explorer EX423/E Precision Balance, 420g x 1mg, 30061980
Ohaus Explorer EX423N Precision Balance, NTEP Cert'd, 420g x 0.001g, 83021344
Ohaus Explorer EX6202 Precision Balance, 6,200g x 0.01g, 83021360
Ohaus Explorer EX6202/E Precision Balance, 6,200g x 0.01g, External Calibration, 30061983
Ohaus Explorer EX623 Precision Balance, 620g x 1mg, 83021348
Ohaus Explorer High Capacity Precision Balances
Ohaus Explorer Precision Balances
Ohaus Explorer Semi-micro Balances
Ohaus FD Series Bench Scale, 15lb x 0.001lb/ 6kg x 0.0002kg, FD6H, 83998148
Ohaus FD Series Bench Scale, 15lb x 0.002lb/ 6kg x 0.001kg, FD6, 83998118
Ohaus FD Series Bench Scale, 30lb x 0.001lb/ 15kg x 0.001kg, FD15H, 83998149
Ohaus FD Series Bench Scale, 30lb x 0.005lb/15kg x 0.002kg , FD15, 83998119
Ohaus FD Series Bench Scale, 6lb x 0.0002lb/ 3kg x 0.0001kg, FD3H, 83998147
Ohaus FD Series Bench Scale, 6lb x 0.001lb/ 3kg x 0.0005kg, FD3, 83998117
Ohaus FD Series Compact Bench Scales
Ohaus Field Test Mechanical Scale, 16kg x 5g, 2400-11, 80000008
Ohaus Field Test Mechanical Scale, 36lb x 0.01lb, 2400-12, 80000038
Ohaus Field Test Mechanical Scales
Ohaus Floor and Bench Scales
Ohaus Frontier FC5306 Microtube Centrifuge, 6,000rpm, 8 x 1.5/2.0ml, 30134157
Ohaus Harvard Junior Balances
Ohaus Harvard Junior Mechanical Balance, 2000g x 0.5g, Single Beam, Plastic Plates, HJ2001, 80252050
Ohaus Harvard Trip Balance, 2000g x 0.1g, Single Beam, Stainless Steel Plates, 1450-SD, 80000003
Ohaus Harvard Trip Balance, 2000g x 0.1g, Two Beam, Stainless Steel Plates, 1550-SD, 80000004
Ohaus Harvard Trip Balance, 2000g x 0.1g, Two Beam, Stainless Steel Plates, Tare, 1560-SD, 80000005
Ohaus Harvard Trip Balances
Ohaus Heavy Duty Solution Mechanical Balance, 20kg x 1g, 1119-D0, 80000000
Ohaus Heavy Duty Solutions Mechanical Balances
Ohaus HH Series
Ohaus HH120 Portable Handheld Scale, 120 x 0.1g, 71142842
Ohaus HH120D Portable Handheld Scale, 120 x 0.2g, 71142841
Ohaus HH320 Portable Handheld Scale, 320 x 0.1g, 71142844
Ohaus Jewelry Scales / Pocket Scales
Ohaus Laboratory Centrifuges
Ohaus Laboratory Equipment
Ohaus Math & Science Measurement Review Kit, GM101, 80252068
Ohaus MB120 Moisture Analyzer, 120g x 1mg, Halogen Heating, 30241165
Ohaus MB23 Moisture Analyzer, 110g x 10mg, Infrared Heating, 83999801
Ohaus MB27 Moisture Analyzer, 90g x 1mg, Halogen Heating, 30251683
Ohaus MB90 Moisture Analyzer, 90g x 1mg, Halogen Heating, 30241164
Ohaus Mechanical Balances
Ohaus Moisture Analyzers
Ohaus Moisture Analyzers
Ohaus Navigator NV Series
Ohaus Navigator NV1101 Portable Balance, 1100 x 0.1g, 83033085
Ohaus Navigator NV2101 Portable Balance, 2100 x 0.1g, 83033087
Ohaus Navigator NV211 Portable Balance, 210 x 0.1g, 30135291
Ohaus Navigator NV212 Portable Balance, 210 x 0.01g, 83033081
Ohaus Navigator NV4000 Portable Balance, 4000 x 1g, 30135292
Ohaus Navigator NV4101 Portable Balance, 4100 x 0.2g, 83033089
Ohaus Navigator NV5101 Portable Balance, 5100 x 0.5g, 83033091
Ohaus Navigator NV511 Portable Balance, 510 x 0.1g, 83033083
Ohaus Navigator NVL10000/1 Portable Balance, 10,000 x 1 g, 83033074
Ohaus Navigator NVL1101/1 Portable Balance, 1,100 x 0.1 g, 83033062
Ohaus Navigator NVL20000/1 Portable Balance, 20,000 x 1 g, 83033078
Ohaus Navigator NVL2101/1 Portable Balance, 2,100 x 0.1 g, 83033066
Ohaus Navigator NVL5101/1 Portable Balance, 5,100 x 0.5 g, 83033070
Ohaus Navigator NVL511/1 Portable Balance, 510 x 0.1 g, 83033058
Ohaus Navigator NVT10001/1 Portable Balance, 10,000 x 0.5g, 83998194
Ohaus Navigator NVT16000N/1 Portable Balance, NTEP Cert'd, 16,000 x 1g, 83034124
Ohaus Navigator NVT16001/1 Portable Balance, 16,000 x 1g, 83998198
Ohaus Navigator NVT1601/1 Portable Balance, 1,600 x 0.1g, 83998182
Ohaus Navigator NVT1601N/1 Portable Balance, NTEP Cert'd, 1,600 x 0.5g, 83034112
Ohaus Navigator NVT3200N/1 Portable Balance, NTEP Cert'd, 3,200 x 1g, 83034116
Ohaus Navigator NVT3201/1 Portable Balance, 3,200 x 0.2g, 83998186
Ohaus Navigator NVT6400N/1 Portable Balance, NTEP Cert'd, 6,400 x 1g, 83034120
Ohaus Navigator NVT6401/1 Portable Balance, 6,400 x 0.5g, 83998190
Ohaus Navigator XL Series
Ohaus Navigator XT Series
Ohaus PAJ Carat PAJ1003CN NTEP Cert'd Jewelry Scale, 1050 x 0.01 Carats, 80110229
Ohaus PAJ Carat PAJ2003CN NTEP Cert'd Jewelry Scale, 2050 x 0.1 Carats, 80110230
Ohaus PAJ Carat PAJ603CN NTEP Cert'd Jewelry Scale, 625 x 0.01 Carats, 80110228
Ohaus Pioneer Analytical Balances
Ohaus Pioneer PA124 Analytical Balance, 120g x 0.1mg, 30208441
Ohaus Pioneer PA124C Analytical Balance, 120g x 0.1mg, Internal Calibration, 30208455
Ohaus Pioneer PA1602 Precision Balance, 1600g x 0.01g, 30208446
Ohaus Pioneer PA1602C Precision Balance, 1600g x 0.01g, InCal, 30208460
Ohaus Pioneer PA163 Precision Balance, 160g x 1mg, 30208443
Ohaus Pioneer PA163C Precision Balance, 160g x 1mg, InCal, 30208457
Ohaus Pioneer PA2201 Precision Balance, 2200g x 0.1g, 30208450
Ohaus Pioneer PA2201C Precision Balance, 2200g x 0.1g, InCal, 30208464
Ohaus Pioneer PA2202 Precision Balance, 2200g x 0.01g, 30208447
Ohaus Pioneer PA2202C Precision Balance, 2200g x 0.01g, InCal, 30208461
Ohaus Pioneer PA224 Analytical Balance, 220g x 0.1mg, 30208442
Ohaus Pioneer PA3202 Precision Balance, 3200g x 0.01g, 30208448
Ohaus Pioneer PA3202C Precision Balance, 3200g x 0.01g, InCal, 30208462
Ohaus Pioneer PA323 Precision Balance, 320g x 1mg, 30208444
Ohaus Pioneer PA323C Precision Balance, 320g x 1mg, InCal, 30208458
Ohaus Pioneer PA4201 Precision Balance, 4200g x 0.1g, 30208453
Ohaus Pioneer PA4201C Precision Balance, 4200g x 0.1g, InCal, 30208465
Ohaus Pioneer PA4202 Precision Balance, 4200g x 0.01g, 30208449
Ohaus Pioneer PA4202C Precision Balance, 4200g x 0.01g, InCal, 30208463
Ohaus Pioneer PA523 Precision Balance, 520g x 1mg, 30208445
Ohaus Pioneer PA523C Precision Balance, 520g x 1mg, InCal, 30208459
Ohaus Pioneer PA84 Analytical Balance, 85g x 0.1mg, 30208440
Ohaus Pioneer PAJ Carat Series Digital Jewelry Scales
Ohaus Pioneer Precision Balances
Ohaus Pioneer PX124 Analytical Balance, 120g x 0.0001g, 30429838
Ohaus Pioneer PX124/E Analytical Balance, 120g x 0.0001g, 30429846
Ohaus Pioneer PX224 Analytical Balance, 220g x 0.0001g, 30430053
Ohaus Pioneer PX224/E Analytical Balance, 220g x 0.0001g, 30429847
Ohaus Pioneer PX84 Analytical Balance, 82g x 0.0001g, 30429837
Ohaus Pioneer PX84/E Analytical Balance, 82g x 0.0001g, 30429845
Ohaus Portable Balances
Ohaus Precision Balances
Ohaus Primer Mechanical Balance, 2000g x 1g, 80410-00, 80000024
Ohaus PS Series Pocket Scales
Ohaus PS121 Digital Pocket Scale, 120 x 0.1 g, 80104060
Ohaus PS251 Digital Pocket Scale, 250 x 0.1 g, 80104061
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, .56lb. x .02lb, 2.5N x 0.1N, 8001-PN, 80000040
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, 1.12lb. x .04lb., 5N x 0.2N, 8002-PN, 80000042
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, 1000g x 10g, 8264-M0, 80000028
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, 1000g x 25g, & 10N x 0.25N, 8003-MN, 80000016
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, 100g x 1g, 8261-M0, 80000025
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, 11.25lb. x .25lb., 50N x 1N, 8008-PN, 80000046
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, 2.25lb. x .05lb., 10N x 0.25N, 8003-PN, 80000043
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, 2000g x 20g, 8265-M0, 80000052
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, 2000g x 50g, & 20N x 0.5N, 8004-MN, 80000017
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, 2000g x 50g, 72 oz x 2 oz, 8004-MA, 80000044
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, 200g x 2g, 8262-M0, 80000026
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, 250g x 10g, & 2.5N x 0.1N, 8001-MN, 80000014
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, 250g x 10g, 9 oz x 1/4 oz, 8001-MA, 80000039
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, 4.5lb. x .1lb., 20N x 0.5N, 8004-PN, 80000045
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, 5000g x 100g, & 50N x 1N, 8008-MN, 80000018
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, 500g x 20g, & 5N x 0.2N, 8002-MN, 80000015
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, 500g x 20g, 18 oz x 1/2 oz, 8002-MA, 80000041
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scale, 500g x 5g, 8263-M0, 80000027
Ohaus Pull Type Spring Scales
Ohaus RANGER 3000 Bench Scales
Ohaus RANGER 4000 Bench Scales
Ohaus RANGER 7000 Bench Scales
Ohaus Ranger R31P15 Bench Scale, 30lbs x 0.01lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30031710
Ohaus Ranger R31P1502 Bench Scale, 3lbs x 0.0001lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30031707
Ohaus Ranger R31P3 Bench Scale, 6lbs x 0.002lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30031708
Ohaus Ranger R31P30 Bench Scale, 60lbs x 0.02lbs, NTEP Cert"d, 30031711
Ohaus Ranger R31P6 Bench Scale, 15lbs x 0.005 lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30031709
Ohaus Ranger R41ME15 Bench Scale, 30lbs x 0.001lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30236777
Ohaus Ranger R41ME3 Bench Scales, 6lbs x 0.0002lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30236775
Ohaus Ranger R41ME30 Bench Scale, 60lbs x 0.002lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30236778
Ohaus Ranger R41ME6 Bench Scale, 15lbs x 0.0005lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30236776
Ohaus Ranger R71MD15 Bench Scale, 30lbs x 0.0005lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30070311
Ohaus Ranger R71MD3 Bench Scales, 6lbs x 0.0001lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30070289
Ohaus Ranger R71MD35 Bench Scale, 70lbs x 0.001lb, NTEP Cert'd. 30070312
Ohaus Ranger R71MD6 Bench Scale, 15lbs x 0.0002lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30070310
Ohaus Ranger R71MD60 Bench Scale, 60kg x 0.002 lb, NTEP Cert'd, 30212873
Ohaus Ranger R71MHD15 Bench Scale, 30lbs x 0.0002lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30088842
Ohaus Ranger R71MHD3 Bench Scale, 6lbs x 0.00002lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30088840
Ohaus Ranger R71MHD35 Bench Scale, 70lbs x 0.0002lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30088843
Ohaus Ranger R71MHD6 Bench Scale, 15lbs x 0.00005lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30088841
Ohaus Ranger RC31P15 Counting Scale, 30lbs x 0.01lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30031790
Ohaus Ranger RC31P1502 Counting Scale, 3lbs x 0.001lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30031787
Ohaus Ranger RC31P3 Counting Scale, 6lbs x 0.002lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30031788
Ohaus Ranger RC31P30 Counting Scale, 60lbs x 0.02lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30031791
Ohaus Ranger RC31P6 Counting Scale, 15lbs x 0.005lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30031789
Ohaus Ranger RC41M15 Counting Scale, 30lbs x 0.01lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30236941
Ohaus Ranger RC41M3 Counting Scale, 6lbs x 0.002lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30236779
Ohaus Ranger RC41M30 Counting Scale, 60lbs x 0.02lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30236942
Ohaus Ranger RC41M6 Counting Scale, 15lbs x 0.005lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30236940
Ohaus Ranger® 3000 COUNT Counting Scales
Ohaus Ranger® 3000 Counting Scales
Ohaus Ranger® 4000 COUNT Counting Scales
Ohaus School and Primer Balances
Ohaus School Balance, 2000g x 0.5g, SB1200, 80000029
Ohaus Scout SJX/E Series Digital Jewelry Scales
Ohaus Scout SJX1502N/E NTEP Cert'd Jewelry Scale, 1500 x 0.1g, 30253056
Ohaus Scout SJX323N/E NTEP Cert'd Jewelry Scale, 320 x 0.1 Carats, 30253054
Ohaus Scout SJX6201N/E NTEP Cert'd Jewelry Scale, 6200 x 1g, 30253057
Ohaus Scout SJX622N/E NTEP Cert'd Jewelry Scale, 620 x 0.1g, 30253055
Ohaus Scout SPX1202 Portable Balance, 1200 x 0.01g, 30253022
Ohaus Scout SPX123 Portable Balance, 120 x 0.001g, 30253017
Ohaus Scout SPX2201 Portable Balance, 2200 x 0.1g, 30253026
Ohaus Scout SPX2202 Portable Balance, 2200 x 0.01g, 30253023
Ohaus Scout SPX222 Portable Balance, 220 x 0.01g, 30253019
Ohaus Scout SPX223 Portable Balance, 220 x 0.001g, 30253018
Ohaus Scout SPX421 Portable Balance, 420 x 0.1g, 30253024
Ohaus Scout SPX422 Portable Balance, 420 x 0.01g, 30253020
Ohaus Scout SPX6201 Portable Balance, 6200 x 0.1g, 30253027
Ohaus Scout SPX621 Portable Balance, 620 x 0.1g, 30253025
Ohaus Scout SPX622 Portable Balance, 620 x 0.01g, 30253021
Ohaus Scout SPX8200 Portable Balance, 8200 x 1g, 30253028
Ohaus Scout SPX® Series
Ohaus Scout STX1202 Portable Balance, 1200 x 0.01g, 30253010
Ohaus Scout STX123 Portable Balance, 120 x 0.001g, 30253005
Ohaus Scout STX2201 Portable Balance, 2200 x 0.1g, 30253014
Ohaus Scout STX2202 Portable Balance, 2200 x 0.01g, 30253011
Ohaus Scout STX222 Portable Balance, 220 x 0.01g, 30253007
Ohaus Scout STX223 Portable Balance, 220 x 0.001g, 30253006
Ohaus Scout STX421 Portable Balance, 420 x 0.1g, 30253012
Ohaus Scout STX422 Portable Balance, 420 x 0.01g, 30253008
Ohaus Scout STX6201 Portable Balance, 6200 x 0.1g, 30253015
Ohaus Scout STX621 Portable Balance, 620 x 0.1g, 30253013
Ohaus Scout STX622 Portable Balance, 620 x 0.01g, 30253009
Ohaus Scout STX8200 Portable Balance, 8200 x 1g, 30253016
Ohaus Scout STX® Series
Ohaus SD Series Shipping Scale, 165lb x 0.1lb, SD75, 83998235
Ohaus SD Series Shipping Scale, 165lb x 0.1lb, SD75L, 83998236
Ohaus SD Series Shipping Scale, 440lb x 0.2lb, SD200, 83998237
Ohaus SD Series Shipping Scale, 440lb x 0.2lb, SD200L, 83998238
Ohaus SD Series Shipping Scale, 77lb x 0.05lb, SD35, 83998234
Ohaus SD Shipping Scales
Ohaus ST300C Portable Conductivity Meter, 00.0 uS/cm – 199.9 mS/cm, 83033964
Ohaus ST300C-B Portable Conductivity Meter, 00.0 uS/cm – 199.9 mS/cm, (w/o Electrode), 30092000
Ohaus ST300C-G Portable Conductivity Meter, 00.0 uS/cm – 199.9 mS/cm, 30219115
Ohaus ST300D Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meters
Ohaus Starter 2100 Bench pH Meters
Ohaus Starter 3100 Bench pH Meters
Ohaus Starter 3100C Bench Conductivity Meters
Ohaus Starter 5000 Bench pH Meters
Ohaus Starter Electrodes for Water Analysis
Ohaus Starter Pen Style Meters
Ohaus Starter ST10 Pen Style pH Meter, 0.00 – 14 pH, 30073970
Ohaus Starter ST10C-A Pen Conductivity Meter, 0.00 – 199.9 us/cm, 30073972
Ohaus Starter ST10C-B Pen Conductivity Meter, 0 – 1999 μs/cm, 30073973
Ohaus Starter ST10C-C Pen Conductivity Meter, 0.00 – 19.99 ms/cm, 30073974
Ohaus Starter ST10R Pen Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) Meter, -1000 – 1000 mV, 30073984
Ohaus Starter ST10S Pen Salinity Meter, 0.0 – 10.0 ppt, 30073982
Ohaus Starter ST10T-A Pen Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Meter, 0.0 – 100.0 mg/L, 30073978
Ohaus Starter ST10T-B Pen Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Meter, 0.0 – 1000 mg/L, 30073979
Ohaus Starter ST20 Pen pH Meter with Thermometer, 0.00 – 14 pH, 30073971
Ohaus Starter ST20C-A Pen Conductivity Meter w/Temperature, 0.00 – 199.9 μs/cm, 30073975
Ohaus Starter ST20C-B Pen Conductivity Meter w/Temperature, 0 – 1999 μs/cm, 30073976
Ohaus Starter ST20C-C Pen Conductivity Meter w/Temperature, 0.00 – 19.99 ms/cm, 30073977
Ohaus Starter ST20D Pen Dissolved Oxygen Meter, 0.0 – 19.9 mg/L, 30073986
Ohaus Starter ST20R Pen Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) Meter w/Thermometer, -1000 – 1000, 30073985
Ohaus Starter ST20S Pen Salinity Meter w/Temperature, 0.0 – 80.0 ppt, 30073983
Ohaus Starter ST20T-A Pen Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Meter w/Thermometer, 0.0 – 100.0 mg, 30073980
Ohaus Starter ST20T-B Pen Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Meter w/Thermometer, 0.0 – 100.0 mg, 30073981
Ohaus Starter ST210 pH Electrode / Probe, 0.00 – 14 pH, 83033966
Ohaus Starter ST2100-B Bench pH Meter, -2.00 – 16.00 pH, (w/o Electrode), 30057494
Ohaus Starter ST2100-E Bench pH Meter, -2.00 – 16.00 pH, (w/Electrodes), 30057495
Ohaus Starter ST2100-F Bench pH Meter, -2.00 – 16.00 pH, (w/Electrode), 30057496
Ohaus Starter ST230 pH Electrode / Probe, 0.00 – 14 pH, 83033968
Ohaus Starter ST260 pH Electrode / Probe, 0.00 – 14 pH, 30129357
Ohaus Starter ST270 pH Electrode / Probe, 0.00 – 14 pH, 30240974
Ohaus Starter ST300 Portable pH Meter, 0.00 – 14.00 pH, (w/Electrode), 83033961
Ohaus Starter ST300 Portable pH Meters
Ohaus Starter ST300-B Portable pH Meter, 0.00 – 14.00 pH, (w/o Electrode), 83033962
Ohaus Starter ST300-G Portable pH Meter, 0.00 – 14.00 pH, (w/Electrode), 30219114
Ohaus Starter ST300C Portable Conductivity Meters
Ohaus Starter ST300D Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter, 0.00 – 19.99, (w/Electrodes), 30031655
Ohaus Starter ST300D-B Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter, 0.00 – 19.99, (w/o Electrode, 30031656
Ohaus Starter ST300D-G Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter, 0.00 – 19.99, (w/Electrodes), 30219116
Ohaus Starter ST310 pH Electrode / Probe w/Temperature, 0.00 – 14 pH, 83033965
Ohaus Starter ST3100-B Bench pH Meter, -2.00 – 16.00 pH, (w/o Electrode), 30057497
Ohaus Starter ST3100-F Bench pH Meter, -2.00 – 16.00 pH, (w/Electrode), 30058489
Ohaus Starter ST3100C-B Bench Conductivity Meter, 0.00 – 19.99 psu, (w/o Electrode), 30058730
Ohaus Starter ST3100C-F Bench Conductivity Meter, 0.00 – 19.99 psu, (w/Electrode), 30058731
Ohaus Starter ST3100M Bench Multiparameter Meters
Ohaus Starter ST3100M-B Multiparamater (pH & Conductivity) Bench Meter, w/o Electrode, 30276082
Ohaus Starter ST3100M-F Multiparamater (pH & Conductivity) Bench Meter, w/Electrodes, 30276083
Ohaus Starter ST3100M-N Multiparamater (pH & Conductivity) Bench Meter, w/Electrodes, 30332140
Ohaus Starter ST320 pH Electrode / Probe w/Temperature, 0.00 – 14 pH, 83033967
Ohaus Starter ST350 pH Electrode / Probe, 0.00 – 14 pH, 30129354
Ohaus Starter ST400D DO Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meters
Ohaus Starter ST400D-B Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter, 0.00 – 20.0 mg/L(ppm), (w/o Electrode), 30271216
Ohaus Starter ST5000-B Bench pH Meter, -2.00 – 20.00 pH, (w/o Electrode), 30129895
Ohaus Starter ST5000-F Bench pH Meter, -2.00 – 20.00 pH, (w/Electrode), 30129896
Ohaus Starter STCON3 Conductivity Electrode / Probe w/Temperature, 70μS/cm – 200mS/cm, 83033972
Ohaus Starter STCON7 Conductivity Electrode / Probe w/Temperature, 0.02μS/cm – 200μS/cm, 30080693
Ohaus Starter STDO11 Dissolved Oxygen Electrode / Probe w/Temperature, 0 – 200%, 30031639
Ohaus Starter STDO21 Dissolved Oxygen Electrode / Probe w/Temperature, 0.00 – 20.0 mg/L(ppm), 30219117
Ohaus Starter STMICRO5 pH Electrode / Probe, 0.00 – 14 pH, 30087566
Ohaus Starter STMICRO8 pH Electrode / Probe, 0.00 – 14 pH, 30087569
Ohaus Starter STORP1 Oxidation Reduction Potential Electrode / Probe, -1000 – 1000 mV, 30038555
Ohaus Starter STORP2 Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) Electrode / Probe, -1000 – 1000 mV, 30038553
Ohaus Starter STPURE pH Electrode / Probe, 0.00 – 14 pH, 83033969
Ohaus Starter STREF1 Reference Electrode / Probe, 30059253
Ohaus Starter STREF2 Reference Electrode / Probe, 30059254
Ohaus Starter STSURF pH Electrode / Probe, 2.00 – 12.00 pH, 30129470
Ohaus Starter STTEMP30 Temperature Electrode / Probe, 0 – 100 °C, 83033970
Ohaus T31P Industrial Scale Indicator, 6,000 / 20,000 Resolution, NTEP Cert'd, 83998110
Ohaus T31P Series Scale Indicators
Ohaus T32M Series Scale Indicators
Ohaus T32MC Industrial Scale Indicator, 6,000 / 20,000 Resolution, NTEP Cert'd, 83998167
Ohaus T32ME Industrial Scale Indicator, 6,000 / 20,000 Resolution, NTEP Cert'd, 83998166
Ohaus T32XW Series Washdown Scale Indicators
Ohaus T32XW Washdown Scale Indicator, 20,000 Resolution, NTEP Cert'd, 83999823
Ohaus T51P Scale Indicator, 10,000 / 30,000 Resolution, NTEP Cert'd, 83998179
Ohaus T51P Series Scale Indicators
Ohaus T51XW Series Washdown Scale Indicators
Ohaus T51XW Washdown Industrial Scale Indicator, 10,000 / 30,000 Resolution, NTEP Cert'd, 83999840
Ohaus T71P Industrial Scale Indicator, 10,000 / 50,000 Resolution, NTEP Cert'd, 83998180
Ohaus T71P Series Scale Indicators
Ohaus T71XW Industrial Scale Indicator, 10,000 / 50,000 Resolution, NTEP Cert'd, 83999839
Ohaus T71XW Series Washdown Heavy Duty Scale Indicators
Ohaus T72XW Industrial Scale Indicator, 10,000/50,000 Resolution, NTEP Cert'd, 30126959
Ohaus T72XW Series Heavy Duty Scale Indicators
Ohaus TAJ203 Carat Digital Jewelry Scale, 40 x 0.001g, 200 / 0.005carat, 83999984
Ohaus Traveler TAJ Carat Series Digital Jewelry Scales
Ohaus Triple Beam and Dial-O-Gram Balances
Ohaus Triple Beam Mechanical Balance w/Tare, 610g x 0.1g, 710-T0, 80000031
Ohaus Triple Beam Mechanical Balance, 610g x 0.1g, Stainless Steel Plate &Tare, 760-00, 80000013
Ohaus Triple Beam Mechanical Balance, 610g x 0.1g, 710-00, 80000011
Ohaus Triple Beam Mechanical Balance, 610g x 0.1g, Animal Container, 730-00, 80000034
Ohaus Triple Beam Mechanical Balance, 610g x 0.1g, Polypropylene Scoop, 720-00, 80000032
Ohaus Triple Beam Mechanical Balance, 610g x 0.1g, Stainless Steel Plate, 750-S0, 80000012
Ohaus Triple Beam Mechanical Balance, 610g x 0.1g, Stainless Steel Plate, Value Model, TJ611, 80252052
Ohaus Triple Beam Mechanical Balance, 610g x 0.1g, Stainless Steel Scoop, 720-S0, 80000033
Ohaus Triple PRO Mechanical Balance, 2610g x 0.1g, TP2611, 80621692
Ohaus Triple PRO Mechanical Balances
Ohaus VALOR 1000 Compact Bench Scales
Ohaus VALOR 3000 Extreme Compact Scales
Ohaus Valor 3000 Xtreme Compact Scale, 200g x 0.01g, V31XH202, 83998130
Ohaus Valor 3000 Xtreme Compact Scale, 2kg x 0.1g, V31XH2, 83998131
Ohaus Valor 3000 Xtreme Compact Scale, 300 x 0.1g, Washdown, V31XW301, 83998134
Ohaus Valor 3000 Xtreme Compact Scale, 3kg x 0.5g, NTEP Certified, V31X3N, 83999992
Ohaus Valor 3000 Xtreme Compact Scale, 3kg x 0.5g, V31X3, 83998132
Ohaus Valor 3000 Xtreme Compact Scale, 3kg x 0.5g, Washdown, V31XW3, 83998135
Ohaus Valor 3000 Xtreme Compact Scale, 4000g x 0.1g, V31XH4, 83998177
Ohaus Valor 3000 Xtreme Compact Scale, 400g x 0.01g, V31XH402, 83998178
Ohaus Valor 3000 Xtreme Compact Scale, 500g x 0.1g, V31X501, 83998176
Ohaus Valor 3000 Xtreme Compact Scale, 6kg x 1g, V31X6, 83998133
Ohaus Valor 3000 Xtreme Compact Scale, 6kg x 1g, Washdown, V31XW6, 83998136
Ohaus Valor 3000 Xtreme Compact Scale, 6kgx1g, NTEP Certified, V31X6N, 83999996
Ohaus VALOR 4000 Bench Scales
Ohaus VALOR 7000 Bench Scales
Ohaus Valor V11P15 Compact Scale, 15kg x 2g, Single Display, 83998128
Ohaus Valor V11P15T Compact Scale, 15kg x 2g, Dual Display, 83998174
Ohaus Valor V11P3 Compact Scale, 3kg x 0.5g, Single Display, 83998126
Ohaus Valor V11P30 Compact Scale, 30kg x 5g, Single Display, 83998129
Ohaus Valor V11P30T Compact Scale, 30kg x 5g, Dual Display, 83998175
Ohaus Valor V11P3T Compact Scale, 3kg x 0.5g, Dual Display, 83998172
Ohaus Valor V11P6 Compact Scale, 6kg x 1g , Single Display, 83998127
Ohaus Valor V11P6T Compact Scale, 6kg x 1g, Dual Display, 83998173
Ohaus Valor V41PWE1501T Washdown Food Scale, 3lbs x 0.001lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30035434
Ohaus Valor V41PWE15T Washdown Food Scale, 30lbs x 0.01lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30035437
Ohaus Valor V41PWE3T Washdown Food Scale, 6lbs x 0.002lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30035435
Ohaus Valor V41PWE6T Washdown Food Scale, 6lbs x 0.005lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30035436
Ohaus Valor V41XWE1501T Washdown Food Scale, 3lbs x 0.0005lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30035444
Ohaus Valor V41XWE15T Washdown Food Scale, 30lbs x 0.01lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30035447
Ohaus VALOR V41XWE3T Washdown Food Scale, 6lbs x 0.002lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30035445
Ohaus Valor V41XWE6T Washdown Food Scale, 15lbs x 0.005lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30035446
Ohaus Valor V71P1502T Compact Food Scale, 3lbs x 0.0001lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30031827
Ohaus Valor V71P15T Compact Food Scale, 30lbs x 0.001lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30031830
Ohaus Valor V71P30T Compact Food Scale, 60lbs x 0.002lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30031831
Ohaus Valor V71P3T Compact Food Scale, 6lbs x 0.0002lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30031828
Ohaus Valor V71P6T Compact Food Scale, 15lbs x 0.0005lbs, NTEP Cert'd, 30031829
Ohaus VN Economical Floor Scale Base, 5,000lb x 1lb, VN5000L, 80252561
Ohaus VN Economical Floor Scale Base, 5,000lb x 1lb, VN5000X, 80252562
Ohaus VN Series Economical Floor Scale, 5,000lb x 1lb, VN31P5000L, 80252563
Ohaus VN Series Economical Floor Scale, 5,000lb x 1lb, VN31P5000X, 80252564
Ohaus VN Series Economical Floor Scales
Ohaus VX 3000 Series Standard Floor Scale, 10,000lb X 2lb, VX32XW10000L, 80253297
Ohaus VX 3000 Series Standard Floor Scale, 10,000lb X 2lb, VX32XW10000X, 80253298
Ohaus VX 3000 Series Standard Floor Scale, 2,500lb, VX32XW2500L, 80253294
Ohaus VX 3000 Series Standard Floor Scale, 5,000lb X 1lb, VX32XW5000L, 80253295
Ohaus VX 3000 Series Standard Floor Scale, 5,000lb X 1lb, VX32XW5000X, 80253296
Ohaus VX 3000 Series Standard Floor Scales
Ohaus Water Analysis Meters
Ohaus YA Digital Pocket Scales
Ohaus YA102 Series Digital Pocket Scale, 100g x 0.01g, 80251910
Ohaus YA302 Series Digital Pocket Scale, 300g x 0.05g, 80251911
Ohaus YA501 Series Digital Pocket Scale, 500g x 0.1g, 80251912
OIL Darkfield Condenser for i4 LabScopes, I4P-CND7-DFOL
On/Off Switch for Combo V24 Centrifuge, CMR-ONFSWT
On/Off Switch for E8 Centrifuge, E8R-ONFSWT
On/Off Switch for M24 Centrifuge, HER-ONFSWT
On/Off Switch for Ultra 8F/8S/8V/TL Centrifuges, ULR-ONFSWT
Optional High Voltage Probe for Mettler ME940 4 Channel Combination Therapy Unit, ME2267
Optional Support Rod for Benchmark Scientific H3770 Hotplates, H3770-ROD
Oridion Microstream Disposable Filterline Set for Bionet BM5 Vet Veterinary Monitors,
Other LW Scientific Equipment
Paddle Stirrers for IKA Overhead Stirrers,
Page Name Here
Pair of Brushes, 220V, for Ultra 8 Centrifuge, ULR-220BRS
Pair of Leadwires for Mettler ME210 and ME210T, ME2101
Pair of Leadwires for Mettler ME212 Tens Units, ME2120
Paragon 1/2x Supp. Lens (not for Achiever), APP-LNS7-050X
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific MyBlock Mini/Dry Baths
Parts - Accessories for Sonifier SLPe and SLPt
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific 2D-3D Shakers
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific Autoclaves
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific BactiZapper
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific Bench Mixer - Mortexer
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific Bench Mixer XL
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific Centrifuges
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific Homogenizers
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific Hybex Media Bottles
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific Lab Equipment
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific Magnetic Stirrers
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific MultiTherm Shakers
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific MyBath Water Bath
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific MyBlock - IsoBlock
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific MyTemp Mini Digital Incubators
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific OrbiShaker/CO2
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific Shaking Incubators
Parts - Accessories for Benchmark Scientific T9639 Thermal Cyclers
Parts - Accessories for Branson DHA-1000
Parts - Accessories for Branson PC-620
Parts - Accessories for Bransonic 1500/1800 Series
Parts - Accessories for Bransonic 2500/2800 Series
Parts - Accessories for Bransonic 3500/3800 Series
Parts - Accessories for Bransonic 5500/5800 Series
Parts - Accessories for Bransonic 8500/8800 Series
Parts - Accessories for Conmed Hyfrecator 2000
Parts - Accessories for Conmed Hyfrecator 2000
Parts - Accessories for Drucker 642VFD Centrifuge
Parts - Accessories for ELMA
Parts - Accessories for Sonicor Ultrasonic Cleaners
Parts - Accessories for Sonifier 150 (100 Watt)
Parts - Accessories for Sonifier 250, 350 and 450
Parts - Accessories for Summit Doppler Systems
Parts / Accessories
Parts / Accessories for IKA Lab Equipment
Parts / Accessories for IKA Ultra TURRAX T10
Parts / Accessories for IKA Ultra TURRAX T18
Parts / Accessories for IKA Ultra TURRAX T25
Parts / Accessories for IKA Ultra TURRAX T50
Parts / Accessories for IKA Ultra TURRAX T65
Parts / Accessories for IKA Ultra TURRAX Tube Drive
Parts / Accessories for LW Scientific Centrifuges
Parts / Accessories for LW Scientific Microscope Cameras
Parts / Accessories for Revelation III Medical Scopes
Parts / Accessoriesfor LW Scientific Microscopes
Parts and Accessories
Parts and Accessories for Scilogex Rotator
Parts and Accessories for Wallach Ultrafreeze
Parts for Achiever and Paragon Stereoscopes
Parts for C3 Centrifuges
Parts for C5 Centrifuges
Parts for Combo V24 Centrifuges
Parts for CxR Centrifuges
Parts for Drucker 614B Centrifuges
Parts for Drucker 642B Centrifuge
Parts for Drucker 642VES Centrifuge
Parts for Drucker 653V Centrifuge
Parts for Drucker 755-24 Centrifuge
Parts for Drucker 755V Centrifuge
Parts for Drucker 755V-24 Centrifuge
Parts for Drucker 755VES Centrifuge
Parts for Drucker 842HS Centrifuge
Parts for Drucker 842Stat Centrifuge
Parts for Drucker 842VES Centrifuge
Parts for Drucker 853VES Centrifuge
Parts for E8 Centrifuges
Parts for i4 Infinity LabScope
Parts for LL100 Systems
Parts for M Series LabScope
Parts for M24 Centrifuges
Parts for Student Scope
Parts for Ultra 8 Centrifuges
Parts for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes
Parts for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes
Parts-Accessories for Benchmark Scientific OrbiShaker JR
Parts-Accessories for Crest 1100 Series
Parts-Accessories for Crest 1200 Series
Parts-Accessories for Crest 1800 Series
Parts-Accessories for Crest 230 Series
Parts-Accessories for Crest 2600 Series
Parts-Accessories for Crest 360 Series
Parts-Accessories for Crest 500 Series
Parts-Accessories for Crest Ultrasonic Cleaners
Parts-Accessories for IKA Incubator Shakers
Parts-Accessories for IKA KS/HS 260 Shakers
Parts-Accessories for IKA KS/HS 501 Shakers
Parts-Accessories for IKA KS130 Shakers
Parts-Accessories for IKA MS3 Shakers
Parts-Accessories for IKA VORTEX 3 Mixers
Parts-Accessories for IKA VXR Shakers
Parts-Accessories for Scilogex Liquid Dispensers
Parts-Accessories for Scilogex Micro-Centrifuges
Parts-Accessories for Scilogex Microplate Mixers
Parts-Accessories for Scilogex Overhead Stirrers
Parts-Accessories for Scilogex Pipette Fillers
Parts-Accessories for Scilogex Pipettes-Pipettors
Parts-Accessories for Scilogex Shakers
Parts-Accessories for Scilogex Stirrers and Magnetic Hotplates
Parts-Accessories for Scliogex Vortex Mixers
Patient Safety Switch for Mettler MTD4000 Traction Unit, ME40001
Patient Vital Signs Monitors
PC Board for Drucker 642VFD Centrifuge, 7717037
PC Printer and Memory Card Reader, 400608
Percussion Hammers
Perforated Tray for Branson 1510/1800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, A12-3
Perforated Tray for Branson 2510/2800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, A22-3
Perforated Tray for Branson 3510/3800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, A32-3
Perforated Tray for Branson 5510/5800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, A52-3
Perforated Tray for Branson 8510/8800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, A82-3
Physical Therapy Equipment & Supplies
Pipette Calibration Workstations
Plastic Cap for M24 Centrifuge, HER-BRSCAP
Plate Applicator Set for ME395 Mettler Diathermy Unit, Package-1, ME3953
Plate Applicator Set for ME395 Mettler Diathermy Unit-Package-2, ME3954
Plate Stand w/Support Rod and Clamp for Scilogex Overhead Stirrers, 18900131
Plug Adapter for Mettler ME206, 207, 220 and 900 Series Stim Units, ME2262
Pocket User's Guide for Mettler Electronics equipment,
Pointed Tip Firm Rubber Applicator for G5 Massagers, AP227
Polar Frost Cold Gel, 1 Gallon Container, ME1884
Polar Frost Cold Gel, 4x1 Gallon Container, ME1885
Polar Frost Cold Gel, Pump Bottle, 12x500ml(17oz), ME1881
Polar Frost Cold Gel, Roll on, 24x75ml(5oz), ME1883
Polar Frost Cold Gel, Sample Packages, Box/200, ME1886
Polar Frost Cold Gel, Tube, 12x150ml(5oz), ME1882
Polarizing Kit with Red Comp. Lens (Rheumatology), M2P-POL7-RHE7
Pole Clamp for Mounting a Transducer Plate, MX240
Pole-Mount Stand / Base (no light) for Achiever & Paragon Dual Mag Stereoscopes, APB-BSEP-7771
Portable Centrifuges
Portable Dry Ice Makers
Portable Stand on Casters for Waldmann Lighting Products, US1-043-019
Potentiometer w/PCB for Ultra 8F/8S/8V/TL Centrifuges. ULP-PCB7-MCBV
Power Adapter for Bistos BT-300/350 Fetal Monitors, BT-PA300-350
Power Adapter for Mettler TrioStim Muscle Stimulators, 2150 / 2151
Power Control Board for CXR 110V Centrifuge, CXR-PCB7-MC71
Power Control Board for CXR 220V Centrifuge, CXR-PWRBRD220
Power Control Board with Knob for E8V Centrifuge, E8R-VPWRBRD
Power Cord for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000/6500 Centrifuges, V6120
Power Inlet for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000/6500 Centrifuges, V6125
Power Supply Unit for Riester Ri Champion N, 12750
Power Transformer for Bionet BM3 Plus Vital Signs Monitor, TRANS
Power Transformer for Bionet Fetal Monitors, FC-TRANS
Power Transformer for Bionet Oxy9Vet Veterinary Pulse Oximeter, OXP-TRANS
Power Transformer for Bionet Vet Veterinary Vital Signs Monitors, TRANS
Premier Cryosurgical Parts and Accessories
Premier Dental Products
Premier Dermatology and Cryosurgery equipment
Premier Medical Nitrospray LITE Liquid Nitrogen Sprayer with 5 Tips, 10oz/300ml Capacity, 1006065
Premier Medical Nitrospray PLUS Liquid Nitrogen Sprayer with 5 Tips, 16oz/500ml Capacity, 1006060
Printer Papers for Bionet FC14 00 Fetal Monitors, Box/10 Rolls, FC-PP14
Printer Papers for Bionet FC7 00 Fetal Monitors, Box/10 Rolls, FC-PP07
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Pro Service Kit - Full Kit in Carry Case, MSP-PSK7-7777
Protective Silicon Covers for Scilogex Magnetic Hotplate Stirrers, 18900019
Protective Silicon Covers for Scilogex Magnetic Stirers, 18900018
R1002 Screw Type Stirrer for IKA RW11 Lab Egg Stirrer, 0527500
R1401 55mm Propeller for IKA EUROSTAR Power Control Visc 6000, 1242900
R1402 42mm Dissolver for IKA EUROSTAR Power Control Visc 6000, 1243300
R1405 45mm Propeller for IKA EUROSTAR Power Control Visc 6000, 1289800
R301 Stirring Shaft Protection for IKA Overhead Stirrers, 2603000
Rack on wheels for ELMA 450 Series, Part No:210 100 0131
Rack on Wheels for ELMA 900 Series, Part No:210 100 0130
Radwag A1 Protective Cover for PS & WLC Balances, Pan Size 128 x 128mm, WX-002-0032
Radwag A2 Protective Cover for PS & WLC Balances, Pan Size 195 x 195mm, WX-002-0033
Radwag Analytical Balances
Radwag Anti-draft Chamber 153 for Weighing Pan Dims. 128 x 128mm, WX-002-0051
Radwag Anti-draft Weighing Chamber for Weighing Pan Dims. 128 x 128mm, WX-002-0047
Radwag Anti-vibration Weighing Tables
Radwag AP2-1 Current Loop Unit, WX-016-0011
Radwag AS 220.3Y Analytical Balance, 220g x 0.1mg, WL-104-0042
Radwag AS 220.R2 PLUS Analytical Balance, 220g x 0.1mg, WL-104-0177
Radwag AS 220.X2 Analytical Balance, 220g x 0.1mg, WL-104-0079
Radwag AS 310.3Y Analytical Balance, 310g x 0.1mg, WL-104-0043
Radwag AS 310.R2 Analytical Balance, 310g x 0.1mg, WL-104-0050
Radwag AS 310.X2 Analytical Balance, 310g x 0.1mg, WL-104-0080
Radwag AS 510.3Y Analytical Balance, 510g x 0.1mg, WL-104-0044
Radwag AS 60/220.R2 Dual Range Analytical Balance, WL-104-1014
Radwag AS 82/220.R2 Dual Range Analytical Balance, WL-104-1018
Radwag AS 82/220.X2 Dual Range Analytical Balance, WL-104-1020
Radwag Balances and Scales
Radwag Density Determination Kits
Radwag Disposable Plastic Covers for Balances, (Set/10)
Radwag Disposable ř90 mm Pans for Moisture Analyzers, Pack/50, WX-003-0002
Radwag DJ-04 Anti-static Ionizer, WX-001-0097
Radwag DJ-05 Anti-static Ionizer, WX-001--0098
Radwag Draft Shields
Radwag E2R Checkweigher PC Software Module, WX-010-0055
Radwag E2R Formulations PC Software Module, WX-010-0043
Radwag E2R PC Software Module for Moisture Analyzers, WX-010-0072
Radwag E2R PGC PC Software, WX-010-0051
Radwag E2R Weighing Record PC Software, WX-010-0038
Radwag Fabric Dust Cover for AS.3Y/AS.X2/AS.R, WX-001-0016
Radwag Fabric Dust Cover for MA.X2 / MA R Moisture Analyzers, WX-003-0026
Radwag Glass Fiber Filters, Dia. 90mm, Pack/60, WX-003-0102
Radwag Glass Made Draft Shield for Balances w/128 x 128mm Weighing Pan, WX-002-0012
Radwag GT105k-12/Z Control Thermometer for Moisture Analyzers, WX-003-0016
Radwag HY10.1100.HRP Industrial Scale, 1100kg x 10g, WP-330-0006
Radwag HY10.1100.HRP.H Industrial Scale, 1100kg x 10g, St. Steel, WP-340-0008
Radwag HY10.120.HRP Industrial Balance, 120kg x 1g, WP-330-0007
Radwag HY10.120.HRP.H Industrial Scale, 120g x 1g, St. Steel, WP-340-0009
Radwag HY10.150.HP Industrial Scale, 150g x 1g, WP-330-0002
Radwag HY10.150.HRP.H Industrial Scale, 150kg x 1g, St. Steel, WP-340-0004
Radwag HY10.16.HRP Industrial Scale, 16kg x 0.1g, WP-330-0010
Radwag HY10.16.HRP.H Industrial Scale, 16kg x 0.1g, St. Steel, WP-340-0001
Radwag HY10.2000.HRP Industrial Scale, 2000kg x 20g, WP-330-0012
Radwag HY10.2000.HRP.H Industrial Scale, 2000kg x 20g, St. Steel, WP-340-0012
Radwag HY10.300.1.HRP Industrial Scale, 300kg x 2g, WP-340-0004
Radwag HY10.300.1.HRP.H Industrial Scale, 300kg x 2g, St. Steel, WP-340-0006
Radwag HY10.300.HRP Industrial Balance, 300kg x 2g, WP-330-0003
Radwag HY10.300.HRP.H Industrial Scale, 300kg x 2g, St. Steel, WP-340-0005
Radwag HY10.32.HRP Industrial Scale, 32kg x 0.1g, WP-330-0009
Radwag HY10.32.HRP.H Industrial Scale, 32kg x 0.1g, St. Steel, WP-340-0002
Radwag HY10.600.HRP Industrial Scale, 600kg x 5g, WP-330-0005
Radwag HY10.600.HRP.H Industrial Scale, 600kg x 5g, St. Steel, WP-340-0007
Radwag HY10.62.HRP Industrial Scale, 62kg x 0.5g, WP-330-0001
Radwag HY10.62.HRP.H Industrial Scale, 62kg x 0.5g, St. Steel, WP-340-0003
Radwag Industrial Scales
Radwag K0047 12V Car Charger, WX-013-0034
Radwag KIT128 Density Determination Kit, WX-002-0001
Radwag KIT195 Density Determination Kit, WX-002-0021
Radwag KIT195.M Density Determination Kit, WX-002-0115
Radwag KIT85 Density Determination Kit, WX-001-0001
Radwag LS 2208 Bar Code Scanner, WX-006-0005
Radwag MA 200.3Y Moisture Balance, 200g x 1mg, WL-304-0011
Radwag MA 210.R Moisture Balance, 210g x 1mg, WL-305-0003
Radwag MA 210.X2.A Moisture Balance, 210g x 1mg, Auto. Door, WL-306-0028
Radwag MA 50.R Moisture Balance, 50g x 1mg, WL-305-0001
Radwag MA 50.X2.A Moisture Balance, 50g x 1mg, Auto. Door, WL-306-0021
Radwag MA 50/1.R Moisture Balance, 50g x 0.1mg, WL-305-0002
Radwag MA 50/1.X2.A Moisture Balance, 50g x 0.1mg, Auto. Door, WL-306-0026
Radwag MA 60.3Y Moisture Balance, 60g x 0.1mg, WL-304-0010
Radwag MAS 220.Y Mass Weighing Module, 220g x 0.1mg, WX-016-0068
Radwag MAS.1.21 Weighing Module, 21g x 0.01mg, WX-016-0146
Radwag MAS.1.21.Y Weighing Module w/Indicator, 21g x 0.01mg, WX-016-0148
Radwag MAS.1.51 Weighing Module, 51g x 0.01mg, WX-016-0149
Radwag MAS.1.51.R Weighing Module w/Indicator, 51g x 0.01mg, WX-016-0150
Radwag MAS.1.51.Y Weighing Module w/Indicator, 51g x 0.01mg, WX-016-0151
Radwag MAS.1.82/220 Dual Range Weighing Module, WX-016-0164
Radwag MAS.1.82/220.R Dual Range Weighing Module w/Indicator, WX-016-0165
Radwag MAS.1.82/220.Y Dual Range Weighing Module w/Indicator, WX-016-0166
Radwag MAS1.21.R Weighing Module w/Indicator, 21g x 0.01mg, WX-016-0147
Radwag Mass Weighing Modules
Radwag Microbalances
Radwag Misc. Weighing Equip. & Access.
Radwag Miscellaneous Accessories
Radwag Moisture Balances
Radwag MPS 6000.Y Mass Weighing Module, 6000g x 10mg, WX-016-0071
Radwag MV Test Kit, (60pcs Filters + 250ml NaCl Media), WX-003-0104
Radwag MWLH 10 Electromagnetic Compensation Weighing Module, 10kg x 0.01g, WX-016-0108
Radwag MWLH 25 Electromagnetic Compensation Weighing Module, 25kg x 0.01g, WX-016-0109
Radwag MWLH 30 Electromagnetic Compensation Weighing Module, 30kg x 0.1g, WX-016-0110
Radwag MWLH 35 Electromagnetic Compensation Weighing Module, 35kg x 0.1g, WX-016-0111
Radwag MWMH 100-1*IP65 Weighing Module, 1kg x 0.05g, WX-016-0061
Radwag MWMH 100-2*IP69K Weighing Module, 1kg x 0.05g, WX-016-0216
Radwag MWMH 100-3 IP65 Weighing Module, 1kg x 0.05g, WX-016-0217
Radwag MWMH 100-4 IP69K Weighing Module, 1kg x 0.05g, WX-016-0218
Radwag MWMH 1000-1*IP65 Weighing Module, 10kg x 0.5g, WX-016-0062
Radwag MWMH 1000-2*IP69K Weighing Module, 10kg x 0.05g, WX-016-0228
Radwag MWMH 1000-3 IP65 Weighing Module, 10kg x 0.5g, WX-016-0229
Radwag MWMH 1000-4 IP69K Weighing Module, 10kg x 0.5g, WX-016-0230
Radwag MWMH 200-1*IP65 Weighing Module, 2kg x 0.1g, WX-016-0083
Radwag MWMH 200-2*IP69K Weighing Module, 2kg x 0.1g, WX-016-0220
Radwag MWMH 200-3 IP65 Weighing Module, 2kg x 0.1g, WX-016-0221
Radwag MWMH 200-4 IP69K Weighing Module, 2kg x 0.1g, WX-016-0222
Radwag MWMH 500-1*IP65 Weighing Module, 5kg x 0.5g, WX-016-0114
Radwag MWMH 500-2*IP69K Weighing Module, 5kg x 0.5g, WX-016-0224
Radwag MWMH 500-3 IP65 Weighing Module, 5kg x 0.5g, WX-016-0225
Radwag MWMH 500-4 IP69K Weighing Module, 5kg x 0.5g, WX-016-0226
Radwag MWSH 6000 Electromagnetic Weighing Module, 6000g x 0.01g, WX-016-0106
Radwag MY11 11ml Pipette Calibration Adapter, WX-001-0083
Radwag MYA 0.8/3.4Y Dual Range Microbalance, WL-101-1006
Radwag MYA 11.4Y Microbalance, 11g x 1µg, WL-101-0076
Radwag MYA 11/52.4Y Dual Range Microbalance, WL-101-1009
Radwag MYA 2.4Y Microbalance, 2.1g x 1µg, WL-101-0071
Radwag MYA 21.4Y Microbalance, 21g x 1µg, WL-101-0073
Radwag MYA 21.4Y.P Pipette Calibration Microbalance, 21g x 1uq, WL-101-0075
Radwag MYA 21/52.4Y Dual Range Microbalance, WL-101-1012
Radwag MYA 31.4Y Microbalance, 31g x 1µg, WL-101-0126
Radwag MYA 5.4Y Microbalance, 5.1g x 1uq, WL-101-0072
Radwag MYA 5.4Y.F Filter Weighing Microbalance, 5.1g x 1uq, WL-101-0077
Radwag MYA 5.4Y.F1 Filter Weighing Balance, 5g x 1uq, WL-101-0078
Radwag MYF Filter Weighing Chamber (Max Dia.100mm), WX-001-0144
Radwag PA-04/H Automatic Feeder / Dispenser, WX-001-0105
Radwag Pipette Calibration Adapters
Radwag Pipette Calibration Workstation w/MYA21.4Y.P Microbalance, WL-101-0109
Radwag Pipette Calibration Workstation w/XA 52.4Y.M.A.I.P Microbalance, WL-107-0056
Radwag Pipette Calibration Workstation w/XA/220.4Y.M.A.I.P Microbalance, WL-107-0092
Radwag PM 10.4Y Precision Balance, 10kg x 0.01g, WL-223-0002
Radwag PM 10.C32 Precision Balance, 10kg x 0.01g, WL-223-0005
Radwag PM 15.4Y Precision Balance, 15kg x 0.01g, WL-223-0003
Radwag PM 15.C32 Precision Balance, 15kg x 0.01g, WL-223-0006
Radwag PM 35.4Y Precision Balance, 35kg x 0.1g, WL-223-0004
Radwag PM 35.C2 Precision Balance, 35kg x 0.1g, WL-223-0007
Radwag PM 50.4Y Precision Balance, 50kg x 0.1g, WL-223-0013
Radwag PM 50.C32 Precision Balance, 50kg x 0.1g, WL-223-0008
Radwag PM 60.05.4Y Precision Balance, 60kg x 0.5g, WL-223-0010
Radwag PM 60.05.C32 Precision Balance, 60kg x 0.5g, WL-223-0009
Radwag PM Precision Balance, 60kg x 1g, WL-223-0011
Radwag PM 60.1.C32 Precision Balance, 60kg x 1g, WL-223-0012
Radwag PMV 50 Microwave Radiation Moisture Balance, 50g x 0.1mg, WL-307-0001
Radwag Precision Balances
Radwag PS 1000.3Y Precision Balance, 1000g x 0.001g, WL-220-0028
Radwag PS 1000.R1 Precision Balance, 1000g x 0.001g, Ex. Cal., WL-213-0023
Radwag PS 1000.R2 Precision Balance, 1000g x 0.001g, WiFi, WL-212-0022
Radwag PS 1000.X2 Precision Balance, 1000g x 0.001g, WL-218-0026
Radwag PS 10100.3Y.M Precision Balance, 10,100g x 0.01g, WL-220-0080
Radwag PS 10100.R2.M Precision Balance, 10,100g x 0.01g, Wifi, WL-212-0133
Radwag PS 10100.X2.M Precision Balance, 10,100g x 0.01g, WL-218-0101
Radwag PS 2100.R1 Precision Balance, 2100g x 0.01g, Ex. Cal., WiFi, WL-213-0026
Radwag PS 2100.R2 Precision Balance, 2100g x 0.01g, WiFi, WL-212-0023
Radwag PS 360.R1 Precision Balance, 360g x 0.001g, Ex. Cal, WiFi, WL-213-0022
Radwag PS 360.R2 Precision Balance, 360g x 0.001g, Wifi, WL-212-0019
Radwag PS 360.X2 Precison Balance, 360g x 0.001g, WL-218-0020
Radwag PS 450.3Y Precision Balance, 450g x 0.001g, WL-220-0030
Radwag PS 4500.3Y.M Precision Balance, 4500g x 0.01g, WL-220-0077
Radwag PS 4500.R1.M Precision Balance, 4500g x 0.01g, Ex. Cal, WiFi, WL-213-0078
Radwag PS 4500.R2.M Precision Balance, 4500g x 0.01g, WiFi, WL-212-0134
Radwag PS 4500.X2.M Precision Balance, 4500g x 0.01g, WL-218-0103
Radwag PS 6000.R1.M Precision Balance, 6000g x 0.01g, WiFi, Ex. Cal., WL-213-0079
Radwag PS 6100.3Y.M Precision Balance, 6100g x 0.01g, WL-220-0078
Radwag PS 6100.R2.M Precision Balance, 6100g x 0.01g, WiFi, WL-212-0135
Radwag PS 6100.X2.M Precision Balance, 6100g x 0.01g, WL-218-0104
Radwag PS 8100.3Y.M Precision Balance, 8100g x 0.01g, WL-220-0079
Radwag PS 8100.R2.M Precision Balance, 8100g x 0.01g, WiFi, WL-212-0132
Radwag PS 8100.X2.M Precision Balance, 8100g x 0.01g, WL-218-0102
Radwag PSW Professional Anti-vibration Weighing Table, Mild Steel, WX-001-0020
Radwag PSW/DUAL Professional Anti-vibration Weighing Table, Mild Steel, WX-001-0402
Radwag PUE 5.15C Weighing Terminal w/15" Capacitive Touch Screen, WX-008-0036
Radwag PUE 5.15C/P Weighing Terminal w/15" Capacitive Touch Screen (Panel), WX-008-0040
Radwag PUE 5.15IR Weighing Terminal w/15" IR Touch Screen, WX-008-0035
Radwag PUE 5.15IR/P Weighing Terminal w/15" IR Touch Screen, Panel, WX-008-0041
Radwag PUE 5.15R Weighing Terminal w/15" Resistive Touch Screen, WX-008-0033
Radwag PUE 5.15R/P Weighing Terminal w/15" Resistive Touch Screen (Panel), WX-008-0039
Radwag PUE 5.19C Weighing Terminal w/19"Capacitive Touch Screen, WX-008-0038
Radwag PUE 5.19C/P Weighing Terminal w/19" Capacitive Touch Screen (Panel), WX-008-0044
Radwag PUE 5.19IR Weighing Terminal w/19" IR Touch Screen, WX-008-0037
Radwag PUE 5.19IR/P Weighing Terminal w/19" IR Touch Screen (Panel), WX-008-0043
Radwag PUE 5.19R Weighing Terminal w/19" Resistive Touch Screen, WX-008-0034
Radwag PUE 5.19R/P Weighing Terminal w/19" Resistive Touch Screen (Panel), WX-008-0042
Radwag PUE 7-32 Wall Mounting Kit, WX-002-0027
Radwag PUE 7-36 Wall Mounting Kit, WX-002-0110
Radwag PUE 7.1 Weighing Terminal, 5.7" Color Touch Screen, WX-008-0025
Radwag PUE 7.1.1100.HRP Industrial Scale, 1100kg x 10g, WP-350-0009
Radwag PUE 7.1.120.HRP Industrial Scale, 120kg x 1g, WP-350-0004
Radwag PUE 7.1.150.HRP Industrial Scale, 150kg x 1g, WP-350-0005
Radwag PUE 7.1.16.HRP Industrial Scale, 16kg x 0.1g, WP-350-0001
Radwag PUE 7.1.2000.HRP Industrial Scale, 2000kg x 20g, WP-350-0016
Radwag PUE 7.1.300.1.HRP Industrial Scale, 300kg x 1g, WP-350-0007
Radwag PUE 7.1.300.HRP Industrial Scale, 300kg x 2g, WP-350-0006
Radwag PUE 7.1.32.HRP Industrial Scale, 32kgx 0.1g, WP-350-0002
Radwag PUE 7.1.600.HRP Industrial Scale, 600kg x 5g, WP-350-0008
Radwag PUE 7.1.62.HRP Industrial Scale, 62kg x 0.5g, WP-350-0010
Radwag PUE C32 Weighing Indicator, 5" Display, WX-008-0141
Radwag PUE HY10 Weighing Terminal w/10.1" Resistive Touch Screen, WX-008-0027
Radwag PUE7.1P Weighing Terminal w/5.7" Color Touch Screen, (Panel), WX-008-0026
Radwag RCloud Cloud Service Subscription, (1 Year), WX-010-0129
Radwag SA/APP/C Anti-vibration Weighing Table, Mild Steel, WX-002-0039
Radwag SA/APP/H Anti-vibration Weighing Table, St. Steel, WX-002-0040
Radwag SAL/C Anti-vibration Weighing Table, Mild Steel, WX-001-0076
Radwag SAL/H Anti-vibration Weighing Table, St. Steel, WX-001-0077
Radwag SAL/STONE/C Anti-vibration Weighing Table, Mild Steel, WX-001-0078
Radwag SAL/STONE/H Anti-vibration Weighing Table, St. Steel, WX-001-0079
Radwag SAL/T Anti-vibration Weighing Table, Mild Steel, WX-001-0107
Radwag SAP/C Anti-vibration Weighing Table, Mild Steel, WX-004-0145
Radwag Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Reference Material, 250ml, WX-003-0103
Radwag SYS-1544-2415-T3-HRP Power Supply, WX-015-0178
Radwag Temperature Sensors
Radwag THB P Precise Ambient Condition Temperature Sensor, WX-016-0161
Radwag THB S Ambient Condition Temperature Sensor, WX-016-0160
Radwag THB W Liquid Temperature Sensor, WX-016-0162
Radwag THB-R Ambient Conditions Monitoring Software, Multi PC, WX-010-0122
Radwag THB-R Ambient Conditions Monitoring Software, Single PC, WX-010-0121
Radwag THB/ETH Ethernet Connection Adapter for Temp. Sensors, WX-015-0218
Radwag THBR Ambient Conditions Recorder, WX-016-0163
Radwag UL-01 Universal Laboratory Holder, WX-001-0036
Radwag UL-02 Laboratory Holder for Glass & Plastic Vessels, WX-001-0031
Radwag UL-03 Laboratory Holder for Vessels w/Spherical Bottom, WX-001-0032
Radwag UL-04 Laboratory Holder for Vessels w/Flat Bottom, WX-001-0033
Radwag Ultra-micro Balances
Radwag UYA 2.4Y Ultra-micro Balance, 2.1g x 0.1µg, WL-101-0074
Radwag UYA 2.4Y.F Ultra-micro Balance for Filter Weighing, 2.1g x 1µg, WL-101-0097
Radwag Water Vapor Permeability Determination Set, WX-003-0009
Radwag WD-4/1 LCD Display Weighing Indicator, WX-004-0029
Radwag WD-4/4 LCD Display Weighing Indicator, WX-002-0017
Radwag WD-4/8 LCD Display Weighing Indicator, WX-004-0226
Radwag WD-5/3Y LCD Display Weighing Indicator, WX-001-0087
Radwag WD-6 LCD Display Weighing Indicator, WX-002-0030
Radwag Weighing Indicators/Terminals
Radwag Weighing Software
Radwag WLC 0.2.X2 Precision Balance, 200g x 0.001g, WL-222-0001
Radwag WLC 0.6.X2 Precision Balance, 600g x 0.01g, WL-222-0002
Radwag WLC 1/10.X2 Dual Range Precision Balance, 1kg /10kg x 0.01 /0.1g, WL-222-1001
Radwag WLC 1/A2 Precision Balance, 1kg x 0.01g, WL-206-0041
Radwag WLC 1/A2/C/2 Precision Balance, 1kg x 0.01g, Auto. Cal., WL-217-0007
Radwag WLC 10.X2 Precision Balance, 10kg x 0.1g, WL-222-0009
Radwag WLC 10/A2 Precision Balance, 10kg x 0.1g, WL-206-0004
Radwag WLC 2.X2 Precision Balance, x 0.01g, WLC-222-0003
Radwag WLC 2/A2 Precision Balance, 2kg x 0.01g, WL-206-0039
Radwag WLC 20.X2 Precision Balance, 20kg x 0.1g, WL-222-0011
Radwag WLC 20/A2 Precision Balance, 20kg x 0.1g, WL-206-0022
Radwag WLC 21.X2 Precision Balance, 21kg x 1g, WL-222-0013
Radwag WLC 30/F1/K Precision Balance, 30kg x 0.5g, Detached Platform, WL-206-0077
Radwag WLC 30/F1/R Precision Balance, 30kg x 0.5g, WL-206-0078
Radwag WLC 6.X2 Precision Balance, 6 kg x 0.01g, WL-222-0004
Radwag WLC 6/A2 Precision Balance, 6kg x 0.1g, WL-206-0003
Radwag WLC 6/A2/C/2 Precision Balance, 6kg x 0.1g, Auto. Cal., WL-217-0014
Radwag WLC 6/F1/K Precision Balance, 6kg x 0.1g, Detached Platform, WL-206-0073
Radwag WLC 6/F1/R Precision Balance, 6kg x 0.1g, WL-206-0074
Radwag WLC 60/C2/K Precision Balance, 60kg x 1g, Detached Platform, WL-206-0015
Radwag WLC 60/C2/R Precision Balance, 60kg x 1g, WL-206-0063
Radwag WLY 10/D2 Precision Balance, 10kg x 0.1g, WL-219-0002
Radwag WLY 2/D2 Precision Balance, 2kg x 0.01g, WL-219-0004
Radwag WLY 20/D2 Precision Balance, 20kg x 0.1g, WL-219-0005
Radwag WTC 200 Precision Balance, 200g x 0.001g, WL-210-0004
Radwag WTC 2000 Precision Balance, 2000g x 0.01g, WL-210-0001
Radwag WTC 3000 Precision Balance, 3100g x 0.1g, WL-210-0007
Radwag WTC 600 Precision Balance, 600g x 0.001g, WL-210-0008
Radwag XA 110.4Y Analytical Balance, 110g x 0.01mg, WL-107-0052
Radwag XA 110.4Y.A Analytical Balance, 110g x 0.01mg, Auto. Door, WL-107-0059
Radwag XA 120/250.4.Y Dual Range Analytical Balance, WL-107-1019
Radwag XA 120/250.4Y.A Dual Range Analytical Balance, Auto. Door, WL-107-1020
Radwag XA 21.4Y.M Microbalance, 21g x 1ug, WL-101-0143
Radwag XA 21.4Y.M.A Microbalance, 21g x 1uq, Auto. Door, WL-101-0148
Radwag XA 21.4Y.M.A.P Pipette Calibration Balance, Auto. Door, WL-101-0183
Radwag XA 21/52.4Y.M Dual Range Microbalance, WL-101-1018
Radwag XA 21/52.4Y.M.A Dual Range Microbalance, Auto. Door, WL-101-1045
Radwag XA 21/52.4Y.M.A.P Dual Range Pipette Calibration Balance, Auto. Door, WL-101-1046
Radwag XA 210.4Y Analytical Balance, 210g x 0.01mg, WL-107-0065
Radwag XA 210.4Y.A Analytical Balance, 210g x 0.01mg, Auto. Door, WL-107-0057
Radwag XA 220.4Y Analytical Balance, 220g x 0.1mg, WL-107-0068
Radwag XA 220.4Y.A Analytical Balance, 220g x 0.1mg, Auto. Door, WL-107-0062
Radwag XA 310.4Y Analytical Balance, 310g x x0.1mg, WL-107-0069
Radwag XA 310.4Y.A Analytical Balance, 310g x 0.1mg, Auto. Door, WL-107-0063
Radwag XA 52.4Y.F Filter Weighing Analytical Balance, 52g x 0.01mg, WL-107-0087
Radwag XA 52.4Y.M Microbalance, 52g x 5uq, WL-101-0145
Radwag XA 52.4Y.M.A Microbalance, 52g x 5uq, Auto. Door, WL-101-0182
Radwag XA 52.4Y.M.A.P Pipette Calibration Balance, 52g x 5uq, Auto Door, WL-101-0184
Radwag XA 6.4Y.M Microbalance, 6.1g x 1µg, WL-101-0157
Radwag XA 6.4Y.M.A Microbalance, 6.1g x 1uq, Auto. Door, WL-101-0154
Radwag XA 6/21.4Y.M Dual Range Microbalance, WL-101-1024
Radwag XA 6/21.4Y.M.A Dual Range Microbalance, Auto. Door, WL-101-0125
Radwag XA 6/21.4Y.M.A.P Dual Range Pipette Calibration Balance, Auto. Door, WL-101-1047
Radwag XA 82/220.4Y Dual Range Analytical Balance, WL-107-1016
Radwag XA 82/220.4Y.A Dual Range Analytical Balance, Auto. Door, WL-107-1017
Radwag XA100 100ml Pipette Calibration Adapter, WX-001-0015
Radwag XA11 11ml Pipette Calibration Adapter, WX-001-0110
Radwag XA17 17ml Pipette Calibration Adapter, WX-001-0063
Radwag ZR-02 Power Adapter w/Battery and Charger, WX-001-0006
Rail Mount for Waldmann Lighting Systems, D13-269-000
Rechargeable Battery for Bionet ECG Units, ECG-BAT
Rechargeable Battery for Bionet Patient Monitors, BM-BAT
Rechargeable Battery for Bistos BT-250 Desktop Fetal Doppler
Rechargeable Battery for Bistos BT-300 Fetal Monitors
Rechargeable Battery for Bistos BT-350 Fetal Monitors
Rechargeable Battery for Bistos Handheld Dopplers
Rechargeable Battery for Bistos Patient Vital Signs Monitors
Rechargeable Battery for DermLite Pro DP-R
Relay 110V for Combo V24 / Combo V24T Centrifuge, CMR-REL110V
Relay for 220V Combo V24 / Combo V24T Centrifuge, CMR-REL220V
Relevant Links
Replacemant Battery for Dermlite DL4 Dermascopes, DL4B
Replacement 5mm x 50mm Probe for Benchmark Scientific D1000 Handheld Homogenizer, Pack/5, D1000-M5
Replacement 6 x (10-15ml) Rotor for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000/6500, V7000
Replacement 7mm x 50mm Probe for Benchmark Scientific D1000 Handheld Homogenizer, Pack/5, D1000-M7
Replacement Battery for Dermlite DL100/Carbon, DL100B
Replacement Battery for Dermlite DLII/III Dermascope
Replacement Battery for Scilogex Levo Plus Pipette Filler, 293032
Replacement Bulb for Bovie UV59 Woods Lamp, UV59B
Replacement Bulb for Riester 2.5V Xenon Light Laryngoscope, Pack/6, 11428
Replacement Bulb for Riester 3.5XL Laryngoscope, Pack/6, 11429
Replacement Bulb for Waldmann DL-122 RING Handheld Magnifying Lamp, 450-022-050
Replacement Bulb for Waldmann Halux 50 FX Exam Lights, D68-727-000
Replacement Bulb for Waldmann SNE-136 Task Light, 450-036-190
Replacement Bulb for Waldmann STE-155 Industrial Task Light, 55W CFL, 5400K, 450-055-032
Replacement Bulb Set for Waldmann Halux 35/2, (2x10 Degrees and 2x38 Degrees), 950-900-212
Replacement Bulbs
Replacement Bulbs for 2.5V HL Ri Scope, Ri Mini and Ri Derma, Pack/6, 10605
Replacement Bulbs for 2.7V Vacuum Light Riester Uni Otoscope and Bent Arm Illuminator, Pack/6, 10421
Replacement Bulbs for 3.5V LED Ri Scope, L2/L3 Otoscope, Ri Derma, Light Conductor, Nasal Speculum and Tongue Blade Holder, Pack/6, 10599
Replacement Bulbs for Riester 2.5V Halogen May and Uni Opthalmoscopes, Pack/6, 10591
Replacement Bulbs for Riester 2.5V HL Penscope Otoscope, Pack/6, 10489
Replacement Bulbs for Riester 2.5V HL RiMini, L2/L3, Ri Derma, Light Conductor, Nasal Speculum and Tongue Blade Holder, Pack/6, 10600
Replacement Bulbs for Riester 2.5V Uni and L1 Otoscopes, Pack/6, 10590
Replacement Bulbs for Riester 2.7V Vacuum Light Penscope Otoscope, Pack/6, 10488
Replacement Bulbs for Riester 3.5V LED for FO Ri Scope, L2/L3, Ri Derma, Light Conductor, Nasal Speculum and Tongue Blade Holder, Pack/6, 10607
Replacement Bulbs for Riester 3.5V Xenon Light Ri Scope Opthalmoscope and Ri Derma, Pack/6, 10608
Replacement Bulbs for Riester 3.5V Xenon Light Uni Otoscopes and Bent Illuminator, Pack/6, 10592
Replacement Bulbs for Riester 3.5V XL L1 Otoscope, Pack/6, 10487
Replacement Bulbs for Riester 3.5V XL May and Uni Opthalmocopes, Pack/6, 10593
Replacement Bulbs for Riester Fortelux H 2.5V Halogen Penlight, 11178
Replacement Bulbs for Riester Fortelux N 2.2V Vacuum Penlight, 11177
Replacement Bulbs for Riester Ri Scope 3.5V Xenon Light Operation Otoscope, Pack/6, 10609
Replacement Bulbs for Riester Uni and May Opthalmoscopes, Pack/6, 10424
Replacement Cap (GL32) for Benchmark Scientific Hybex Media Bottles, Blue, Pack/10, B3000-CAP2
Replacement Cap (GL45) for Benchmark Scientific Hybex Media Bottles, Blue, Pack/10, B3000-CAP
Replacement Cap Lock Washer for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000/6500 (ea), V6165
Replacement Capacitor for Drucker Centrifuges, 7729004
Replacement Capacitor for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000/6500, V6105
Replacement Charger for DermLite II/III Dermascopes
Replacement CO2 Cylinder for CryoLab Medical Cryosurgical Device, 000-2731
Replacement Filters for Bovie SmokeShark SE03, Pack/2, SF06
Replacement Flat Tip for 1/2" Tapped Horns, (1/4-20 thread), 101-148-013
Replacement Flat Tip for 1/2" Tapped Horns, (1/4-28 thread), 101-148-024
Replacement Flat Tip for 3/4 Tapped Horns, 101-148-009
Replacement Front Panel Label for Drucker 642VES, 7724019
Replacement Front Panel Label for Drucker 653V Centrifuge, 7724015
Replacement Front Panel Label for Drucker 755-24, 7724031
Replacement Front Panel Label for Drucker 755V-24, 7724032
Replacement Front Panel Label for Drucker 755VES Centrifuge, 7724149
Replacement Front Panel Label for Drucker 853VES Centrifuge, 7724044
Replacement Front Panel Label for Drucker Centrifuges, 7724033
Replacement Handle for Waldmann ISIS Minor Surgery Lights, D55-234-000
Replacement Heating Element for Benchmark Scientific BactiZapper, B1000-RA
Replacement Indicator Light for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6500, V6145
Replacement Lamp for Waldmann Cosy and Culta Series Exam Lights, D68-738-000
Replacement Lamp for Waldmann MADEIRA Task Exam Lights, 450-018-162
Replacement Lamp for Waldmann MT20 Examination Light, D68-742-000
Replacement Lamps for Waldmann Omnivue, 9 Watt, Set of 3, 950-900-210
Replacement Lamps(Set of 4) for Waldmann MAX Exam35 Procedure Light, D68-730-000
Replacement LED Bulb for Riester Laryngoscope, 12320
Replacement Lexan Plastic Lid for Hamilton Bell VanGuard Centrifuges, V6025
Replacement Microswitch for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000/6500 Centrifuges, V6130
Replacement Motor for Drucker 642 Centrifuge, 7735049
Replacement Motor for Drucker 842Stat Centrifuges, 7735013
Replacement Motor for Drucker 842VES Centrifuge, 7735011
Replacement Motor for Drucker Centrifuges, 7735016
Replacement Motor for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000/6500, V6100
Replacement Motor Mount for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000/6500, Pack/4, V6150
Replacement N2O Cylinder for CryoLab Medical Cryosurgical Device, 000-2730
Replacement On/off Swicth for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000, V6140
Replacement Parts for LW Scientific Centrifuges
Replacement PC Board for Drucker 642VES Centrifuge, 7717072
Replacement PC Board for Drucker Centrifuges, 7717039
Replacement PC Board for Drucker Centrifuges, 7717041
Replacement Printer Paper for Benchmark Scientific B4000-P Printer, 2.25" x 50' (3 Rolls), B4000-PA
Replacement Slit Bulbs for Riester Retinoscope, 3.5V Xenon Light, Pack/6, 10610
Replacement Spot Bulbs for Riester Retinoscope, 3.5V Xenon Light, Pack/6, 10611
Replacement UV Bulb for Waldmann Omnivue, US0-007-013
Replacement UV Light Bulbs for Waldmann UV WOODS Lamp, (Set of 2 UV and 2 White Bulbs) 950-900-211
Replacemet Bulbs for Riester 2.7V Vacuum Light Penscope Opthalmoscope, Pack/6, 10473
Resistor for M24 Centrifuge, HER-RES
Respironics Capnostat 5 Mainstream EtCO2 Sensor (New w/o Box)
Respironics LOFLO Sidestream CO2 Sensor for Bionet Veterinary Vital Signs Monitors, B-RSCO2
Return Policy
Reusable Adaptor for Foot Pedal Operated Electrosurgical Pencil, 909032
Reusable Foot Control Pencil for Conmed Hyfrecators, 7-900-6
Reusable SpO2 Sensor for Bistos Vital Signs Monitors
Riester Uni III 2.7V Vacuum Light Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set w/C Battery Handle, 2030
Riester 120V Power Transformer for Riester Ri-magic Examination Lamps, 11340.002
Riester AA Battery Handle w/Rheotronic for Alkaline and Li-ion AA Batteries, No Battery Included, 10642
Riester AA Battery Handle w/Rheotronic for Lithium Batteries, No Battery Included, 10643
Riester Babinsky Stainless Steel Percussion Hammer with 2 Threads, 9.44", 5052
Riester Babyphon Aneroid Sphygmomanometer w/3 Pediatric Cuffs, LF1441
Riester Bandage Cuff Latex Free Adult Size, 1 tube w/o Connector, LF101
Riester Bandage Cuff Latex Free Adult Size, 2 Tubes w/o Connector, LF102
Riester Berliner Stainless Steel Percussion Hammer, 7.87", 5055
Riester Big Ben Aneroid Sphygmomanometer, Adult, Latex Free, Desk Model, LF1453
Riester Big Ben Aneroid Sphygmomanometer, Stand Model, Latex Free, LF1468
Riester Big Ben Aneroid Sphygmomanometer, Wall Model, Latex Free, LF1459
Riester Black Nylon Carry Case for Ri Mini and Penscope, 10475
Riester Black Spectacle Frame for SuperVu and XL Advantage Binocular Loupes, w/o Loupe, 12770
Riester Blood Pressure Monitors
Riester Brow Band For SuperVu and XL Advantage Binocular Loupes, w/o Loupe, 12771
Riester Buck Percussion Hammer w/Needle and Brush, 7.08", 5035
Riester C Battery Handle for 2 Lithium Batteries, No Battery Included, 10630
Riester C Battery Handle w/Rheotronic for Alkaline, Li-Ion and NiMh Battery, 10670
Riester C Type Battery Handle, Rheostat, Chrome Plated, 10425
Riester Cardiophone Stainless Steel Cardiology Stethoscope w/Double Headed Chest Piece, 4131
Riester Chrome Plated Nasal Speculum, 10440
Riester Cusco Vaginal Specula (For Virgins) 2.95 x 0.66", 5230
Riester Cusco Vaginal Specula 2.95 x 1.25 ", 5231
Riester Cusco Vaginal Specula 3.34 x 1.37", 5232
Riester Cusco Vaginal Specula, 3.93 x 1.37", 5233
Riester Dejerine Percussion Hammer with OR w/out Needle, 8.26", 5038 / 5040
Riester Dermascopes
Riester Desk Charger for 2.5 and 3.5V NIMh and NiCD Batteries, w/Wall Holder, 120V, 10701
Riester Desk Charger(Ri Charger L) for 2.5V and 3.5V Li-Ion Battery Handles, w/Wall Holder, 10706
Riester Diagnostic Set w/L2 3.5V LED Otoscope Head and L1 3.5V Xenon Opthalmoscope Head, C Handle, 2 Li Batteries, 3748.004
Riester Diagnostic Stations
Riester Diagnostics
Riester Disinfectable One-Piece Cuff 1 Tube w/o Connector Adult Arm Circumference 10.23"-15.74 ", LF150
Riester Disinfectable One-Piece Cuff 1 Tube w/o Connector Children Arm Circumference 7.48"-10.62 ", LF154
Riester Disinfectable One-Piece Cuff 1 Tube w/o Connector Obese Arm Circumference 13.38"-19.68", LF152
Riester Disinfectable One-Piece Cuff 2 Tubes w/o Connector Adult Arm Circumference 10.23"-15.74 ", LF151
Riester Disinfectable One-Piece Cuff 2 Tubes w/o Connector Children Arm Circumference 7.48"-10.62 ", LF155
Riester Disinfectable One-Piece Cuff 2 Tubes w/o Connector Obese Arm Circumference 13.38"-19.68", LF153
Riester Disposable Ear Specula for L3 Otoscopes, Pack/1000, 10803
Riester Disposable Ear Speculas for L1 / L2, Ri Mini and Penscope Otoscopes, Pack/1000, 10774
Riester Disposable Probe Covers for Ri-gital Digital Clinical Thermometer,
Riester Disposable Probe Covers for Ri-thermo N Clinical Digital Thermometer,
Riester duplex Aluminum Baby Stethoscope w/Double Headed Chest Piece, Blue, 4041
Riester duplex Aluminum Neonatal Stethoscope w/Dual Headed Chest Piece, Blue, 4051
Riester duplex Aluminum Stethoscope w/Double Headed Chest Piece, 4001
Riester duplex de lux Stainless Steel Baby Stethoscope w/Double Headed Chest Piece, Blue, 4042
Riester duplex de lux Stainless Steel Neonatal Stethoscope w/Double Headed Chest Piece, Blue, 4052
Riester duplex de lux Stainless Steel Stethoscope w/Double Headed Chest Piece, 4081
Riester Dynatest Pressure Infusion Instrument, 5265
Riester E-scope Pocket Opthalmoscope, 2120-200
Riester E-scope Pocket Otoscope - Opthalmoscope Set
Riester E-scope Pocket Otoscope, 2100-200
Riester E.E.N.T Instruments
Riester econom 2.5V Halogen Light Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set w/C Battery Handle, 2050
Riester econom 2.5V Halogen Light Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set w/C Battery Handle, 2050-201
Riester econom 2.5V Halogen Light Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set w/Plug in Handle, 2052-201
Riester econom 2.5V HL Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set w/C Battery Handle, Desk Charger and Re-chargeable Battery, 2054-201
Riester econom 2.7V Vacuum Light Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set w/C Battery Handle, Charger and Re-chargeable Battery, 2054-200
Riester econom 2.7V Vacuum Light Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set w/Plug-in Handle, 2052-200
Riester econom 3.5V Xenon Light Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set w/C Battery Handle, Desk Charger and Re-chargeable Battery, 2054-202
Riester econom 3.5V Xenon Light Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set w/Plug-in Handle, 2052-202
Riester EENT Diagnostic Parts and Accessories
Riester Exacta Aneroid Sphygmomanometer, Adult, Latex Free, Metal, Black, LF1350
Riester Exam Lights
Riester Fortelux 2.2V Vacuum Light Penlights in Plastic Sleeve, Pack/6, 5070
Riester Fortelux H FO 2.5V Halogen Diagnostic Penlight w/Tongue Blade Holder, Silver, 5090
Riester Fortelux N 2.2V Vacuum Light Pen Diagnostic Light,
Riester Graeve Vaginal Specula 2.95 x 0.78", 5201
Riester Graeve Vaginal Specula 3.74 x 1.37 ", 5202
Riester Graeve Vaginal Specula 4.52 x 1.37", 5203
Riester Hook Cuff Latex Free Adult Size, 1 Tube w/o Connector, LF104
Riester Hook Cuff Latex Free Adult Size, 2 Tubes w/o Connector, LF105
Riester Instrument Heads for Ri Former Diagnostic Station,
Riester Integrated Modular Diagnostic Station System, ri-former®
Riester K-LED System w/Charger for Riester Binocular Loupes, 12765
Riester L1 2.5V Halogen Light Otoscope w/C Battery Handle(for lithium batteries), 3700
Riester Laryngoscope Battery Handles w/Integrated or Detachable FO Light Conductor,
Riester Laryngoscope Blades
Riester Laryngoscope Handles
Riester Laryngoscope Sets
Riester Laryngoscopes
Riester Macintosh Baby Laryngoscope Set w/Removable FO Conductor, 3.5V LED, AA Handle, Blades 0,1,2, Charger, 8153
Riester Macintosh Baby Laryngoscope Set, FO Light Conductor, 3.5V LED, AA Handle, Blades 0,1,2, Charger, 8133
Riester Macintosh Baby Laryngoscope, FO Conductor, 2.5V LED, AA Handle, Blades 0,1,2, 8053
Riester Macintosh Laryngoscope Set w/FO Light Conductor, 3.5V LED, C Handle, Blades 2,3,4 , Charger, 8123
Riester Macintosh Laryngoscope w/Removable Light Conductor, 3.5V LED, C Handle, Blades 2,3,4, Charger, 8143
Riester Miller Baby Laryngoscope Set w/Removable FO Light Conductor, 3.5V LED, AA Handle, Blades 0, 1, 2, Charger, 8158
Riester Miller Baby Laryngoscope Set, FO Light Conductor, 3.5V LED, AA Handle, Blades 0,1,2, Charger, 8138
Riester Miller Laryngoscope Set w/Removable Light Conductor, 3.5V LED, C Handle, Blades 2,3,4, Charger, 8148
Riester Miller Laryngoscope Set, FO Light Conductor, 3.5V LED, C Handle, Blades 2,3,4, Charger, 8128
Riester Minimus II Aneroid Sphygmomanometer, Adult, Latex Free, LF1312
Riester Minimus III Aneroid Sphygmomanometer, Adult, Latex Free, Dual Tube, LF1342
Riester Opthalmoscopes
Riester Otoscope Opthalmoscope Sets
Riester Otoscopes
Riester Pair of Laryngeal Mirrors, 10447
Riester Penscope Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set w/2.7V Vacuum Light, AA Handle, In Pouch, 2090-200
Riester Penscope Pocket Opthalmoscope w/2.7V Vacuum Light, AA Handle, In Pouch, 2076
Riester Penscope Pocket Otoscope w/2.5V Halogen Light, AA Handle, In Pouch, 2056-201
Riester Percussion Hammers
Riester Pinard Aluminum Fetal Stethoscope, 4191
Riester Plug in Style Handle with Rheotronic for Ri-Accu Battery, 10639
Riester Plug-in Handle, 2.5V / 120V, Rheostat, Chrome Plated, Includes Re-chargeable Battery, 10431
Riester Plug-in Style Handle, 3.5V / 120V, Rheostat, Chrome Plated, Rechargeable Battery Included, 10433
Riester Pneumatic Test Bulb, 10960
Riester Pocket Instruments
Riester Precisa N Aneroid Sphygmomanometer, Adult, Latex Free, LF1360
Riester Queens Percussion Hammer with Plastic Handle, 13.77", 5058
Riester R1 Shock Proof Aneroid Sphygmomanometer w/3 Cuffs and Storage Box, 1260
Riester R1 Shock Proof Aneroid Sphygmomanometer w/3 Cuffs, 1261
Riester R1Shock Proof Sphygmomanometer, Adult Size, 1250
Riester Rechargeable battery (Ri-accu® L) for Xenon or LED 3.5V Li-ion and AA Handles, 10690
Riester Rechargeable Battery (Ri-accu®) for Halogen 2.5V NiMH and AA-handles, 10680
Riester Rechargeable Battery (Ri-accu®) for Halogen 2.5V NiMH and C-handles, 10681
Riester Rechargeable Battery (Ri-accu®) for Xenon or LED 3.5V Li-ion and C Handles, 10691
Riester Reusable Macintosh Laryngoscope Blades,
Riester Reusable Miller Laryngoscope Blades,
Riester Ri Derma Dermascope w/3.5V LED Illumination, C Battery Handle, 3777
Riester Ri Derma Dermascope w/3.5V LED Illumination, Plug-in Handle, 3779
Riester Ri Dispo Disposable Laryngoscope Blades, Pack/20
Riester Ri Former Diagnostic Station Ear Specula Dispenser Extension Module, 3654
Riester Ri Former Diagnostic Station Extension Module for Ri thermo N Thermometer w/Anti-theft Device, 3656-301
Riester Ri Former Diagnostic Station Extension Module w/1 Handle, 3.5V / 120V, 300
Riester Ri Former Diagnostic Station Sphygmomanometer (Big Ben-Square), Adult Cuff, LF3655-109
Riester Ri Integral Flexible Macintosh Laryngoscope Blade w/Integrated FO Light Conductor, 12250
Riester Ri Integral Macintosh Baby Laryngoscope Set, FO Conductor, 2.5V XL, AA Handle, Blades 0,1,2, 8050
Riester Ri Integral Macintosh Laryngoscope Set, FO Conductor, 2.5V LED, C Handle, Blades 2,3,4, 8041
Riester Ri Integral Macintosh Laryngoscope Set, FO Conductor, 2.5V XL, C Handle, Blades 2,3,4, 8040
Riester Ri Integral Miller Baby Laryngoscope Set, FO Conductor, 2.5V XL, AA Handle, Blades 0,1,2, 8070
Riester Ri Integral Miller Laryngoscope Set, FO Conductor, 2.5V LED w/C Handle, Blades 2,3,4, 8061
Riester Ri Integral Miller Laryngoscope Set, FO Conductor, 2.5V LED, AA Handle, Blades 0,1,2, 8073
Riester Ri Integral Miller Laryngoscope Set, FO Conductor, 2.5V XL, C Handle, Blades 2,3,4, 8060
Riester Ri Modul Baby Miller Laryngoscope Set w/Removable FO Light Conductor, 2.5V XL, AA Handle, Blades 0,1,2. 8110
Riester Ri Modul Macintosh Baby Laryngoscope Set w/Removable FO Light Conductor, 2.5V LED, AA Handle, Blades 0, 1, 2, 8093
Riester Ri Modul Macintosh Laryngoscope Light Conductors
Riester Ri Modul Macintosh Laryngoscope Set w/Removable Light Conductor,2.5V XL, AA Handle, Blades 0,1,2, 8090
Riester Ri Modul Macintosh Laryngoscope Set w/Removal FO Light Conductor, 2.5V LED,C Handle, Blades 2, 3, 4, 8081
Riester Ri Modul Macintosh Laryngoscope Set, Removable FO Light Conductor, 2.5V XL, C Handle, Blades 2,3,4, 8080
Riester Ri Modul Miller Baby Laryngoscope w/Removable FO Light Conductor, 2.5V LED, AA Handle, Blades 0,1,2, 8102
Riester Ri Modul Miller Laryngoscope Set w/Removable FO Conductor, 2.5V XL, C Handle, Blades 2,3,4, 8100
Riester Ri Modul Miller Laryngoscope Set w/Removable FO Light Conductor, 2.5V LED, C Handle, Blades 2, 3, 4, 8101
Riester Ri Scope 3.5V LED Fiber Optic Nasal Speculum, 10575
Riester Ri Scope 3.5V Xenon Light Human Operation Otoscope Head, 10561
Riester Ri Scope Diagnostic Set w/L1 3.5V XL Otoscope and L1 3.5V XL Opthalmoscope, AA Handle, 2 Lithium Batteries, 3747.001
Riester Ri Scope Diagnostic Set w/L1 3.5V XL Otoscope and L1 3.5V XL Opthalmoscope, Plug-in Handle, 3750.002
Riester Ri Scope Diagnostic Set w/L2 3.5V LED Otoscope and L1 3.5V XL Opthalmoscope, AA Handle, 2 Lithum Batteries, 3748.003
Riester Ri Scope Diagnostic Set w/L2 3.5V LED Otoscope and L2 3.5V XL Opthalmoscope, AA Handle, 2 Lithium Batteries, 3748.005
Riester Ri Scope Diagnostic Set w/L2 3.5V LED Otoscope and L2 3.5V XL Opthalmoscope, C Battery Handle, 2 Lithium Batteries, 3746.004
Riester Ri Scope Diagnostic Set w/L2 3.5V LED Otoscope and L23.5V XL Opthalmoscope, Plug-in Handle, 3750.003
Riester Ri Scope Diagnostic Set w/L3 3.5V LED Otoscope and L2 3.5V XL Opthalmoscope, AA Handle, 2 Lithium Batteries, 3746.003
Riester Ri Scope Diagnostic Set w/L3 3.5V LED Otoscope and L2 3.5V XL Opthalmoscope, C Battery Handle, 2 Lithium Batteries, 3746.001
Riester Ri Scope Diagnostic Set w/L3 3.5V LED Otoscope and L2 3.5V XL Opthalmoscope, Plug-in Handle, 3750.001
Riester Ri Scope Diagnostic Set w/L3 3.5V LED Otoscope and L3 3.5V XL Opthalmoscope, AA Handle, 2 Lithium Batteries, 3746.002
Riester Ri Scope Diagnostic Set w/L3 3.5V LED Otoscope and L3 3.5V XL Opthalmoscope, C Handle and 2 Lithium Batteries, 3746.006
Riester Ri Scope Diagnostic Set w/L3 3.5V LED Otoscope and L3 3.5V XL Opthalmoscope, Plug-in Handle, 3750.004
Riester Ri Scope ENT Diagnostic Set Configurations w/Charger, 10701.1
Riester Ri Scope L 3.5V LED Tongue Blade Holder, 10574
Riester Ri Scope L Light Conductor Head, 3.5V Xenon / 3.5V LED Light,
Riester Ri Scope L1 2.5V Halogen Light Opthalmoscope w/C Battery Handle(for lithium batteries), 3722
Riester Ri Scope L1 2.5V Halogen Light Opthalmoscope w/C Battery Handle(for lithium batteries), 3727
Riester Ri Scope L1 2.5V Halogen Light Otoscope w/AA Battery Handle(for lithium batteries), 3705
Riester Ri Scope L1 3.5V Xenon Light Opthalmoscope w/AA Battery Handle(for li-ion batteries), 3728
Riester Ri Scope L1 3.5V Xenon Light Otoscope w/AA Battery Handle(for lithium batteries), 3707
Riester Ri Scope L1 3.5V Xenon Light Otoscope w/C Battery Handle(for lithium batteries), 3702-550
Riester Ri Scope L1 Opthalmoscope Head, 2.5V Halogen / 3.5V Xenon Light,
Riester Ri Scope L1 Otoscope Head, 2.5V Halogen / 3.5V Xenon Light,
Riester Ri Scope L2 2.5V Halogen Light Opthalmoscope w/AA Battery Handle, 3727.002
Riester Ri Scope L2 3.5V Xenon Light Opthalmoscope w/AA Battery Handle(for lithion batteries), 3729
Riester Ri Scope L2 3.5V Xenon Light Opthalmoscope w/C Battery Handle(for lithium batteries), 3725-550
Riester Ri Scope L2 F.O. 2.5V Halogen Light Otoscope w/C Battery Handle(for lithium batteries), 3716
Riester Ri Scope L2 F.O. 2.5V Halogen Otoscope w/AA Battery Handle(for lithium batteries), 3706
Riester Ri Scope L2 F.O. 3.5V LED Otoscope w/AA Battery Handle(for lithium batteries), 3708
Riester Ri Scope L2 F.O. 3.5V LED Otoscope w/C Battery Handle(for lithium batteries), 3703-550
Riester Ri Scope L2 F.O. Otoscope Head, 2.5V Halogen / 3.5V Xenon / 3.5V LED Light,
Riester Ri Scope L2 Opthalmoscope Head, 2.5V Halogen / 3.5V Xenon Light,
Riester Ri Scope L3 2.5V Halogen Light Opthalmoscope w/AA Battery Handle, 3727.003
Riester Ri Scope L3 2.5V Halogen Opthalmoscope w/C Battery Handle, 3723.002
Riester Ri Scope L3 3.5V Xenon Light Opthalmoscope w/AA Battery Handle(for lithium batteries), 3730
Riester Ri Scope L3 3.5V Xenon Light Opthalmoscope w/C Battery Handle(for rechargeable li-ion batteries), 3726-550
Riester Ri Scope L3 F.O. 2.5V Halogen Light Otoscope w/AA Battery Handle(for lithium batteries), 3706.002
Riester Ri Scope L3 F.O. 2.5V Halogen Light Otoscope w/C Battery Handle(for lithium batteries), 3701
Riester Ri Scope L3 F.O. 3.5V LED Light Otoscope w/AA Battery Handle(for lithium batteries), 3709
Riester Ri Scope L3 F.O. 3.5V LED Otoscope w/C Battery Handle(for lithium batteries), 3704-550
Riester Ri Scope L3 F.O. Otoscope Head, 2.5V Halogen / 3.5V Xenon / 3.5V LED Light,
Riester Ri Scope L3 Opthalmoscope Head, 2.5V Halogen / 3.5V Xenon Light.
Riester Ri Vision 3.5V XL Slit Retinoscope Diagnostic Set w/C Battery Handle, 2 Lithium Batteries, 3794.001
Riester Ri-champion Smart PRO+ Digital Blood Pressure Monitor, 1735
Riester Ri-clip Latex Free Vein Compressor in Plastic Bag, LF5000
Riester Ri-Focus 6V LED Headlight with 2 Lithium Batteries, 6090
Riester Ri-focus Reverse 8V Halogen Headlight w/120V Charger, 6131
Riester Ri-gital Digital Thermometer in Cardboard Box, 1850
Riester Ri-magic LED Examination Light w/120V AC Adapter, 6230
Riester Ri-medic Clinical Grade Table-top Blood Pressure Monitor, 1780
Riester Ri-san Palm Style Aneroid Sphygmomanometer, Latex Free, LF1512
Riester Ri-scope 3.5V LED/Xenon Light Diagnostic Set w/ L2 Otoscope and L3 Opthalmoscope Head, C Handle, Battery and Charger,
Riester Ri-scope Diagnostic Set w/3.5 LED L2 Heads, C or AA Handle, Rechargeable Battery and Charger,
Riester Ri-scope L1 Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set w/3.5V XL, AA or C Handle, Battery and Charger,
Riester Ri-scope L3 Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set w/3.5V Xenon Light, C or AA Handle, Rechargeable Battery and Charger,
Riester Ri-thermo N Infrared Thermometer w/Case and 25 Probe Covers, 1805
Riester RiMini Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set, 2.5V HL w/Fortelux Diagnostic Lamp in Pouch, 3025
Riester RiMini Pocket Opthalmoscope w/2.5V Halogen Light, 3011
Riester RiMini Pocket Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set w/2.5V Halogen Light, 3012
Riester RiMini Pocket Otoscope w/2.5V Halogen Light, 3010
Riester RVS-100 Advanced Patient Vital Signs Monitor w/NIBP & SpO2, 1960-RRXXU
Riester RVS-200 Advanced Patient Vital Signs Monitor w/NIBP, SpO2, Diagnostic Station, 1961-RRXXU
Riester Schiotz A Tonometer, Straight Scale, Silver, 5110
Riester Schiotz B Tonometer, Inclined Scale, Silver, 5111
Riester Schiotz C Tonometer, Inclined Scale, 5112
Riester Skin Contact Disc for Ri Derma w/o Graduation, 10968
Riester Skin Contact Disc for Ri derma, Gaduated, 10969
Riester SpecuLight Lighting Attachment for Riester Graeve and Cusco Speculas, 5240
Riester Sphygmomanometer Accessories
Riester Sphymomanometers
Riester Stethoscopes
Riester SuperVu 3.0x Magnification Galilean Binocular Loupes, 3970(Loupe Only)
Riester SuperVu Galilean System Binocular Loupes, High Resolution, 3970HR, (Loupe Only)
Riester Taylor Stainless Steel Percussion Hammer, 7.87", 5030
Riester Thermometers
Riester Tonometers
Riester Tristar Aluminum Stethoscope w/3 Chest Piece(adult-baby-neonatal), 4091
Riester Troemner Stainless Steel Percussion Hammer, 9.84", 5045 / 5046
Riester Tuning Fork Set w/8 Nickel Steel Tuning Forks, 5140
Riester Tuning Forks
Riester Uni I 2.5V Halogen Light Otoscope w/C Battery Handle, 2010-201
Riester Uni I 2.5V Halogen Light Otoscope w/Desk Charger and Rechargeable Battery, 2014-201
Riester Uni I 2.5V Halogen Light Otoscope w/Plug in Handle, 2012-201
Riester Uni I 2.7V Vacuum Light Otoscope w/C Battery Handle, 2010
Riester Uni I 3.5V Xenon Light Otoscope w/Desk Charger and Rechargeable Battery, 2014-202
Riester Uni I 3.5V Xenon Light Otoscope w/Plug in Handle, 2012-202
Riester Uni III 2.5V Halogen Light Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set w/C Battery Handle, 2030-201
Riester Uni III 2.5V Halogen Light Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set w/Plug-in Handle, 2032-201
Riester Uni III 2.5V HL Otosocope Opthalmoscope Set w/C Handle, Charger and Battery, 2034-201
Riester Uni III 3.5V HL Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set w/C Handle, Charger and Rechargeable Battery, 2034-202
Riester Uni III 3.5V Xenon Light Otoscope Opthalmoscope Set w/Plug-in Handle, 2032-202
Riester Uni May II 2.7V Vacuum Light Opthalmoscope w/C Battery Handle, 2020
Riester Uni Opthalmoscope Head, 2.7V Vacuum / 2.5V Halogen / 3.5V Xenon Light,
Riester Uni Otoscope Head, 2.7V Vacuum / 2.5V Halogen / 3.5V Xenon Light,
Riester Vaginal Speculas
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Obese Size 25.59 x 7.48 "1 Tube, Black w/o Connector, LF122
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Adult Size 21.65 x 5.70 " 1 Tube, black w/o Connector, LF107
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Adult Size 23.03 x 7.28 ", 2 Tubes, Black w/Connector, LF108
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Child Size 13.97 x 3.93 " 1 Tube, Blue w/o Connector, LF129
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Child Size 13.97 x 3.93 ", 2 Tubes, Blue w/Connector, LF130.003
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Infant Size 9.05 x 2.83 " 1 Tube, Blue w/o Connector, LF132
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Infant Size, 9.05 x 2.83 ", 2 Tubes, Blue w/Connector, LF133.002
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Newborn Size, 6.10 x 1.96 " 1 Tube, Blue w/o Connector, LF134
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Obese Size 23.03 x 7.28 ", 2 Tubes, Black w/Connector, LF123.004
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Pull Through Strap Adult Size 21.65" x 5.70" 1 Tube w/o Connector for Ri-champion N, LF145
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Pull Through Strap Children Size 13.97" x 3.93" 1 Tube w/o Connector for Ri Champion N, LF147
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Pull Through Strap Obese Size 25.59" x 7.48" 1 Tube w/o Connector for Ri Champion N, LF146
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Small Adult Size, 2 tubes w/o Connector, LF121
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Small Adult Size, I tube w/o Connector, LF120
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Tight Size, 2 Tubes w/o Connector, LF126
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Tight Size, I Tube w/o Connector, LF125
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Tight XL Size, 2 Tubes w/o Connector, LF128
Riester Velcro Cuff Latex Free Tight XL Size, I Tube w/o Connector, LF127
Riester Velcro Cuff Newborn Size, 6.10 x 1.96 ", 2 Tubes, Blue w/Connector, LF135.002
Riester Vet de Luxe I Veterinary Diagnostic Set w/3.5V XL Illumination, Rechargeable Battery (For Larger Animals), 3371-528
Riester Vet de Luxe I Veterinary Diagnostic Set w/3.5V XL Illumination, Rechargeable Battery (For smaller Animals), 3382-528
Riester Vet-de Lux I Plug-in Handle Veterinary Diagnostic Set, 3873
Riester Veterinary Diagnostic Sets
Riester Vital Signs Monitors
Riester XL Advantage Binocular Loupe System w/3.5x, 4.5x, 5.5x Magnification, 3980(Loupe Only)
RiesterRechargeable battery (Ri-accu®) for Xenon o LED 3.5V Li-ion and Plug-in Style Handles, 10692
Right Angle Directional-Stroking® Adaptor for G5 Massagers, AP209
Rigid Needle Extender for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers, 1006700
Ring Light LED Bulb, ILP-BLB7-7LED
Ritter Midmark M3 UltraFast® Steam Sterilizer w/12.1" L x 7.6" x 1.6" Chamber Size, M3-042
Rod Button for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000/V6500 Centrifuges (ea), V6050
Rod for Benchmark Scientific Magnetic Stirrers, H4000-ROD
Rolling Cart for Bionet BM Series Vital Signs Monitors, BM-CART-H
Rolling Cart for Bistos BT-350L/E Fetal Monitors
Rotor for CxR Centrufuges, CXR-RTR
Rotors for Drucker Centrifuges
Rubber Eye Guard for 10x/20 Eyepiece (each) for Achiever & Paragon Dual Mag Stereoscopes, APE-EGD7-RB77
Rubber Eye Guard for 10x/22 Eyepieces (each) for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSE-EGD7-RB77
Rubber Eyeguards for 10x Eyepieces (each) for M Series LabScopes, M2E-EGD7-RB77
Rubber Eyeguards for 10x/20 HP Eyepieces (each) for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2E-EGD7-RB77
Rubber Tube Cushion Spacers (25mm long), CNP-SPC7-RB25
Rubber Tube Cushions for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000/6500, Set of 6, V6170
Safety Cap and Switch for ComboV24 Centrifuge, Red, CMR-SWTC-SF77
Safety Lid Sensor for C3 Centrifuge, C3R-SFTLIDSNR
Safety Lid Sensor for C5 Centrifuge, C5R-SFTLIDSNR
Safety Sswitch for E8 Centrifuge, E8R-SFTSWT
Safety Switch and Harness for M24 Centrifuge, HER-SFTSWT
Safety Switch for Ultra 8 Centrifuge, ULR-SFTSWT
Sales Tax Policy
Scalp and Skin Surface Applicator for G5 Massagers, AP225
Scavenger Hose for Wallach LL100 Multi Tip Freezer, 901015
Scilogex 0.2ml Rotor Adapter, Pack/24, 19500001
Scilogex 0.2ml Rotor Adapter, Pack/36, 19500003
Scilogex 0.2um Hydrophobic Filter for Levo Plus Pipette Filler, 17000144
Scilogex 0.45um Hydrophobic Filter for Levo Plus Pipette Filler, 17000103
Scilogex 0.5ml Rotor Adapter, Pack/24, 19500002
Scilogex 0.5ml x 36 Place Rotor Kit for D3024 Micro-Centrifuge, 19400003
Scilogex 1 Liter Autoclavable Amber Bottle, 45mm Thread, 17400037
Scilogex 10 Channel Analog Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer w/Stainless Steel Plate, MS-H-S10, 81132102
Scilogex 10 Channel Analog Magnetic Stirrer w/Stainless Steel Plate, MS-M-S10, 81131102
Scilogex 12 Tube Foam Insert for Use with Universal Adapter, 18900022
Scilogex 16 x 1.5ml Rotisserie Attachment for MX-RL-Pro, 18900146
Scilogex 16 x 15ml Test Tube Holder Disk Attachment for MX-RD-Pro, 18900138
Scilogex 16 x 50ml Rotisserie Attachment for MX-RL-Pro Rotators, 18900147
Scilogex 18 Tube Foam Insert for Use with Universal Adapter, 18900021
Scilogex 18 x 5ml Alluminum Rotor for D3024/D3024R Micro Centrifuge, 19400012
Scilogex 2.5 Liter Autoclavable Amber Bottle, 45mm Thread, 17400038
Scilogex 24 x 15ml Rotisserie Attachment for MX-RL-Pro Rotators, 18900143
Scilogex 24 x 50ml Rotisserie Attachment for MX-RL-Pro, 18900144
Scilogex 2ml x12 Place Rotor Kit for D2012 Micro-Centrifuge, 19400001
Scilogex 2ml x24 Place Rotor Kit for D3024 Micro-Centrifuge, 19400002
Scilogex 316L Stainless Steel Centrifugal Stirrer, 18900074
Scilogex 316L Stainless Steel Cross Stirrer, 18900071
Scilogex 316L Stainless Steel Paddle Stirrer, 18900073
Scilogex 316L Stainless Steel Straight Stirrer, 18900072
Scilogex 32 x 1.5ml Rotisserie Attachment for MX-RL-Pro Test Tube Rotators, 18900145
Scilogex 3D and See Saw Rockers
Scilogex 4-PCR8 0.2ml PCR Tube Rotor, Aluminum, 19400008
Scilogex 4-PCR8 Rotor Kit for D3024 Micro-Centrifuge, 19400004
Scilogex 48 Tube Foam Insert for Use with Universal Adapter, 18900020
Scilogex 48 x 1.5ml Rotisserie Attachment for MX-RL-Pro Rotator, 18900142
Scilogex 60 x 1.5ml Tube Holder Disk Attachment for MX-RD-Pro, 18900137
Scilogex 8 Tube Foam Insert for Use with Universal Adapter, 16mm, 18900023
Scilogex 8 Tube Foam Insert for Use with Universal Adapter, 20mm, 18900024
Scilogex 8 x 1.5-2.0ml Rotor for D1008 EZee Mini Centrifuges, 19400015
Scilogex 8 x 50ml Test Tube Holder Disk Attachment for MX-RD-Pro, 18900139
Scilogex 8x15ml Plastic Rotor for DM0412 Clinical Centrifuge, 19200316
Scilogex Analog Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer w/Circular Porcelain Plate, MS-H-S, 81112102
Scilogex Black Quarter Reaction Block, 28mm Dia. x 43mm Depth, 18900005
Scilogex Blue Quarter Reaction Block, 28mm Dia. x 30mm Depth, 18900004
Scilogex Bottletop Dispensers
Scilogex Bright M3500 Microtome Accessories
Scilogex Carousel Pipettor Stand, Holds 6 Piipettors, 71000084
Scilogex Circular Ceramic Top Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer, 100-1500rpm, MS-H280-Pro, 86143101
Scilogex Clinical Centrifuges
Scilogex Digital Display Rotary Evaporator w/1 Liter Evaporating Flask, RE100-Pro, 61113201
Scilogex Digital Hot Plate Stirrer w/Ceramic-Glass Hotplate, 7"x7", MS7-H550-Pro, 81322300
Scilogex Digital Magnetic Stirrer w/Ceramic-Glass Plate, 7"x7", MS7-Pro, 81321300
Scilogex Dilvac Blue Metal Cased Dewar Flasks
Scilogex DILVAC Portable Dry Ice Maker, 300001
Scilogex Dilvac Stainless Steel Cased Dewar Flasks
Scilogex Dilvac Stainless Steel Low Profile Cased Dewar Flasks
Scilogex DispenseMate Bottletop Dispenser, 0.5-5mL, 45mm Thread, 73110001
Scilogex DispenseMate Bottletop Dispenser, 1-10mL, 45mm Thread, 73110002
Scilogex DispenseMate Bottletop Dispenser, 2.5-25mL, 45mm Thread, 73110003
Scilogex DispenseMate Bottletop Dispenser, 5-50mL, 45mm Thread, 73110004
Scilogex Disposable Serological Pipettes
Scilogex DM0412 300-4500rpm Variable Speed Clinical Centrifuge, 91302341
Scilogex DM1424 Hematocrit Centrifuge, 200-14000rpm, 91202553
Scilogex Double Microplate Holder for MX-M Microplate Mixer, 18900079
Scilogex EZee Mini Micro Tube Centrifuge, 7000rpm, D1008
Scilogex Filling Tube for DispensMate Bottletop Dispensers, 1 meter, 17400021
Scilogex Fixing Clip Platform for 2.5Kg Shakers, 18900026
Scilogex Fixing Clip Platform for 7.5Kg Shakers, 18900028
Scilogex GL25 DispenseMate Adapter, 25mm, 17400019
Scilogex GL28 DispenseMate Adapter, 28mm, 17400020
Scilogex GL32 DispenseMate Adapter, 32mm, 17400017
Scilogex GL38 DispenseMate Adapter, 38mm, 17400018
Scilogex Gold Quarter Reaction Block, 21.6mm Dia. x 31.7mm Depth, 18900049
Scilogex Green Quarter Reaction Block, 17.75mm Dia. x 26mm Depth, 18900048
Scilogex High Performance Serological Pipets
Scilogex High Speed Personal Mini-Centrifuge w/12 Place Rotor, 15000 Rpm, D2012, 91101511
Scilogex High Speed Personal Mini-Centrifuge w/24 Place Rotor, 15000 Rpm, D3024, 91201513
Scilogex High Speed Personal Refrigerated Mini-Centrifuge w/24 Place Rotor, 15000 Rpm, D3024R, 92201513
Scilogex Hot Plates and Stirrers
Scilogex Hotplate Containment Ring, 18900065
Scilogex LED Display Digital Stirrer w/7x7 Ceramic Hotplate, MS7-H550-S, 81322100
Scilogex Levo Manual Pipette Filler, 74010001
Scilogex Levo Plus Motorized Pipette Filler, 74020002
Scilogex Linear Pipettor Stand, Holds 6 Pipettors, 71000085
Scilogex Linear/Orbital Shaker Fixing Clip for Round Flask, 100mL, 18900031
Scilogex Linear/Orbital Shaker Fixing Clip for Round Flask, 200/250 mL, 18900032
Scilogex Linear/Orbital Shaker Fixing Clip for Round Flask, 25mL, 18900029
Scilogex Linear/Orbital Shaker Fixing Clip for Round Flask, 500 mL, 18900033
Scilogex Linear/Orbital Shaker Fixing Clip for Round Flask, 50mL, 18900030
Scilogex Liquid Handling Products
Scilogex Magnetic Stirring Bar, Round, No Pivot Ring, 10 x 3mm, D-101100
Scilogex Magnetic Stirring Bar, Round, No Pivot Ring, 13 x 8mm, D-101150
Scilogex Magnetic Stirring Bar, Round, No Pivot Ring, 19 x 8mm, D-101200
Scilogex Magnetic Stirring Bar, Round, w/Pivot Ring, 25 x 7.9mm, D-101250
Scilogex Magnetic Stirring Bar, Round, w/Pivot Ring, 32 x 7.9mm, D-101300
Scilogex Magnetic Stirring Bar, Round, w/Pivot Ring, 38 x 9.5mm, D-101400
Scilogex Magnetic Stirring Bar, Round, w/Pivot Ring, 51 x 9.5mm, D-101500
Scilogex Magnetic Stirring Bar, Round, w/Pivot Ring, 75 x 12mm, D-101650
Scilogex MicroPette 12 Channel Adjustable Volume Pipettor
Scilogex MicroPette 8 Channel Adjustable Volume Pipettor
Scilogex MicroPette Plus 12 Channel Adjustable Volume Pipettor(Autoclavable)
Scilogex MicroPette Plus 8 Channel Adjustable Volume Pipettor(Autoclavable)
Scilogex MicroPette Plus Single Channel Adjustable Volume Pipettor(Autoclavable)
Scilogex MicroPette Plus Single Channel Fixed Volume Pipettor(Autoclavable)
Scilogex MicroPette Single Channel Adjustable Volume Pipettor
Scilogex MicroPette Single Channel Fixed Volume Pipettor
Scilogex MicroPette Universal Pipette Tips
Scilogex MicroPette Universal Pipette Tips
Scilogex Microplate Mixers
Scilogex MS-PA Circular-top LED Digital Magnetic Stirrer, 86152103
Scilogex MS-PB Circular Top Analog Magnetic Stirrer, 86152003
Scilogex MX-F 2500 RPM Fixed Speed Vortex Mixer, 82110004
Scilogex MX-M Orbital Microplate Mixer w/1500 RPM, 82200004
Scilogex MX-RD-Pro LCD Digital Tube Rotator, 82423201
Scilogex MX-RL-Pro LCD Digital Rotisserie Tube Rotator, 82422201
Scilogex MX-S 2500 RPM Adjustable Speed Vortex Mixer, 82120004
Scilogex MX-T6-Pro LCD Digital Tube Roller Mixer, 82322201
Scilogex MX-T6-S Analog Variable Speed Tube Roller Mixer, 82322001
Scilogex OS20-S Overhead Stirrer w/LED Display, 20lt Capacity, 84010201
Scilogex OS40-S Overhead Stirrer w/LED Display, 40lt Capacity, 84020201
Scilogex Overhead Digital Stirrer, 20lt Capacity, OS20-Pro, 84010301
Scilogex Overhead Digital Stirrer, 40lt Capacity, OS40-Pro, 84020301
Scilogex Overhead Stirrers
Scilogex Parts and Accessories
Scilogex PCR8 x 2 PCR Tube Rotor for EZee Mini D1008 Centrifuges, 19400017
Scilogex Pipette Fillers-Controllers
Scilogex Pipettors-Pipettes
Scilogex PT1000 Temperature Sensor, 18900016
Scilogex PTFE Coated Cross Stirrer, 18900075
Scilogex PTFE Coated Centrifugal Stirrer, 18900078
Scilogex PTFE Coated Paddle Stirrer, 18900077
Scilogex PTFE Coated Straight Stirrer, 18900076
Scilogex Purple Quarter Reaction Block, 28mm Dia. x 24mm Depth, 18900003
Scilogex Rapid Freezer Accessories
Scilogex RE100-Pro Rotavap Rotary Evaporatory w/Dry Ice Condenser & Glassware, 61113206
Scilogex Reaction Block for 100ml Round Bottom Flask, 18101007
Scilogex Reaction Block for 250ml Round Bottom Flask, 18101008
Scilogex Reaction Block for 500ml Round Bottom Flask, 18900083
Scilogex Reaction Block for 50ml Round Bottom Flasks, 18101006
Scilogex Red Quarter Reaction Block, 15.2mm Dia. x 20mm Depth, 18900002
Scilogex Repeater Pipettors
Scilogex Rotary Evaporators
Scilogex Rotor Adapter for DM0412 Micro Centrifuge, Pack/12, 19200317
Scilogex Rotor Adapter Mat for use with DM0412 Micro Centrifuge, Pack/12, 19200318
Scilogex Rotor Adapters/Inserts for EZee Mini Micro Centrifuges, Pack/8
Scilogex S40 DispensMate Spare Adapter, 40 mm, 17000069
Scilogex Sensor Support Rod and Clamp, 18900017
Scilogex Shakers
Scilogex Single Microplate Holder for MX-M Microplate Mixer, 18900042
Scilogex SK-D3307-Pro LCD Digital 3D Rocker, 7° Angle, 83421001
Scilogex SK-D3309-Pro LCD Digital 3D Rocker, 9° Angle, 83422001
Scilogex SK-L180-Pro Digital Linear Shaker, 2.5Kg, 83101005
Scilogex SK-L330-Pro Digital Linear Shaker, 7.5Kg, 83101008
Scilogex SK-O180-Pro Digital Orbital Shaker, 2.5Kg, 83201005
Scilogex SK-O330-Pro Digital Orbital Shaker, 7.5Kg, 83201008
Scilogex SK-R330-Pro Digital Rocking Shaker, 9 Degree Angle, 83321001
Scilogex Stability Vacuum Feet for use with Vortex Mixers (Each), 18900050
Scilogex StepMate Repeator Pipettor, 0.5-5000uL, 72010000
Scilogex Stirring Bar Remover, 12" x 0.5", D-110000
Scilogex Syringe Tips
Scilogex Test Tube Roller Mixers
Scilogex Tissue Culture Flask/Dish Platform for 2.5Kg Shakers, 18900039
Scilogex Tissue Culture Flask/Dish Platform for 7.5Kg Shakers, 18900155
Scilogex Tube Rotators
Scilogex Universal Circular Adapter for Rubber Tube Foam Inserts, 18900035
Scilogex Universal Circular Adapter to Secure Foam Tube Inserts, 18900067
Scilogex Universal Platform for 2.5Kg Shakers, 18900025
Scilogex Universal Platform for 7.5Kg Shakers, 18900027
Scilogex Vortex Mixers
Scilogex, LLC
Screwdriver Set - 6 Small Precision Screwdrivers, MSP-TOL6-SCDR
Self Application System for G5 Massagers, SAPKG
Set of 5 Spray Tips for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers, 1006525
Shaft Interlock Rod for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000/V6500 Centrifuges, V6045
Sharp Cutaneous Probe for Premier Nitrospray LN2 Sprayers, 1006620
Sheath for Bovie Electrosurgical Pencils, Box/100, A910
Shipping Info
Shipping Policy
Shop by Brand
Shop by Category
Shortwave Diathermy Parts and Accessories
Sigillum Wax Sealant Box/10 Trays, CNP-TUB7-WAX7
Silicon Adapter for Scilogex Levo Plus Pipette Filler, 291020
Silicone Sleeve for all DermLite II models, DLII-SS
Silicone Sleeve for Dermlite DL100 Series, DL100-SS
Simple Kohler Base Condenser for i4 LabScopes, I4P-CND7-KHL7
Simple Polarizer Attachment for i4 LabScopes, I4P-POL7-7777
Simple Polarizer Attachment for M Series LabScopes, M2P-POL7-7777
Single Cord Adapter Set for Mettler Sonicator Plus ME900, ME2265
Single Electrode Cable for Mettler Combination Therapy Units, ME2261
Small Disposable Applicator Covers for G5 Massagers, Pack/50, AP234D
SmartView Platform for Drucker 614/642 Series Laboratory Centrifuges
Smoke Evacuator Laser Mask, Box/50, SELM
Smoke Evacuator Reducer Fitting, From 7/8" to 1/4" x 24", Box/10, SERF
Smoke Evacuator Tube with Wand and Tip, 7/8" x 6', Box/24,
Smoke Evacuator Tube, 7/8" x 6' Reduced to 3/8, Sterile, Box/5, SEVL
Smoke Shark Laparoscopic Tubing Kit with Valve, Sterile, SELVS
Smoke Shark Smoke Evacuator Electric Foot Switch, FSSE
Smoke Shark Smoke Evacuator Fluid Collection Canister Ring Holder, SERH
Smoke Shark Smoke Evacuator Fluid Collection Canister, 1200cc, Box/6, SEEC
Smoke Shark Smoke Evacuator Laparoscopic Tubing Kit, Sterile, SELKS
Smoke Shark Smoke Evacuator Pneumatic Foot Switch, FSSEP
Smoke Shark Smoke Evacuator Remote Switch Activator, SERS
Smoke Shark Smoke Evacuator Tube, 7/8" x 6', Box/24,
Soft Carry Case for Achiever or Paragon Stereoscopes, APP-CSE7-SFZP
Soft Carry Case for Dual Light Stand Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSP-CSE7-SFZP
Soft Carry Case for Rev 3, Student Series, Acheiver, Paragon, EDP-CSE7-SFZP
Soft Carry Case for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3P-CSE7-SFZP
Soft Carry Case for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes on Dual Light Stand, Z2P-CSE7-SFZP
Soft Sponge Rubber 2 5/8" Diameter Applicator for G5 Massagers, AP210
Soft Sponge Rubber 3 1/2" Diameter Applicator for G5 Massagers, AP212
Soft-Tek Microfiber Cleaning Cloth for Optics, MSP-CLT7-CLN7
Solid Insert Tray for Branson 1510/1800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, A12-2
Solid Tray for Branson 2510/2800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, A22-2
Solid Tray for Branson 3510/3800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, A32-2
Solid Tray for Branson 5510/5800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, A52-2
Solid Tray for Branson 8510/8800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, A82-2
Sonicaid Fetal Monitor Accessories
Sonicaid Fetal Monitors-Dopplers
Sonicators / Cell Disruptors
SONICOR Pyrex 400ml Beaker, BK4
Sonicor S-100 0.75 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 9" x 5" x 4"
Sonicor S-100 0.75 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 9" x 5" x 4"
Sonicor S-100H 0.75 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 9" x 5" x 4"
Sonicor S-100T 0.75 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 9" x 5" x 4"
Sonicor S-100TH 0.75 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 9" x 5" x 4"
Sonicor S-101 1 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 9" x 5" x 6"
Sonicor S-101H 1 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 9" x 5" x 6"
Sonicor S-101T 1 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 9" x 5" x 6"
Sonicor S-101TH 1 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 9" x 5" x 6"
Sonicor S-150 1.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 11.5" x 5" x 6"
Sonicor S-150H 1.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 11.5" x 5" x 6"
Sonicor S-150T 1.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 11.5" x 5" x 6"
Sonicor S-150TH 1.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 11.5" x 5" x 6"
Sonicor S-200 2.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 11.5" x 9" x 6"
Sonicor S-200H 2.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 11.5" x 9" x 6"
Sonicor S-200T 2.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 11.5" x 9" x 6"
Sonicor S-200TH 2.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 11.5" x 9" x 6"
Sonicor S-211 2.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 19.5" x 5.5" x 6"
Sonicor S-211H 2.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 19.5" x 5.5" x 6"
Sonicor S-211T 2.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 19.5" x 5.5" x 6"
Sonicor S-211TH 2.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 19.5" x 5.5" x 6"
Sonicor S-30 0.25 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 5" x 5" x 2.5"
Sonicor S-300 3.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 12" x 11.5" x 6"
Sonicor S-300H 3.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 12" x 11.5" x 6"
Sonicor S-300T 3.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 12" x 11.5" x 6"
Sonicor S-300TH 3.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 12" x 11.5" x 6"
Sonicor S-311 3 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 14.75" x 8.5" x 6"
Sonicor S-311H 3 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 14.75" x 8.5" x 6"
Sonicor S-311T 3 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 14.75" x 8.5" x 6"
Sonicor S-311TH 3 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 14.75" x 8.5" x 6"
Sonicor S-50 0.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 5.5" x 5" x 4"
Sonicor S-50H 0.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 5.5" x 5" x 4"
Sonicor S-50T 0.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 5.5" x 5" x 4"
Sonicor S-50TH 0.5 Gal Ultrasonic Cleaner 5.5" x 5" x 4"
SONICOR Stainless Steel Beaker Cover for S150, BR-150
Sonicor Ultrasonic Cleaners
Sonicor Ultrasonics Corp.
Sonigel Lotion with Aloe Vera, 1 Gallon Container, ME1863
Sonigel Lotion with Aloe Vera, 4x1 Gallon Container, ME1864
Sony Cybershot DSC-W800 20.1 MP Camera for Dermlite DL2/3
Sound-proof Enclosure Adapter for Branson SLPt and SLPe Sonifiers, 100-121-074
Spanner Wrench for Branson Sonifier 250/450/SFX250/SFX550, 101-118-039
Spanner Wrench for Coupler Portion of 1/8" Double Step Microtip. 201-118-033
Special Coaxial Cable for Drum Applicator for use with Mettler ME391 Diathermy Unit, ME3981
Special Inductive Coil Field Cable for ME3955 and ME3956, ME3957
Speed Control Knob for C3 Centrifuge, C3R-SPDKNB
Speed Control Knob for Ultra 8 Centrifuge, CNP-KNB7-SPTM
Speed Display Board with Wire for Combo V24 Centrifuge, CMR-DSPBRD
Speed Select Knob for Ultra 8F/8S/8V/TL Centrifuges, ULR-SPDSELKNB
Speed Select Switch for Ultra 8F/8S/8V/TL Centrifuges, ULR-SPDSWT
Speed Sensor for Combo V24 Centrifuge, CMR-SPDSNR
Speed Sensor for M24 Centrifuge, HER-SPDSNR
SpO2 Extension Cable for Bistos Patient Vital Signs Monitors
SpO2 Sensor for Bionet Oxy9Vet veterinary Pulse Oximeter, OXP-SPO2-V
Spray Rinse Attachment for Mettler Cavitator Ultrasonic Cleaners, ME510
Spray Tip Protector for Nitrospray LN2 Sprayer Tips, 1006527
Stacking Platform for Benchmark Scientific 2D-3D Shakers, 10.5" x 7.5" w/Dimpled Mat, B3D-STACK-D
Stacking Platform for Benchmark Scientific 2D-3D Shakers, 10.5" x 7.5" w/Flat Mat, B3D-STACK
Stacking Platform for Benchmark Scientific 2D-3D Shakers, 12" x 12" w/Dimpled Mat, BR1000-STACK-D
Stacking Platform for Benchmark Scientific 2D-3D Shakers, 14" x 12" w/Flat Mat, BR2000-STACK
Stainles Steel Cover for Crest CP360 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSC360
Stainless Steel Basket for Branson DHA-1000 Ultrasonic Cleaner, CPN-916-032
Stainless Steel Basket for Branson PC-620 Ultrasonic Cleaner, A62-2
Stainless Steel Beaker Cover for Elma 30/40, Part No 207 030 000
Stainless Steel Beaker Cover for Elma S10H, Part No 207 052 000
Stainless Steel Beaker Cover for Elma S60H, Part No 207 093 000
Stainless Steel Beaker for Bright Clini RF Rapid Freezers, 57807
Stainless Steel Boom Stand C-Clamp (no focus rack) for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSB-BMS7-SS7C
Stainless Steel Boom Stand C-Clamp (no focus rack) for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2B-MBS7-SS7C
Stainless Steel Boom Stand Square Base (no rack) for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSB-BMS7-SS7T
Stainless Steel Boom Stand Square Base (no rack) for Z-2 Zoom Microscope, Z2B-BMS7-SS7T
Stainless Steel Continuous Flow Attachment for Branson Sonifiers, 100-146-171
Stainless Steel Cover for Branson DHA-1000 Ultrasonic Cleaner, 100-246-802
Stainless Steel Cover for Branson PC-620 Ultrasonic Cleaner, A62-1
Stainless Steel Cover for Crest CP1100 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSC1100
Stainless Steel Cover for Crest CP1200 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSC1200
Stainless Steel Cover for Crest CP1800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSC1800
Stainless Steel Cover for Crest CP230 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSC230
Stainless Steel Cover for Crest CP2600 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSC2600
Stainless Steel Cover for Crest CP500 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, SSC500
Stainless Steel Cover for ELMA 450 Series, Part No:100 9050
Stainless Steel Cover for ELMA 900 Series, Part No:100 9058
Stainless Steel Cover for Sonicor S100/101 Ultrasonic Cleaners, C-100
Stainless Steel Cover for Sonicor S150 Ultrasonic Cleaners, C-150
Stainless Steel Cover for Sonicor S200 Ultrasonic Cleaners, C-200
Stainless Steel Cover for Sonicor S211 Ultrasonic Cleaners, C-211
Stainless Steel Cover for Sonicor S30/S50 Ultrasonic Cleaners, C-50
Stainless Steel Cover for Sonicor S300 Ultrasonic Cleaners, C-300
Stainless Steel Cover for Sonicor S311 Ultrasonic Cleaners, C-311
Stainless Steel Insert Tray for Sonicor S100 Sonicators, IT-100
Stainless Steel Insert Tray for Sonicor S101 Sonicators, IT-101
Stainless Steel Insert Tray for Sonicor S150 Sonicators, IT-150
Stainless Steel Insert Tray for Sonicor S200 Sonicators, IT-200
Stainless Steel Insert Tray for Sonicor S211 Sonicators, IT-211
Stainless Steel Insert Tray for Sonicor S300 Sonicators, IT-300
Stainless Steel Insert Tray for Sonicor S311 Sonicators, IT-311
Stainless Steel Insert Tray for Sonicor S50 Sonicators, IT-50
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for Crest CP1100 Series, SSMB1100-DH
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for Crest CP1200 Series, SSMB1200-DH
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for Crest CP1800 Series, SSMB1800-DH
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for Crest CP230 Series, SSMB230-DH
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for Crest CP360 Series, SSMB360-DH
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for Crest CP500 Series, SSMB500-DH
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for Crest CP2600 Series, SSMB2600-DH
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for ELMA 10 Series, Part No:111 7923
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for ELMA 100 Series, Part No:100 4178
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for ELMA 120 Series, Part No:100 4277
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for ELMA 15 Series, Part No:100 4209
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for ELMA 150 Series, Part No:103 1243
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for ELMA 180 Series, Part No:100 4275
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for ELMA 30 Series, Part No:100 4176
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for ELMA 300 Series, Part No:100 4271
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for ELMA 40 Series, Part No:100 4232
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for ELMA 450 Series, Part No:100 9030
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for ELMA 60 Series, Part No:100 4243
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for ELMA 70 Series, Part No:100 4247
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for ELMA 80 Series, Part No:100 4265
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for ELMA 900 Series, Part No:100 9035
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for Sonicor S100 Sonicators, BM-100
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for Sonicor S101 Sonicators, BM-101
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for Sonicor S150 Sonicators, BM-150
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for Sonicor S200 Sonicators, BM-200
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for Sonicor S211 Sonicators, BM-211
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for Sonicor S30 Sonicators, BM-30
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for Sonicor S300 Sonicators, BM-300
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for Sonicor S311 Sonicators, BM-311
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket for Sonicor S50 Sonicators, BM-50
Stainless Steel Metal Strainer for Bright Clini RF Rapid Freezers, 57807-1
Stainless Steel Perforated Basket for CP1100 Series, SSPB1100-DH
Stainless Steel Perforated Basket for CP1200 Series, SSPB1200-DH
Stainless Steel Perforated Basket for CP1800 Series, SSPB1800-DH
Stainless Steel Perforated Basket for CP230 Series, SSPB230-DH
Stainless Steel Perforated Basket for CP2600 Series, SSPB2600-DH
Stainless Steel Perforated Basket for CP360 Series, SSPB360-DH
Stainless Steel Perforated Basket for CP500 Series, SSPB500-DH
Stand for Wallach Ultrafreeze LN2 Sprayer, 900112
Standard Cleaning Kit - Air, Lens Paper, Fluid, Swabs, MSP-SCK7-7777
Sterile Handle Cover for Waldmann ISIS Minor Surgery Lights, Pack/25, D74-942-000
Stimulation Accessories
Storage Tanks
Suction Feet for Drucker 614 and 642 Series Centrifuges, Set of 4, 7724037K
Suction Feet for Drucker Centrifuges (ea), 7724177
Suction Feet for Drucker Centrifuges (ea), 7728052
Suction Feet for Hamilton VanGuard V6000/6500 Centrifuges, Pack/4, V6135
Summit ABI Cuff Package, 2 Cuffs+Aneroid, K160
Summit ABI Cuff Package, 4 Cuffs+Aneroid, K170
Summit ABI Kit with Aneroid, 2 Cuffs, 50 Forms, Chart & Video, K150
Summit ABI Reimbursable Vascular Systems
Summit Digital Display Handheld Doppler with Charger, L250R
Summit Digital Display Handheld Fetal Doppler w/Choice of Probe, L250
Summit Digital Display Handheld Fetal Doppler w/Recharger and Audio Recorder, L250AR
Summit Doppler Systems
Summit Handheld and Table-top Fetal Dopplers
Summit LifeDop ABI Reimbursable Vascular System w/Probe, Printer, 2 x Cuffs, L250AB
Summit LifeDop ABI Reimbursable Vascular System w/Probe, Printer, 4 x Cuffs, L250AC
Summit LifeDop Advanced ABI/Vascular System, L500VA
Summit LifeDop Digital Display Table-top Fetal Doppler w/Charger, L350R
Summit Non-display Handheld Fetal Doppler with Audio Recorder, L150A
Summit Non-display Handheld Fetal Doppler with Charger, L150R
Summit Non-display Handheld Fetal Doppler, L150
Summit Obstetrical Combination Doppler w/2 Probes(2-3Mhz), C250CB
Summit Obstetrical Combination Doppler w/2 Probes(3Mhz-5Mhz Echoheart), C250CM
Summit Obstetrical Combination Doppler w/3 Probes(2-3-5Mhz Echoheart), C250CP
Summit Obstetrical/Vascular Combination Doppler w/2 Probes(3-8Mhz), C250CC
Summit Self Adhesive Printer Labels, Case/5 Rolls, K180
Summit Software Package w/Interface for L450 Vista ABI System, L450SF
Summit Vascular Combination Doppler w/2 Probes(5-8Mhz), C250CV
Summit Vista Advanced ABI System, L450VA
Supersonic Ultrasound Transmission Gel, 250ml, FC-GEL
Supplementary Lens 2X for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSP-LNS7-200X
Supplimentary Lens 1/2X (7 inch WD) for Z- Zoom Microscopes, Z2P-LNS7-050X
Supplimentary Lens 1/2X for Vision Dual Mag Stereoscopes, VSP-LNS7-050X
Supplimentary Lens 1/4X (13 inch WD) for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2P-LNS7-025X
Supplimentary Lens 2X (1.5 inch WD) for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2P-LNS7-200X
Support Rack for Branson 1510/1800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, CPN-916-039
Support Rack for Branson 2510/2800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, CPN-916-040
Support Rack for Branson 3510/3800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, CPN-916-041
Support Rack for Branson 5510/5800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, CPN-916-042
Support Rack for Branson 8510/8800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, CPN-916-043
Swivel Magnifying Glass for Riester Uni Otoscope, Pin Contact, 10448
Syringe Tips for Scilogex StepMate Repeater Pipettors, 702371
Tabletop Stainless Steel Stand for A800, A900, A950 and A1200 Electrosurgical Generators, A813
Tachometer Sensor for C3 Centrifuge, C3R-TACSNR
Tachometer Wheel for C3 Centrifuge, C3R-TACWHL
Tank Cover for Branson 1510/1800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, A12-1
Tank Cover for Branson 2510/2800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, A22-1
Tank Cover for Branson 3510/3800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, A32-1
Tank Cover for Branson 5510/5800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, A52-1
Tank Cover for Branson 8510/8800 Series Ultrasonic Cleaners, A82-1
Telescopic Mobile Stand for Conmed Hyfrecators, 7-900-1
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Temperature Probe for Benchmark Scientific Digital H3770 Series Hotplates, H3770-TP
Temperature Sensor for Bistos Patient Vital Signs Monitors
Tempretaure Probe for Branson Sonifier Digital 200 or 400 Watt Models, 200-060-022
Tempshield Cryo-Gloves for Cryogenic Protection, BRY-605
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Test Tube Centrifuges
Testing Instruments
Thermal Printer Paper for Bionet Vital Signs Patient Monitors, Case/10 Rolls, BM-PP
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Timer for E8 Centrifuge, E8R-TMR
Timer for LW Scientific V24 Combo Centrifuge, CMR-TMR30
Timer for M24 Centrifuge, HER-TMR15
Timer for Ultra 8 Centrifuge, ULR-TMR1
Timer Knob for C3 Centrifuge, C3R-TMRKNB
Timer Knob for Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6500 Clinical Centrifuges, V6075
Timer Knob for M24 Centrifuge, HER-TMRKNB
Timer Screw for Mechanical Timer for VanGuard V6500 (Pair), V6071
TOCO (UC) Probe for Bistos BT-300 Fetal Monitors
TOCO (UC) Probe for Bistos BT-350E/BT-350L Fetal Monitors
TOCO Transducer for Sonicaid Team Fetal Monitoring Systems (PINK), 902116 OEM Part#ACC-OBS-009
TOCO Transducer/Probe for Bionet FC1400 Fetal Monitors, FC-TC14
TOCO Transducer/Probe for Bionet FC700 Fetal Monitors, FC-TC07
Top Tray and Clamp for A812 Bovie Mobile Stand, A808-T
Traction Accessories
Traction Cable with Hook for Mettler MTD 4000 Traction Unit, ME40002
Transformer for Combo V24 Centrifuge, CMR-TFR
Transformer for M24 Centrifuge, HER-TFR
TranStar Reusable Single Channel Cable, MX95114
TranStar® 60" Single Line Monitoring Kit, Box/10, MX9504T
Trinoc Head - 160 DIN (no eyepieces - no tube) for M Series LabScopes, M2H-TRID-77NE
Trinoc Head - Infinity (no eyepieces) for M Series LabScopes, M2H-TRII-77NE
Trinoc Head - Infinity WITH Eyetube & C-mount (no eyepieces) for i4 LabScopes, I4H-TRII-ET0E
Trinocular Head (no eyepieces) for Z-2 Zoom Microscopes, Z2H-TRI7-ETNE
Trinocular Head w/Third Eyetube (no eyepieces) for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3H-TRID-ETNE
Tube Shield for LW Scientific E8 Centrifuges, ULP-TBS7-03PL
Tube Shields for LW Scientific C3 Centrifuges, C3P-TBS7-15PL
Tube Shields for LW Scientific CxR Centrifuges, CXP-TBS7-15PL
Turbine Stirrers for IKA Overhead Stirrers,
Turret Phase 10x, 20x, 40x, 100x, Bright Field for M Series LabScopes, M2P-PHSD-20BF
Turret Phase 10x, 40x, 100x, Dark Field, Bright Field for M Series LabScopes, M2P-PHSD-DFBF
Tuttnauer 2340M Manual Autoclave / Sterilizer, Chamber Size 9" x 18"
Tuttnauer 2540M Manual Autoclave / Sterilizer, Chamber Size 10" x 19"
Tuttnauer 2540MK KWIKLAVE Manual Autoclave/Sterilizer, Chamber Size 10" x 19"
Tuttnauer 3870EAP Large Capacity Fully Automatic Autoclave/Sterilizer, Chamber Size 15" x 30", Built-in Printer
Tuttnauer 3870M Manual Large Capacity Autoclave, Chamber Size 15" x 30"
Tuttnauer EZ10 Fully Automatic Autoclave / Sterilizer, Chamber Size 10" x 19"
Tuttnauer EZ10k KWIKLAVE Fully Automatic Autoclave/Sterilizer, Chamber Size 10" x 19"
Tuttnauer EZ11 Plus Fully Automatic Autoclave/Sterilizer, Chamber Size 11" x 19.8"
Tuttnauer EZ9 Fully Automatic Autoclave / Sterilizer, Chamber Size 9" x 18"
Tuttnauer EZ9 PLUS Fully Automatic Autoclave/Sterilizer, Chamber Size 9" x 19.8"
Tuttnauer USA
Tuttnauer ValueKlave 1730 Manual Autoclave/Sterilizer, Chamber Size 7" x 13"
Two Ball Firm Rubber Applicator for G5 Massagers, AP223
Ultrasonic Cleaner Accessories and Chemicals
Ultrasonic Cleaners
Ultrasound Accessories
Ultrasound Therapy
Ultrasound Transducer/Probe for Bionet FC1400 Fetal Monitors, FC-US14
Ultrasound Transducer/Probe for Bionet FC700 Fetal Monitors, FC-US07
Universal Accessories
Universal Adapter for Dermlite DL 2/3
Universal Add-on VARI-Warm Heated Stage (variable) for Revelation III Medical Scopes, R3P-STG7-HTD3
Universal Clamp for Summit Hand-held Doppler, K250
Upper Handle Part w/Rheostat for Riester Uni, Chrome Plated, 10426
Upper Housing for Hamilton Bell VanGuard Benchtop Centrifuges, V6020
User's Manual for Branson Sonifier 250/450 Analog Cell Disruptors, 101-412-016
User's Manual for Branson Sonifier 250/450 Digital Cell Disruptors, 100-214-239
Vaginal Speculas
Vascular Dopplers / Systems
Veterinary Diagnostic Sets
Veterinary Instruments, Equipment & Supplies
Veterinary Patient Monitor Parts / Accessories
Veterinary Patient Monitors
Veterinary Pulse Oximeters
VG 3.1 Standart Attachment for IKA VORTEX 3 Mixer, 3341201
VG 3.2 One-hand Attachment for IKA VORTEX 3 Mixer, 3342300
VG 3.3 Universal Attachment for IKA VORTEX 3 Mixer, 3342400
VG 3.31 Test Tube Insert (54 Eppendorf Tubes) for IKA VORTEX 3, 3344300
VG 3.32 Test Tube Insert for IKA VORTEX 3 Mixer, 3343900
VG 3.33 Test Tube Insert for IKA VORTEX 3 Mixer, 3344000
VG 3.34 Test Tube Insert for IKA VORTEX 3 Mixer, 3344100
VG 3.35 Test Tube Insert for IKA VORTEX 3 Mixer, 3344200
VG 3.36 Erlenmeyer Flask Attachment for IKA VORTEX 3 Mixer, 3342100
VG 3.37 Microtiter Plate Insert for IKA VORTEX 3 Mixer, 3344400
VN Economical Floor Scale Bases
VX 11 Basic Attachment for IKA VXR Shaker, 3627700
VX 11.1 Test Tube Insert for IKA VXR Shaker, 3659000
VX 11.2 Test Tube Insert for IKA VXR Shaker, 3659100
VX 11.3 Test Tube Insert for IKA VXR Shaker, 3659200
VX 11.4 Test Tube Insert for IKA VXR Shaker, 3659300
VX 2E Eppendorf Attachment for IKA VXR Shaker, 1618100
VX 7 Dish Attachment for IKA VXR Shaker, 0953300
VX 8 Universal Attachment for IKA VXR Shaker, 0910400
VX 8.1 Clamping Roll for IKA VX8 Universal Attachment, 3375400
VX1 One-hand Attachment for IKA VXR Shakers, 0607200
VX2 Test Tube Attachment for IKA VXR Shaker, 0568900
Waldmann Add X Lens for use with Omnivue and SNE, 2x and 4x Magnification, 190-080-029
Waldmann Add X Lens for use with Omnivue and SNE, 2x Magnification, 190-080-019
Waldmann Add X Lens for use with RING RLLE Magnifier Lamp, 2x Magnification, 190-054-019
Waldmann Clip On Magnifier for SNE-136 Task Light, 1.75x Magnification, 190-182-019
Waldmann Derungs TRIANGO LED Exam Light w/Floor Stand, D15174101
Waldmann Derungs TRIANGO LED Exam Light, Ceiling Mount, D15170091
Waldmann Derungs TRIANGO LED Exam Light, Wall Mount, D15175101
Waldmann DL-122 RING Handheld Magnifier Lamp, 108-610-001
Waldmann Facility and Hospital Lighting
Waldmann Halux 35/2 Articulating Arm Exam Light with Floor Stand, D13-123-110
Waldmann Halux 35/2 Articulating Arm Rail Mount Exam Light, D13-123-150
Waldmann Halux 35/2 Articulating Arm Wall Mount Exam Light, D13-123-120
Waldmann Halux 35/2 Table Mount Exam Light with Clamp, D13-123-100
Waldmann Halux 50 FX Articulated Arm Exam Light w/Clamp, D13-657-100
Waldmann Halux 50 FX Articulated Arm Exam Light w/Floor Stand, D13-657-110
Waldmann Halux 50 FX Articulated Arm Exam Light with Rail Mount, D13-657-150
Waldmann Halux 50 FX Articulated Arm Single Ceiling Mount Exam Light, D13-657-140
Waldmann Halux 50 FX Articulated Arm Wall Mount Examination Light, D13-657-120
Waldmann Halux 50 FX Gooseneck Exam Light with Clamp, D13-113-100
Waldmann Halux 50 FX Gooseneck Exam Light with Floorstand, D13-113-110
Waldmann Halux 50 FX Gooseneck Exam Light with Rail Mount, D13-113-150
Waldmann Halux 50 FX Gooseneck Exam Light with Wall Mount, D13-113-120
Waldmann Halux LED 20 C L1 Articulating Arm Hospital Grade Exam Light w/Ceiling Mount, D14-947-000
Waldmann Halux LED 20 P LX Articulating Arm Exam Light, No Mounting, D14-975-000
Waldmann Halux LED 20 P LX Articulating Arm Hospital Grade Exam Light w/Clamp, D14-975-100
Waldmann Halux LED 20 P LX Articulating Arm Hospital Grade Exam Light w/Floor Stand, D14-975-110
Waldmann Halux LED 20 P LX Articulating Arm Hospital Grade Exam Light w/Rail Clamp, D14-975-150
Waldmann Halux LED 20 P LX Articulating Arm Hospital Grade Exam Light w/Wall Mount, D14-975-120
Waldmann Halux LED 20 P SX Gooseneck Hospital Grade Exam Light w/Clamp, D15-051-100
Waldmann Halux LED 20 P SX Gooseneck Hospital Grade Exam Light w/Floor Stand, D15-051-110
Waldmann Halux LED 20 P SX Gooseneck Hospital Grade Exam Light w/Rail Mount, D15-051-150
Waldmann Halux LED 20 P SX Gooseneck Hospital Grade Wall Mount Exam Light , D15-051-120
Waldmann Halux LED Gooseneck Hospital Grade Exam Light, D15-051-000
Waldmann Industrial Task Lights
Waldmann ISIS Double Ceiling Mount Minor Surgery Light, 50 Watt,
Waldmann ISIS Floor Stand Minor Surgery Light, 50 Watt, D14-265-000
Waldmann ISIS Single Ceiling Mount Minor Surgery Light, 50 Watt,
Waldmann ISIS Wall Mount Minor Surgery Light, 50 Watt, D14-264-000
Waldmann Magnifiers and Diagnostic
Waldmann MAX Exam 35 Gooseneck Procedure/Exam Light w/Floor Stand, D14-147-000
Waldmann MAX Exam 35 Gooseneck Procedure/Exam Light w/Rail Mount, D14-290-150
Waldmann MAX Exam 35 Gooseneck Procedure/Exam Light w/Wall Mount, D14-290-120
Waldmann MEDICOOL Articulating Arm LED Task Light w/Clamp, D13116105
Waldmann MEDICOOL Articulating Arm LED Task Light, Floor Stand, D13116115
Waldmann MEDICOOL Articulating Arm LED Task Light, No Mount, D13116005
Waldmann MEDICOOL Articulating Arm LED Task Light, Rail Mount, D13116155
Waldmann MEDICOOL Articulating Arm LED Task Light, Wall Mount, D13116125
Waldmann Minor Surgery Lighting
Waldmann MLD LED Dimmable Magnifier Luminaire, 31" Reach, 113525000-00698859
Waldmann MT20 Gooseneck Exam Light with Floor Stand, D14-372-110
Waldmann MT20 Gooseneck Exam Light with Rail Mount, D14-372-150
Waldmann MT20 Gooseneck Exam Light with Wall Mount, D14-372-120
Waldmann Oculux 12 C L1 Articulated Arm LED Exam Light w/Ceiling Mount, D15-189-000
Waldmann Oculux 12 P LX Articulated Arm LED Exam Light w/Clamp, D14-967-100
Waldmann Oculux 12 P LX Articulated Arm LED Exam Light w/Floor Stand, D14-967-110
Waldmann Oculux 12 P LX Articulated Arm LED Exam Light w/Rail Mount, D14-967-150
Waldmann Oculux 12 P LX Articulated Arm LED Exam Light w/Wall Mount, D14-967-120
Waldmann Oculux 12 P LX Articulated Arm LED Exam Light, D14-967-000
Waldmann Oculux GYN Gooseneck Hospital Grade Exam Light w/Clamp, D14-970-100
Waldmann Oculux GYN Gooseneck Hospital Grade Exam Light w/Floor Stand, D14-970-110
Waldmann Oculux GYN Gooseneck Hospital Grade Exam Light w/Rail Mount, D14-970-150
Waldmann Oculux GYN Gooseneck Hospital Grade Exam Light w/Wall Mount, D14-970-120
Waldmann Oculux GYN Gooseneck Hospital Grade Exam Light, D14-970-000
Waldmann OMNIVUE Articulated Arm Illuminated Magnifier w/Clamp, 35" Reach, 118-790-000
Waldmann OMNIVUE Articulated Arm Illuminated Magnifier w/Floor Stand, 35" Reach, 118-790-110
Waldmann OMNIVUE Articulated Arm Illuminated Magnifier w/Wall Mount, 35" Reach, 118-790-120
Waldmann OMNIVUE Max Articulated Arm Illuminated Magnifier w/Clamp, 43" Reach, 047-803-000
Waldmann OMNIVUE Max Articulated Arm Illuminated Magnifier w/Floor Stand, 43" Reach, 047-803-110
Waldmann OMNIVUE Max Articulated Arm Illuminated Magnifier w/Wall Mount, 43" Reach, 047-803-120
Waldmann PAL-LED 4W (Flood) LED Inspection Light, 108540400
Waldmann Parts and Accessories
Waldmann Procedure and Exam Lighting
Waldmann RLLE - 122 Articulated Arm Ring Magnifier Lamp with Floor Stand, 37" Reach, 138-442-110
Waldmann RLLE - 122 Articulated Arm Ring Magnifier Lamp with Wall Mount, 37" Reach, 138-442-120
Waldmann SNE-136 Industrial Task Light with Clamp, 36 Watt, 138-462-003
Waldmann TANEO LED Articulating Arm Industrial Task Light
Waldmann Tevisio LED Dimmable Magnifier Task Light
Waldmann Universal Base Mount, Table/Wall, 204-090-019
Waldmann Wall Mount Bracket for Madeira, Halux, Max 35/MT 20, Cosy and Medicool Lights, 308-218-109
Waldmann/Derungs VISIANO Articulating Arm LED Exam Light
Wall Mount Bracket for Bistos BT-350E/BT-350L Fetal Monitors
Wall Mount Bracket for Waldmann Halux LED and Oculux Lights, D13-231-000
Wall Platefor Liquid Collection Canister for use with SERH, SEWP
Wallach .33x Objective Lens with 300mm Working Distance, 400120
Wallach 14 Gauge, 3" Long Curved Sprayer Tip, Blue, Box/4, 900104
Wallach 14 Gauge, 3" Long Straight Sprayer Tip, Blue, Box/4, 900103
Wallach 16 Gauge, 1/2" Long Curved Sprayer Tip, Green, Box/4, 900106
Wallach 16 Gauge, 1/2" Long Straight Sprayer Tip, Green, Box/4, 900105
Wallach 45m Paper for Use with Meridian, TEAM and FM800, 902112
Wallach 6 Sets of Sterilizable Focus and Zoom Knob Covers, 906113
Wallach Accu-shield with Set of 6 Cones, 900108
Wallach Angled Tischler Rotating Biopsy Forceps, (7.00mm x 3.00mm), 20cm, 907019
Wallach Appex Style Biopsy Punch, (7.0mm x 3.00mm) 20cm, 907036
Wallach Baby Tischler Biposy Forceps, (4.2mm x 2.3mm), 20cm, 907014
Wallach Baggish Style Biopsy Punch, (6.5mm x 4.00mm) 20cm, 907032
Wallach belt Buckle for use with FM7, Meridian, Team and FM800 Fetal Monitors, 902104
Wallach Biovac Universal Electrosurgical Smoke Evacuator, 909070
Wallach Blank Console (In Place of Digital Indicator Console), 900515
Wallach Burke Style Biopsy Punch, (5.5mm x 3.25mm) 20cm, 907031
Wallach Buttons for Elastic Belt, Pack of 10, 902103
Wallach Cart for "E" Cylinder, 901010
Wallach CO2 "E" Cylinder, 901063
Wallach CO2 Connector Adaptor from 20LBS Cylinder to E Cylinder, 901004
Wallach Coated 2 Prong Hook for LEEP Procedures, 26cm, 909162
Wallach Coated 3 Prong Hook for LEEP Procedures, 26cm, 909164
Wallach Coated Angled LEEP Champion Forceps, 909161
Wallach Coated Gynaecology Hook. 907020
Wallach Coated Iris Hook for LEEP Procedures, 25cm, 909166
Wallach Coated Left Angled Hook for LEEP Procedures, 9.5 inch, 909170
Wallach Coated Reusable Endocervical Leep Speculum for LEEP Procedures, Tip Size 5mm, 909169
Wallach Coated Reusable Endocervical Leep Speculum for LEEP Procedures, Tip Size 6mm, 909168
Wallach Coated Reusable Lateral Vaginal Wall Retractor, 909069
Wallach Coated Right Angled Hook for LEEP Procedures, 9.5 inch, 909172
Wallach Coated Ring Forceps for LEEP Procedures, 22cm, 909163
Wallach Coated Straight Hook for LEEP Procedures, 909160
Wallach Coated Tissue Forceps for LEEP Procedures, 21cm, 909165
Wallach Colposcope Parts and Accessories
Wallach Colposcope Replacement Bulbs
Wallach Colposcopes
Wallach Colposcopes
Wallach Colpostar 1H Single Magnification Colposcope w/Halogen Light, 906135
Wallach Coppleson Style Biopsy Punch, (7.5mm x 3.00mm) 20cm, 907030
Wallach Corkscrew Style Uncoated Hook, 907024
Wallach Cryosurgical LN2 Storage Dewars, 900109
Wallach Dental Style Reusable Cartridge Syringe, 909171
Wallach Dermatologic Cryosurgery
Wallach Digital Imaging for Colposcopy
Wallach Disposable Ball Electrodes, 3mm, Box of 5, 909038
Wallach Disposable Ball Electrodes, 5mm, (6cm Shaft) Box of 5, 909136
Wallach Disposable Ball Electrodes, 5mm, Box of 5, 909003
Wallach Disposable Electrosurgical Grounding Pads, Box/50, 909152
Wallach Disposable Hand-switch Operated Electrosurgical Pencils, Box/25, 909089
Wallach Disposable Loop Electrodes, 10mm x 10mm, Box of 5, 909007
Wallach Disposable Loop Electrodes, 10mm x 7mm, Box of 5, 909133
Wallach Disposable Loop Electrodes, 15mm x 5mm, Box of 5, 909134
Wallach Disposable Loop Electrodes, 15mm x 8mm, Box of 5, 909011
Wallach Disposable Loop Electrodes, 20mm x 10mm, Box of 5, 909013
Wallach Disposable Loop Electrodes, 20mm x 10mm, Box of 5, 909132
Wallach Disposable Loop Electrodes, 20mm x 15mm, Box of 5, 909009
Wallach Disposable Needle Electrodes, 0.8mm Diameter x 16mm Large, Box of 5, 909135
Wallach Disposable Needle Electrodes, 0.8mm Diameter x 25.4mm Large, Box of 5, 909005
Wallach Disposable Os Finders with 3 Convenient Sizes in a Pouch, (Sterile), Pack of 10 Sets, 920019
Wallach Disposable Patient Split Grounding Pads with Connector, Box/10, 909078
Wallach Disposable Smoke Evacuation Speculum Tubing(Non-sterile), Box/50, 920001
Wallach Disposable Smoke Evacuation Tubing with Attached Speculum Tubing, Box/10, 920002
Wallach Disposable Square Electrodes, (10mm x 8mm), Box of 5, 909017
Wallach Disposable Square Electrodes, 10mm x 10mm, Box of 5, 909131
Wallach Disposable Vaginal Speculum, Box of 100, Non-sterile,
Wallach Electrosurgery
Wallach Electrosurgical Generators
Wallach Electrosurgical Gyn Starter Kit, 909104
Wallach Electrosurgical Systems
Wallach EndoBlock Disposable Needle for Intra Cervical Block, 920017
Wallach Endocell Disposable Endometrial Cell Sampler, Sterile,
Wallach Endocervical Block Kit (for Intracervical Block), Box of 10, 920009
Wallach Eppendorfer Biopsy Punch, (7.0mm x 3.9mm) 20cm, 907037
Wallach Fetal 2 EMR Twin Fetal Monitor, 902300
Wallach FlexiSound Disposable Intrauterine Sounds, Sterile, Pack/25, 920008
Wallach Foot Pedal Operated Electrosurgical Pencil, Disposable, Case/25, 909028
Wallach Handwheel for "E" Cylinder, 901001
Wallach Independent Converter Box for Analog Systems, (with S-Video Cable), 910017
Wallach Integration Unit for Quantum 2000 and Biovac, 909080
Wallach Kevorkian Pacific Style Biopsy Punch, (8.0mm x 3.00mm) 20cm, 907029
Wallach Kevorkian Pacific Style Biopsy Punch, (8.0mm x 3.00mm) 25cm, 907057
Wallach Kevorkian Young Tissue Curette with Basket, (12mm x 1.9mm), 907005
Wallach Kevorkian Young Tissue Curette without Basket, (12mm x 1.9mm), 907006
Wallach Kogan Uncoated Endocervical Narrow Tip Speculum, 907015
Wallach Kogan Uncoated Endocervical Standart Tip Speculum, 907010
Wallach Laptop Arm/Shelf Assembly for use with Zoomscopes Only, 910013L
Wallach Liquid Nitrogen Manual Discharge Device for 20lt Dewar, 900111-3
Wallach Liquid Nitrogen Pouring Spout for 5, 10 or 20 Liter Dewars, 900110-1
Wallach LL100 Cryosurgical System w/CO2 Connector-Family Practice Package, 900160F-CO2
Wallach LL100 Cryosurgical System w/CO2 Connector-Gynaecology Practice Package, 900160A-CO2
Wallach LL100 Cryosurgical System w/N2O Connector-Family Practice Package, 900001F-NO2
Wallach LL100 Cryosurgical System w/N2O Connector-Gynaecology Practice Package, 900001A-N2O
Wallach LL100 Cryosurgical System with CO2 Connector, 900160
Wallach LL100 Cryosurgical System with N2O Connector, 900001
Wallach LL100 Cryosurgical System with Short Shaft N2O Connector, 900020
Wallach LL100 Cryosurgical Systems
Wallach LL100 Multi tip Cryosurgical Freezer with Thermocouple, CO2 Connection, (Tips not included), 900162
Wallach LL100 Multi tip Cryosurgical Freezer with Thermocouple, N2O Connection, (Tips not included), 900629
Wallach LL100 Multi tip Cryosurgical Freezer with Thermocouple, Short Shaft, (Tips not included), 900654
Wallach LL100 Multi tip Cryosurgical Freezer, CO2 Connection, (Tips not included), 900163
Wallach LL100 Multi tip Cryosurgical Freezer, N2O Connection, (Tips not included), 900630
Wallach LL100 Systems
Wallach London Style Uncoated Curette, 907023
Wallach Mini Tischler Biopsy Forceps, (4.2mm x 2.3mm) 25cm, 907058
Wallach N2O "E" Cylinder, 901062
Wallach N2O Connector Adaptor from 20LBS Cylinder to E Cylinder, 901000
Wallach Novak Style Uncoated Curette, 907022
Wallach Omni 4 Blade Coated Specula for LLETZ Procedures, with DSE Guide, Large, 903027
Wallach Omni 4 Blade Coated Specula for LLETZ Procedures, with DSE Guide, Medium, 903026
Wallach Omni Uncoated 4 Blade Vaginal Speculum, Large, 903029
Wallach Omni Uncoated 4 Blade Vaginal Speculum, Medium, 903028
Wallach Papette Disposable Cervical Cell Collector, 908003/908004
Wallach Pederson Reusable Coated Specula for LLETZ Procedures, w/DSE Guide, Large, 903021
Wallach Pederson Reusable Coated Specula for LLETZ Procedures, w/DSE Guide, Small, 903019
Wallach Pederson Reusable Coated Specula for LLETZ Procedures, w/DSE Guide, Medium, 903020
Wallach QKIT Procedure Tray for Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure, 5 Kits, 909072
Wallach Quantum 2000 Electrosurgical Complete System, 909077A
Wallach Quantum 2000 Electrosurgical Generator, 909075
Wallach Reusable Cable for Disposable Grounding Pad, 909153
Wallach Reusable Cervical Sims Sound Grad, 12", 907048
Wallach Reusable Coated Graves Specula for LLETZ Procedures, w/DSE Guide, Large, 903018
Wallach Reusable Coated Graves Specula for LLETZ Procedures, w/DSE Guide, Medium, 903017
Wallach Reusable Hank Cervical Dilators, Set of 6,(4.5mm-10mm), 907052
Wallach Reusable Hegar Dilators, Set of 8, (3/4mm-17/18mm), 907051
Wallach Reusable Mini Dilator Set w/Universal Handle and 5 Tips, (1mm-3mm), 907050
Wallach Reusable Small Dilators, Set of 6, (1mm-6mm), 907049
Wallach Rotating Baby Tischler Biopsy Punch, (4.20mm x 2.30mm), 25cm, 907059
Wallach Rotating Biopsy Punch with Kevorkian Tip, (8.00mm x 3.00mm), 20cm, 907040
Wallach Rotating Biopsy Punch with Mini Down Tip, (4.2mm x 2.3mm), 20cm, 907039
Wallach Rotating Biopsy Punch with Mini Up Tip, (4.20mm x 2.30mm), 20cm, 907042
Wallach Rotating Biopsy Punch with Oval Tip, (5.00mm x 3.00mm), 20cm, 907041
Wallach Rotating Kevorkian Biopsy Punch, (8.00mm x 3.00mm), 25cm, 907060
Wallach Rotating Mini Townsend Style Biopsy Punch, (4.20mm x 2.3mm), 20cm, 907038
Wallach Round Tip Uncoated Curette with Basket, 907027
Wallach Single Tooth Coated Tenaculum for LEEP Procedures, 24cm, 909167
Wallach Stainless Steel Oval Biopsy Punch, 25cm, 907055
Wallach Starter Pack for Fetal Monitoring, 902113
Wallach Sullivan Style Biopsy Punch, (4.00mm x 2.00mm) 20cm, 907033
Wallach Surgical Devices
Wallach T-0200 25mm HPV Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900300AA
Wallach T-0219 Cone Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900201AA
Wallach T-0219 Microderm Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900200AA
Wallach T-0500 5mm HPV Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900301AA
Wallach T-0519 Condyloma Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900203AA
Wallach T-0524 Cone Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900202AA
Wallach T-0700 7mm HPV Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900302AA
Wallach T-0819 General Purpose Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900205AA
Wallach T-0823 Cone Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900207AA
Wallach T-0826 Cone Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900206AA
Wallach T-0832 Procto Curved Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900217AA
Wallach T-0832 Procto Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900204AA
Wallach T-0900 9mm HPV Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900303AA
Wallach T-1200 11.7mm HPV Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900304AA
Wallach T-1300 13.5mm HPV Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900305AA
Wallach T-1500 15mm HPV Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900306AA
Wallach T-1900 Flat Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900208AA
Wallach T-1905 Exocervical Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900209AA
Wallach T-1910 Exo Endocervical Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900211AA
Wallach T-1920 Exo Endocervical Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900210AA
Wallach T-1920 Long Exo-Endocervical Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900212AA
Wallach T-2500 Flat Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900213AA
Wallach T-2507 Exocervical Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900214AA
Wallach T-2514 Exo Endocervical Tip for LL100 Cryosurgical System, 900215AA
Wallach The Inseminator Tom-Cat Style Intrauterine Insemination Device, Sterile, Box/50, 920012
Wallach Tischler Biopsy Punch Forceps, (7mm x 3mm), 25cm, 907054
Wallach Tischler Cervical Biopsy Punch Forceps, (7mm x 3mm), 20cm, 907008
Wallach Tischler Kevorkian Biopsy Punch, (9.3mm x 3.00mm) 20cm, 907028
Wallach Tischler Kevorkian Biopsy Punch, (9.3mm x 3.00mm) 25cm, 907056
Wallach Tischler Style Rotating Biopsy Forceps, (7.00mm x 3.00mm), 20cm, 907004
Wallach Total Recall Digital Patient Management System w/Laptop Computer, 910000L
Wallach Total Recall Patient Management Software Only, 910015
Wallach Total Recall Patient Management System w/Laptop Computer, 910016
Wallach Townsend Style Uncoated Curette, 907021
Wallach Triscope Trulight Suspension Arm Colposcope, 906150T
Wallach Tristar Trulight Center Post Colposcope w/3 Step Magnification, 906140T
Wallach Ultimate Reusable Coated Specula for Electrosurgery, 909100
Wallach Ultrafreeze 16oz/500ml Liquid Nitrogen Sprayer with 5 Tips, 900076
Wallach Ultrafreeze LN2 Sprayer Systems
Wallach Ultrafreeze LN2 Sprayers
Wallach Uncoated Angle Hook, 907026
Wallach Uncoated Graves Vaginal Specula, Extra Large, 903004
Wallach Uncoated Graves Vaginal Specula, Large, 903003
Wallach Uncoated Graves Vaginal Specula, Medium, 903002
Wallach Uncoated Graves Vaginal Specula, Small, 903001
Wallach Uncoated Gyn Hook, 907007
Wallach Uncoated Iris Hook, 907025
Wallach Uncoated Moore Graves Vaginal Specula, 903005
Wallach Uncoated Pederson Vaginal Speculum, Ex-Narrow, 903007
Wallach Uncoated Pederson Vaginal Speculum, Ex-Small, 903006
Wallach Uncoated Pederson Vaginal Speculum, Extra-large, 903011
Wallach Uncoated Pederson Vaginal Speculum, Large, 903010
Wallach Uncoated Pederson Vaginal Speculum, Medium, 903009
Wallach Uncoated Pederson Vaginal Speculum, Small, 903008
Wallach Uncoated View Maxi Graves Vaginal Speculum, Medium, 903016
Wallach Uncoated View More Vaginal Speculum, Large, 903015
Wallach Uncoated View More Vaginal Speculum, Medium, 903014
Wallach Uncoated Weisman Graves Vaginal Speculum, Left Medium, 903013
Wallach Uncoated Weisman Graves Vaginal Speculum, Right Medium, 903012
Wallach Unfilled CO2 Cylinder, 20LBS Capacity, 901061
Wallach Unfilled N2O Cylinder, 20LBS Capacity, 901060
Wallach View-Maxi Reusable Coated Graves Specula for LLETZ Procedures, w/DSE Guide, Medium, 903030
Wallach View-Maxi Reusable Coated Specula for LLETZ Procedures, w/DSE Guide, Large, 903025
Wallach View-Maxi Reusable Coated Specula for LLETZ Procedures, w/DSE Guide, Medium, 903024
Wallach View-More Reusable Coated Specula for LLETZ Procedures, w/DSE Guide, Large, 903023
Wallach View-More Reusable Coated Specula for LLETZ Procedures, w/DSE Guide, Medium, 903022
Wallach View-More Uncoated Lateral Vaginal Wall Retractor, 907043
Wallach WA1000B Cryosurgical Console System, 900506
Wallach WA1500 Mobile Base, 900513
Wallach WA2000 Digital Temperature Indicator/Timer Console, 900503-5
Wallach WA4000 General Purpose Console 20LB w/N2O Connection, 900509-4
Wallach WA4000 General Purpose Console 20LB with CO2 Connection, 900509-5
Wallach Wittner Angled Biopsy Punch, (4.4mm x 3.9mm) 20cm, 907035
Wallach Wittner Straight Biopsy Punch, (7.4mm x 3.9mm) 20cm, 907034
Wallach Zoomscope Quantum Trulight Colposcope with Suspension Arm, Smart Package, 906043-SP
Wallach Zoomscope w/Video Trulight Colposcope w/Digital Camera, 906043-40TU-5
Wallach Zoomstar Trulight Center Post Colposcope, 906057T
Wallach Zoomstar Trulight with Video Center Post Colposcope, 906057-40TU
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White Contoured Accessory Tray for Use with AP 101 Pneumatic Stand Base, ME6031
White Lead Wire Set for Mettler TrioStim Muscle Stimulators, ME2153
White Plastic Dust Cover M Series LabScopes, M2P-CVR7-DUST
World of the Microscopes Experiment Book, MSP-BOOK-7777
Z-Fold Thermal Printer Paper for Bistos Fetal Monitors, Box/10